View Full Version : Don't I wish

10-03-2002, 11:49 PM
Looky here...a perfect game....I rock
Of course Hammer did leave to go eat.....luckily I didn't kill myself after he left.
And then It got better
Of course Salvation came in with 15 seconds left in the game and I got real lucky.

YAAAWWWWNNNN.....ok waking up now....nice dream that was....now back to reality............dang, I hate to show this, but it was better than the butt whoopin Hammer put on me earlier, which was 30 (him) duh and 0 me...glad I didn't know how to screen shot that one...Hammer showed me how to do these....I'm such a goob, (hence the name LOL).
He would have killed me more but that's a big map with lots of paths and corridors....spent most of the time looking for each other...Sal looking for me so he could kill me, and me looking for Sal so I could fire first and run the other way.........Need more practice.
Gotta love this game though.......Thanks Hammer and Salvation for your patience with me......I am not much competition....Yet.
Your favorite target...........Goober

10-03-2002, 11:52 PM


:rolf: :lol:

This post is great!!!!!!!!

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-04-2002, 02:09 AM

You are definitly inproving. Just keep playing and learning the maps.

Free Styla
10-04-2002, 02:17 AM
lol goober

10-04-2002, 03:49 AM
lol ur funny goober

10-21-2002, 05:19 AM
lol!! Haha.. how did i miss this. That was a crack up, Goobles. <wipes tears>

10-21-2002, 05:21 AM
sweet, when were you playing?? I haven't seen any of you guys on there yet. I keep checking the GM servers, which always has people on it, but no one from here ever there.

Also, what do we have servers in?? I know we have a deathmatch one, but any others?