View Full Version : Steam Client Update Released

10-08-2020, 02:02 AM
A new Steam client has been released and will be automatically downloaded.


Fixed the Steam Client window starting minimized when the client is run after first install on a Windows machine


Improved the alignment of controls in the play bar on game pages

Fixed one instance where achievement unlock percentage was not shown on game pages

Added Edit Review button to personal review on game pages

Changed the context menu when viewing screenshots to browse to file if the screenshot exists locally

Chat Filtering

Steam and games which leverage the Steam Text Filtering API now filter strong profanity and slurs shared by users you don't know, replacing them with hearts and asterisks. You can enable their display in the Community Content Preferences (https://store.steampowered.com/account/preferences#CommunityContentPreferences), where you can also customize what words are filtered, and whether to filter messages from Steam Friends. For more background on these features, read our blog post (https://steamcommunity.com/games/593110/partnerevents/view/2855803154584367415).


Changed download throttling setting to be a custom value in Kbps


Fixed a crash bug if app shutdown exited very soon after starting, while SDR network configuration fetch in progress

Fixed bug with certificates expiring on long running processes such as dedicated servers

Steam Overlay

Fixed a crash when switching between Direct3D 11 and 12 or vice versa in Serious Sam 4

Fixed macOS crash when certain Metal framework API's are used by game

Steamworks SDK

Fixed some Javascript key fields not being set correctly by ISteamHTMLSurface


Scout steam runtime v0.20200910.0

Various correctness improvements to the runtime information tool (Help > System Information)

Fixes to DNS resolution in container runtime mode

Many improvements to robustness and shared directories when running in container runtime mode


Avoid a crash or GPU reset hitting some Windows 8/8.1 users with certain GPU drivers when Vulkan shader cache tries to query support

More... (https://store.steampowered.com/news/76246/)