View Full Version : HAMMER,MACHINE,SAL,and eneyone else

10-04-2002, 03:11 PM
HAY guys maybe you are not still mad about my smartass remarkes. I hope not. You guys have tought me alot latly. One is to leave a post alone.Two is to keep my BIG moth shut. And third try to look at it from all different angles..........<the last time i done that i fell off the couch>................LOL. Guys please all i want is to have fun here and make others laugh not be mad. This is my post to all. For those that can look past my ignorance and and smartass. Then i hope we can be friends. I know some will probably post here and tell me to go to hell. That i dont diserve to be here as a moderator or a leader in DOA. I know this cause it has been said before. Than thats fine. Tell me who you are and i will try to avoid you at all cause. I only want the best for DOA. And speeking my mind is not getting them that. I have got alot of personal thing going on. And my job problem is not helping none neither. My mom has been to the heart doctor latly and its not good news for us. But i will not go into detail on that.

It seem like every time i try to put out a fire i am troughing gas an it not water. I gusse you could say i would make a bad fireman. Eneyway guys i felt like i should have posted this here. Once again i hope their is no hard felling from this. I just ask you PLEASE dont go behind my back and talk bad about me. I have showed the repect to you that i will come straight to you on something. I ask you do the same with me. And this is not directed to just you guys too. So please lets drink be marry and have fun again. :roll:

10-04-2002, 03:18 PM
You're cool with me LaSH. It's just a game, and this stuff is too fun to spend fighting about anything. All is well on my end. On with the games! :)

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-04-2002, 05:07 PM
[quote:c184b81f35="LaSH"]So please lets drink be marry and have fun again. :roll:[/quote:c184b81f35]

I never stopped. LOL!

10-04-2002, 10:10 PM
Im glad you guys settled it