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  1. Close game
  2. For Phil!
  3. Lost Tomb perfecto
  4. GG's in Gold map
  5. Fortress Phenomenon
  6. Fun in the Sun (Palace that is)
  7. Lost Tomb
  8. Fortress
  9. Hole
  10. Lost Tomb Close and Payback
  11. Hole today
  12. Skulls and Bones GG
  13. Lost Tomb GG
  14. Little Trouble
  15. GG Phil UT2k3
  16. Lefty win
  17. Not A Win...
  18. Hole
  19. Little Trouble
  20. Lost tomb
  21. First win on my new PC!
  22. Little Trouble
  23. Black or White?
  24. Yodeller
  25. Little Trouble
  26. Fighting for second
  27. ClosEphemerion :-P
  28. Hole gg
  29. Yodeller
  30. Little Trouble
  31. Fortress
  32. My close game, w/o screenie
  33. Compound Win
  34. Fortress
  35. 2nd place in Fortress
  37. RED Station
  38. GG in Hole
  39. quake3
  40. Everyone left.....
  41. Yodeller
  42. Fortress win!
  43. Paint Shop Edited
  44. Wirst win
  45. redstation
  46. First victory
  47. Stole Win From
  48. Yodeller Win
  49. gg´s
  50. Bunch Of CFs
  51. A screenie for
  52. Good start
  53. Hole win
  54. Yodeller win #2 today
  55. Red Station Win
  56. Vice City
  57. Enemy territory
  58. GG, EdoG
  59. Long Game
  60. i never knew i was that good!
  61. Lost tomb
  62. GG in Lost tomb!
  63. CF OWNS in ET
  64. Fun-Screenie
  65. Aries vs Akira
  66. Who won?
  67. Aries vs Falcor
  68. loser?!
  69. Stabilizing connection
  70. Sarong Boy
  71. Twice Sepra
  72. cut
  73. Aries vs Goober
  74. Cool Screenie for Goober
  75. Saint of Killers Wins
  76. Cannabis wins
  77. Spwa Server
  78. Same Scores
  79. Villains Server F9
  80. F9 and Comeback
  81. Orange Trunks
  82. GG Lp
  83. strange
  84. My first win as a )CF(
  85. Another )CF( Win for EdoG
  86. Perfect
  87. q3
  88. New camp spot
  89. F9
  90. A Sepra WIN
  91. w00t Static_ga
  92. Another )CF( WiN
  93. Thank You High Ping Camper!
  94. Hybrid´s server
  95. Coop
  96. Fortress
  97. Little Touble
  98. Little Trouble
  99. gold maps
  100. with edog and X-Man
  101. CF Match :)
  102. EdoG WIN in Yodeller
  103. Yodeller win
  104. the REAL leon!!!
  105. LT HM&L win
  106. Old screenies
  107. Coop with X-Man
  108. EdoG WIN
  109. By the skin of my teeth!
  110. instagib
  111. Little Trouble
  112. i beat my master :D
  113. Lost Tomb
  114. Q3
  115. For Jininator and V98ci
  116. Hole
  117. What a crazy game....
  118. A win with F9!
  119. )CF( in q3
  120. chasing
  121. Only Lost tomb
  122. Q3 at home
  123. C&C generals
  124. The Hole
  125. leons
  126. Win tonight
  127. Not a win
  128. Yodeller Perfect
  129. GG Robo Sam
  130. Little Trouble
  131. Gorre in Hole
  132. Stolen win
  133. F9 :(
  134. q3 =)
  135. haha...
  136. Yodeller
  137. EdoG Win!
  138. Yodeller win
  139. Darn
  140. EdoG Win!
  141. Little Trouble 9 deaths
  142. Lost Tomb low deaths
  143. lost Tomb
  144. Little Trouble
  145. Compound Win
  146. Hole win!
  147. few gg's
  148. Jodeler
  149. LAN
  150. LAN
  151. LAN
  152. LAN
  153. LAN
  154. LAN
  155. LAN
  156. LAN
  157. LAN
  158. LAN
  159. LAN
  160. LAN
  161. LAN
  162. LAN
  163. Grasy Garden
  164. groovie
  165. Little Trouble
  166. C&C Generals
  167. First UT win!
  168. Sepra win
  169. Damn you Ben!!
  170. Little Trouble win
  171. gm tags
  172. GG Sepra
  173. Little Trouble
  174. OMG I think I just went insane..
  175. games with CrAzYpAuL
  176. Too Easy......
  177. back again
  178. Little Trouble
  179. we got the skullz
  180. hole
  181. GG Sam I am
  182. gg Clanless
  183. Fortress
  184. Docking Bay
  185. Lost Tomb
  186. Lost Tomb
  187. Medal of Honor
  188. Little Trouble
  189. Little Trouble Close Cri
  190. C & C Generals
  191. Mohaa
  192. My first win
  193. Lost Tomb
  194. Yodeller
  195. hole
  196. Little Trouble
  197. lots of
  198. half-Life
  199. UT2003
  200. Win at Compound
  201. AGH
  202. Big Trouble!
  203. win at compound
  204. perfect!!
  205. GG Sasquatch!
  206. my first wins with my tags!
  207. science and industry
  208. Vampire Slayer
  209. more wins!
  210. almost win
  211. now a win!!
  212. Lost Tomb
  213. GG Slick - Nick
  214. CF and GrimReapers
  215. 4 CF 1 Grim Reaper
  216. Little Trouble
  217. LAN @ my house
  218. LAN @ home
  219. Generals @ home
  220. Generals against Gorre
  221. Schotty Trouble @ home
  222. Compound @ home
  223. Fortress @ home
  224. Hole @ home
  225. Win Yodeller
  226. Random Sreenies!
  227. Little Trouble Win
  228. Generals against Gorre
  229. Generasl against all
  230. Found Tomb
  231. Hole @home
  232. UT First win
  233. Yodeller @ home
  234. Shotty Trouble
  235. Yodeller win!
  236. Long time no screenies
  237. Sepra Win
  238. UT2003
  239. Hole Win
  240. GG all
  241. Tomb n00b win!
  242. Hole
  243. fortress win
  244. UT single player
  245. Fotress
  246. Hole
  247. Hole win
  248. Hole
  249. (Fotress)
  250. GG Static