View Full Version : csports and soldier of fortune

Fred Bear
03-24-2003, 02:53 AM
does anyone know how to get your stats on csports in soldier of fortune? I have it all set up just like my serious sam gam and screen name but it never picks up on the sof one. Can anyone help?

03-24-2003, 07:18 AM
I think on csports if you go to your control panel or something like that you can choose the games you play, like when you registered. Just choose the game - and you have to put the name of your player you play as. But I don't think it allows tags - or you just put it as normal and use tags.. :WTF: :WTF:

Fred Bear
03-24-2003, 07:15 PM
I did all of that and csports shows me my stats on Serious sam and half life but wont do it for SOF even though it says it monitors that game. Anyone else play SOF that has this problem or not?