View Full Version : Oh Crap

04-26-2003, 10:03 PM
Damnit, I was downloaded a program frrom kazaa, and I alsmost always chesk my downloads from kazaa with norton asap, but I was in a hurry to use the program so I didnt and I just went ahead and opened it. Anyways, nothing happened, so I was like WTF? Then, a second later Norton pops up screaming "Viruse Detected". Holy **** I thought to myself...****. So anyways, I ended having to manually shut down the computer. When I started it up, everything seemed normal. I used a special deleting program to delete the file that had the virus in it and secisfully did it. I then went to norton and looked at the logs, and learned that virus was some weird one that was rare or something....I cant remember. So I was pretty worried, but nothing had happened to my comp so I felt pretty safe.

Ok, flash forward to today and I wake up and go to turn on my computer. I have XP so it brings me to the user selection screen, I click on my user and put in the password. It says loading pressonal settings.so I wait, then a cesond later, my computer just restarts. I think to myself "ok, that was weird", so I do everthing over again and it restarts at the same place. Its obcious know that the virus is doing this. SO.my question to you people is: WHAT IN GODS NAME DO I DO!!!!............please help me...Im completely lost. :bawling:

04-26-2003, 10:06 PM
ok mr. ooo
Try logging on as an admin.
Then scan with nortom.

04-26-2003, 10:10 PM
How do I log on as an admin?

04-26-2003, 10:12 PM
When you start up it should give you the option.
Or try logging on as soneone else

04-26-2003, 11:07 PM
Try booting up in safe mode and scanning. Or try reverting to the last good configuration.

04-27-2003, 12:11 AM
I had something like that but when I had it my computer woulden't fully start it would just restart after the bios started. Basicially after that I lost my whole computer. I had to start from scrath all over agian. I had to reload Windows and all my drivers and games. Then once thats done it was fine.

04-27-2003, 02:38 AM
i downaloded some **** at kazaa b4 and it said it was deleting my harddrive but i shut in down manually and it went back to normal.

04-27-2003, 03:53 AM
You could also go to the log again, find the name of the virus, and go the Symantec site and search for it...they often have virus-specific tools to rid yourself of a virus already on your box. If you get that done, update the Norton - which you should always do anyway, and will stop most of the incoming crap, and run a complete system scan again. Update your virus every week or two; it costs nothing, and can save so much.

05-06-2003, 07:40 PM
Try to download (from other computer) the newwest updates for your antivirus programm. Or try other antivirus prog. :thumbs: If it doesn&#39;t works:

1. Format your Hard drive
2. Reinstall OS
3. Reinstall drivers games, etc.
4. Then download newest updates every month :thumbs:

Good luck