View Full Version : Farming Gold

04-01-2003, 12:33 AM
ok so i have been pricing what equipment i need to upgrade to in the next 2-3 levels and it looks like i'm going to need half a plat (maybe a little less) for everything.

that being said, i was wondering if anyone knew anywhere (besides DF) to farm asterite and cash.


04-01-2003, 12:35 AM
oh yes, gonna need a spot good for archers (few roaming, social and BAF mobs and hopefully not thrust resistant)

04-01-2003, 08:05 AM
In Cornwall, try moor boogey and greaters as well.

In SI, try decaying marshmen, undead gangers near wearyall village.

Some caer cadug stuff will be yellow to you as well.. lots of magic drops there also.. treasury notes sell for like 1 gold each.

there are some other things as well like undead apple gatherers outside of wearyall near avalon city that you can take a llook at. :hmmm:

04-01-2003, 11:48 PM
Thanks Keme-
looks like boogeys and gatherers. marshmen don't drop too well (hunted them 34-35).

also take note guys: sea hounds outside wearyall DO NOT HAVE CONSISTENT DAMAGE RESISTS!!

sometimes you use slash and get + and then the next mob gives you a -
same goes for thrust and blunt

fyi-right past wearyall hill there are urchins that are green-yellow @35 that drop 5-50s per kill