View Full Version : Sunday game May 4th

04-29-2003, 02:09 PM
I think our responses and in game co-op would be dramaically improved if we tried something like this, I have roger wilco setup as a base station as {ATF} with a password of my user name lobadobadingdong. I don't know the bandwidth draw of this program but we can test it out Sunday, or earlier if anyone else wants to play earlier in the week w/me that has a mic and wilco installed. I don't even know if this works with bf1942 or not as I haven't tried it before, but some friends of mine used it on allied assault and loved it.

should be able to connect with this at the channel:{ATF}
and dingdong as the password.
just copy and paste these to the Wilco client.

I am behind a firewall and am not sure this will work though it, though the help pages says it will, it seems to work on my lan, but I have no way to test it though the i-net.

04-29-2003, 09:17 PM
can you make the password shorter? :P

04-30-2003, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by lobadobadingdong@Apr 29 2003, 09:09 AM
I think our responses and in game co-op would be dramaically improved if we tried something like this, I have roger wilco setup as a base station as {ATF} with a password of my user name lobadobadingdong. I don't know the bandwidth draw of this program but we can test it out Sunday, or earlier if anyone else wants to play earlier in the week w/me that has a mic and wilco installed. I don't even know if this works with bf1942 or not as I haven't tried it before, but some friends of mine used it on allied assault and loved it.

should be able to connect with this at the channel:{ATF}
and lobadobadingdong as the password.
just copy and paste these to the Wilco client.

I am behind a firewall and am not sure this will work though it, though the help pages says it will, it seems to work on my lan, but I have no way to test it though the i-net.
192.168.x.x is reserved. It's for home lans. We won't be able to connect to it.

04-30-2003, 03:40 AM
from what I read, the ip addressing is run off of the gamespy server and re-distributed, the {ATF} is the really important part of it, the ip address is the machine on my local network, and {ATF} is the dynamic name of the hosted base station on the gamespy roger wilco server. I've left it running for someone to try to connect to, so someone outside my lan can try to access it.

supposedly if I can play quake3 on the i-net, then I can run roger wilco from this machine.

I'd be more than happy if someone proved me wrong and would try something else, I'm just going off of info from the wilco help site.

04-30-2003, 04:47 AM
It's 9:45 pm PDT and I couldn't connect. If your computer is off, then n/m

maybe try your wan ip.


might help

04-30-2003, 08:00 AM
I'm up for a game on Sunday :) American afternoon, if possible, as then it will be evening over here in the UK, and I won't have to be playing at 2am if you lot decide to play on an evening! ;)

One of my friends has a server over in America, which he has basically full use/control of. It's running some form of linux, but I may be able to sweet-talk him into letting me run a BF/RW server on it...will have to see ;)


04-30-2003, 02:38 PM
OK, I think I got it fixed now, I had to forward the roger wilco port through my nat to access my internal IP address, I'm still behind the router but this allows the datagrams to pass through it for access, the adjustments are in the first post, also changed the password to make it shorter and easier to type for flashbacck

Confused I'll look for you on ASE after I get done eating after Church buddy. :jammin:

will leave the channel open for a while, I don't know how often sbc forces me to refresh my dns info, but I will watch it, I don't think they refresh it at all unless I turn off my router and/or dsl modem.

05-01-2003, 04:28 AM
it works! :jammin:

05-01-2003, 04:31 AM
now as long as the bandwidth requirements aren't too much of a strain on my i-net pipe we'll be set with quick communications, we also need to test it in game, flashbacck and I only tested from the desktop :rofl:

everyone with a mic should download it, if they haven't already and get it setup.

05-01-2003, 04:36 AM
yeah. sorry, I didn't mean to leave so abruptly. But it's 9:37pm over here and I haven't had dinner yet :wacko:.

I'm wondering what keystroke to bind to voice comm. The default is F12, but I'd hate to reach to the other side of the keyboard to activate it.

anyway, we'll give it a run later.

05-01-2003, 04:38 AM
looks like im dling RW tomorrow... guess ill have to buy a mic too, heh

{ATF} DaMutha
05-01-2003, 02:36 PM
I'm afraid I will probably have to remain a "silent" member of the clan. I get enough flak from my wife about the amount of time I spend playing. If I start talking to the computer, it could be the last straw.

05-01-2003, 06:24 PM
I bound my key to the middle key of my wheel mouse, it's right at your finger tips. and isn't used in bf1942 anyway.

I know not everyone will be able to use it for one reason or another(5.1 used on-board sound for some not wanting to lose their centre channel for 1) and for somethings like F1,F1(Roger That!) will be quicker anyway for acknowlegments, but If we have enough on it we can make strategies for maps and be flexable to change strategies quickly if need be.
I'm bad about accidently hitting Esc instead of F1 myself anyway so when you see my character stop suddenly and not move that's usually it :)

05-02-2003, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by {ATF} DaMutha@May 1 2003, 07:36 AM
I'm afraid I will probably have to remain a "silent" member of the clan.  I get enough flak from my wife about the amount of time I spend playing.  If I start talking to the computer, it could be the last straw.
lol. For some reason, I find that very amusing. *whip crack*

BF1942 already has pretty good audio messages built in, so hopefully it won't matter too much.

if hosting our own RW server lags too much, we could look into renting a RW server.


rents servers for teamspeak and roger wilco ($20/month for 25 user channel).

edit: btw teamspeak 2.0 does look kinda cool, we may want to try that too...

{ATF} DaMutha
05-03-2003, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by flashbacck@May 2 2003, 05:49 PM
lol. For some reason, I find that very amusing. *whip crack*

Hey, when you've got a wife who's 8 months pregnant, you don't need a whip to keep you in line. An ounce of survival instinct will suffice.

05-04-2003, 06:23 AM
just to let you guys know, I may not be able to make tomorrow's game

05-04-2003, 02:56 PM
8mo. pregnant! Congradulations! :P

I may or may not be able to play or play for very long myself, I have Family visiting, and don't really know how long they plan on staying(didn't know that the where even coming up for a visit till they got here :dunno: ). I will leave the Wilco Server up for anyone who wishes to use it. :thumbs:

NOTE: I had to restart my lan thursday for a power outage, my WAN address has Changed, the chage is set on the opener post.

OUTLAWS The Machine
05-04-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by {ATF} DaMutha@May 3 2003, 04:19 PM

when you've got a wife who's 8 months pregnant,
Congrats man. :thumbs:

05-04-2003, 09:56 PM
Hey, I'm not going to be able to play tonight. I came in at 6am, and we're still having computer problems at 5pm. I have to come back to work at 12am.


{ATF} DaMutha
05-04-2003, 11:29 PM
Thanks all. Don't worry--I won't allow this to force me to grow up.

05-06-2003, 05:55 AM
How did the game go? Sorry, but I worked from 545am Sunday to 1130am Monday (almost 30 hours).

Let's just say I'm a bad mutha at Lantastic networking and Scott Studios AXS.

Too bad that's nothing to brag about....


{ATF} DaMutha
05-06-2003, 01:54 PM
I didn't see anyone playing.

By the way, is it supposed to be at 8 pm or 9 pm? I thought it was 9, but the clan website says 8.

Anyone, no one's a bigger Mutha than me, Chaotic.

05-06-2003, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by {ATF} DaMutha@May 6 2003, 08:54 AM
I didn't see anyone playing.

By the way, is it supposed to be at 8 pm or 9 pm? I thought it was 9, but the clan website says 8.

Anyone, no one's a bigger Mutha than me, Chaotic.
It's 9pm Eastern.

I think....

05-06-2003, 11:24 PM
sorry that was my fault I'm in cetral time and 8pm on the brain, it is 9pm central I edited it to reflect the "actual" time. and I got on about 10:30 eastern and nobody was on, I had company over and didn't get a change to get on then, so I think it was a wash.
This Sunday is also Mothersday so I don't know how many will be on, I will, as I'm not driving that far since she(my mom) was just here.

05-07-2003, 01:27 AM
how are we going about in locating each other? Just message each other, or will the ip be posted here?

what about this "all seeing eye" thingy?