View Full Version : Hardest Games in PC Gaming History!

Burn the Witch
05-06-2003, 10:38 PM
What are the hardest PC games you have ever played? I'm not talking about "oh sh** dude, I put Quake on Nightmare mode it was b*st*rd hard" type stuff, I'm talking about games which were hard on Normal settings.

I'll tell you what mine would be, Age of Wonders 2...not many people have heard of this, its like Heroes of Might and Magic (and surprisingly its not crappy, if you go looking for reviews you will find that most mags/sites gave it 85%+)crossed with the city building of Civilization. This game is HARD, not hard in that its hard to complete, hard as in the vast majority of people who bought it couldnt even beat the first level (and you can save at any time), heck, some people even couldnt beat the TUTORIAL LEVEL! This is a game so hard, the programmers had to patch the game which put in a "Beginner Mode". I'm on level 4 now, about a year after I bought it. I still play it, and hell, I play it on easy, and its still hard, each level will take you many many MANY hours to finish, but it sure kicks ass when you do!

05-06-2003, 10:46 PM
man doom II is hard on ultra violence ;)

haha joking, but seriously, i always had troubles with starcraft brood war and stuff,... im pretty awful at strategy games.. so it took me a long time to beat.

05-07-2003, 11:49 PM
The Hardest game is my life :P

he he ok Seroius SAM 2 (expert mode)

05-07-2003, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by <<Hybrid>>@May 7 2003, 04:49 PM
The Hardest game is my life :P

he he ok Seroius SAM 2 (expert mode)
Not the difficulty setting hybrid the game itself&#33;

Since i cheat on all of the games i play on PC :P there is nothing too hard for me exept Minesweeper (that is HARD)