View Full Version : New DLC Available - Battlefleet Gothic: Armada - Space Marines, 25% off!

06-21-2016, 04:37 PM
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada - Space Marines (http://store.steampowered.com/app/462260/), all new content for Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (http://store.steampowered.com/app/363680/) is Now Available on Steam and is 25% off!*

Customers who bought Battlefleet Gothic Armada Early Adopters Edition receive the DLC for free!

The Space Marines are the greatest of humanity's warriors, fierce soldiers that have been subjected to intense training, genetic modification, and psycho-conditioning. Their fleets are experts at close-ranged battles, sporting well-armoured ships and specialize in aggressive boarding techniques.

*Offer ends July 4 at 10AM Pacific Time

http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/462260/capsule_467x181.jpg (http://store.steampowered.com/app/462260/)

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