View Full Version : So, how do we go about scheduling matches?

04-03-2003, 09:20 AM
Ladies, gentlemen, I think that it's time that we start getting seriously organized.

I say we need to get ourselves scheduled for some matches. We need to introduce ourselves to the BF community, and start some competition.

How do we go about this?

Another question I have is, do we want set roles? Will we have a pilot, sniper, etc? I'm a decent pilot, but I suck at bombing. Sniping and base taking is what I'm best at. I suck at using tanks.

I'll be hard to get hold of, with the meds I'm on, I'm sleeping a lot lately. Hopefully that will change a bit. I should be back to normal on Wednesday (I get the stitches out of my mouth tuesday).

04-03-2003, 12:01 PM
I definatly agree with the above sentiments.

I think we need to come up with definate roles for certain maps, some maps need more of certain things than others, but each person should probably stay within a couple roles, i.e. on maps a, b and c person 1 plays a tanker, but on maps d, e and f the same person plays a pilot and so on and so forth. We definatly need to work out game plans and strategies for certain maps and practice them, we'd really need to work it like a regular 'sport' would.

I also think we need to have practices where we work together, I've noticed when we play together currently we do't really do too much together.

I'm a pretty good sniper and I'm not too shabby at being an engineer/tanker as well. I'm an okay pilot, but I suck at bombing. I really need work with my close in assault stuff too.

:drink: :devil:

04-03-2003, 09:45 PM
I'm a crack shot sniper, can hit them running at VERY long distances, close in I can't keep the machine guns under control, I'm a pretty good tank man, especially If I'm an engineer class, run in blast, fix, repeat steps 1-3. I have good bombing skills, but AA gets me a lot.

I'v noticed glitch,lumen, confused, and damutha are about the only ones who redilly make themselves available on IM's we've gotten together several times and played, but with only 3 or 4 players it's hard to really get organized on a map with a bunch of unknown folks.

Zodder is up for a game this afternoon after 6 eastern. Confused will be there if he's still awake (midnight over there)

{ATF} DaMutha
04-03-2003, 10:38 PM
I should be able to jump on for awhile tonight. As for my particular skill set, I would have to list them in this order:

1. Kamikaze
2. Hiding in the closet on the battleship doing repairs.
3. Bitterly respawning as a scout until I find the bastard who keeps sniping me.
4. Standing on one of the look-out towers and machine-gunning everyone in sight (this is my favorite).

04-09-2003, 03:28 AM
ill paly jsut about anything, usually like wasting people as the Medic and then healing myself.. always a plus, and im decent with the tank/sniping... and i can say as a fact that lobadobadingdong is a great sniper... cause he shot my ass quite a few times...