View Full Version : i hope everyone

04-15-2003, 01:16 AM
is having fun while am doing a clean install on the gaming rig. it's been a bad day as my bios on my nforce2 msi board got corrupt which is a known problem on the first revision boards #%$%@@!! (thank god it was a spare)

while i watch the activity on the doa server (very busy tonight) i just hope someone misses me and my little friend the double barrel.

04-15-2003, 01:20 AM
:devil: mess mess mess with Bigg :P

Sorry to hear about your puter probs. Sometimes these dumb things just don't want to work the way they should. :bandhead: I say puters do have minds of there own :hmmm:

04-15-2003, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by Grimmy@Apr 15 2003, 01:20 AM
:devil: mess mess mess with Bigg :P

Sorry to hear about your puter probs. Sometimes these dumb things just don't want to work the way they should. :bandhead: I say puters do have minds of there own :hmmm:
Agreed!! Give me an AS400 anyday for reliability!! :oooo: