View Full Version : internet help.........

04-13-2003, 06:40 PM
i have 56k at my house and get about 20k-30k on all weekdays................................it sucks :bandhead:

i can't get dsl where i live..........or cable........................and satelite is too exspensive....

can anybody tell me a little about isdn??prices?quality??etc?

04-13-2003, 06:45 PM
ISDN is pretty good but it's more expensive then ADSL here because it's two ways.

04-13-2003, 06:50 PM
thanks scorch..
i'm confused though...so i will have to pay for the service and the phone company??

i have researched many web sites on isdn, but they seem to try to hide the truth..

04-13-2003, 11:41 PM
no, he means you pay for al ine there and another back so it's 56k btoh ways. :cool:

04-14-2003, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by merkwannabe@Apr 13 2003, 06:40 PM
i have 56k at my house and get about 20k-30k on all weekdays................................it sucks :bandhead:

i can't get dsl where i live..........or cable........................and satelite is too exspensive....

can anybody tell me a little about isdn??prices?quality??etc?
I looked into isdn way back before dsl became available in my area. Pricing now may be different
but essentially what you are looking at:
ISDN is two 64k lines and one 16k control line, for a total of 144k potential bandwidth.
Covad offers a 144kbs (IDSL) product that includes a router, but it is probably $120+/month.
You can order the service from your telco, but::::
the line will probably cost $90/month + an hourly fee if over the cap, but it can be used as two phone lines,
and it will have two phone numbers associated.
Secondly you have to =PAY= for an isp that offers isdn service. They may offer single (64kbs)
or dual (128kbs) isdn service. They also may cap the hours available or charge extra/hour for the
dual service. ISDN is not like 56k. There is no signal degradation, and the bandwidth goes both ways,
so 64K, although not fast, will be suitable for many purposes, including running a server.
Lastly, there are issues with serial isdn devices. if you get one, you will be limited to the
max bandwidth of the serial device, 112k.
If all this sounds like it sucks, it does. For my area, we were offered dsl first,
the cable from a national carrier, then cable from a local carrier, so there may be hope for your area.
good luck.