View Full Version : A favor asking.

03-29-2003, 06:48 PM
I was wondering if anyone could go to Dartmoor if they get the chacne and fight a level 55 mob for me to get me a weapon I'll want in the future. Being a merc and all I'll never solo a level 55 mob myself. I want the Lava Forged Sword. It's a 10% chance drop on the mob named Agidad. He's level 55 and his drop are all 10% which vary from Crushed Helm or Boots, Protector of the Stone Lords, Chrushed sleeves or leggings, Protector of the Stone oracles, holy OR sturdy crushed breastplate or gauntlets, and the lava forged sword.

Not saying you have to do it now, but if anyone gets the chance, and is wandering by and kills Agidad, if you get the Lava Forged Sword and you don't need it, I'm open for gives! hehe, thanks! If you guys can't do it, I know a guy that can, just figured I'd ask you guys first. :)


Level 25 Sheild Spec Merc... Jonathon Reignes

03-29-2003, 10:08 PM
It's likely that he has some friends him if he's a named mob. We could possible have a dartmoor expedition, but I don't know if we can guarantee that particular sword. Just so ya know, the crafted weapons and armor is better quality and with spellcrafting, will give better stats anyways.

With that being said, if I ever see a sword like that and I can get my hands on it, it's yours.


03-31-2003, 04:19 AM
def. better off w/player crafted gear, would be a fun time though

04-19-2003, 12:42 PM
not sure how old this post is, but I'm game to give it a shot. gonna need some buddies to come with me as I am only lvl 41..... Get me a lvl 38+ rejuv cleric, another tank 40+ and a high lvl wizzy and we are set.

oh yea, and directions. As I have not been that far into Dartmoor and would probably get lost and stumble into the dragon and my death.

04-20-2003, 02:50 PM
If you need a map, head on over to our links section on our webpage. It has some pages listed with map listings. My personal favorite is the catacombs site. Have fun and let us know how it turns out.
