View Full Version : Dota 2 Update - March 29th 2016

03-30-2016, 02:16 AM
* Fixed a problem where mouse left clicks would sometimes be ignored.
* Fixed Satyr Banisher's Purge not removing Repel
* Fixed inventory smart double tap when using hero-specific ability keybinds
* Fixed a bug where the console could get in a state where it would not open in the main menus, and would open but not close while in game
* Fixed a crash when using the dota_create_item console command.
* Fixed a bug where the HUD would show an incorrect key if you used advanced Quickcast Binds and you bound an inventory slot to Quickcastbut not to normal cast
* Corresponding to the Steam Security and Trading changes (http://store.steampowered.com/news/20631/), items can only be gifted to Steam friends of at least a year, unless you have a Mobile Authenticator (http://store.steampowered.com/mobile/) on your account.

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/21067/)