View Full Version : why does the server talk?

04-17-2003, 03:25 PM
How come in some games the Server says game being monitered do not abuse you access. And another time it said visit us at some website I forgot :WTF:

04-17-2003, 03:41 PM
hi, the reason is the people are dedicating a computer system and network bandwidth at there own cost so people have a server to play on. we want people to have fun and enjoy the servers. the message is just warning those who seem to want to make peoples life miserable and ruin others fun. when they do that they are abusing there access and will be banned from the game server so they will not get the chance to ruin it for others. so just have fun playing and you will be alright. :thumbs:

04-17-2003, 03:59 PM
thnx I have that towel

04-17-2003, 06:18 PM