View Full Version : to everyone

05-08-2003, 06:25 PM
well i have had the doa server up and noticed no one was connecting so thought something was wrong. when i tried to connect to the server it would not let me so i figured resetting it would help--nope

so i started to think i was hacked as i have had problems with a few people but really show no intrusions into my network. so i did a fix and would like to share with you all incase you think something is wrong with your system. before you follow my suggestions please make sure you have the xp cd in your drive. don't worry if it's not legit copy/

goto start
click on run
type this---sfc /scannow
click ok

then let it ck your system files to see if there is anything wrong. :thumbs:

i know this may be in the wrong section to post this but feel more people will see it and if it helps i will get the oppurtunity to get your butts back in the game so i can fragg you :devil: