View Full Version : Harassment...can one of you guys help me?

10-05-2002, 01:03 AM
I'm being harassed by an AIM user (who I "met" through the Kaillera emulator netplay game program), who, for more than a month now, has been sending me insultiing, abusive profanity, and even threatening messages, threatening violence.

AOL won't do anything to remove this guy.

What I need is for someone who is savvy enough, to get his IP address somehow, and report back to me. Then, I can contact his internet provider, complain to their abuse department, and he will get his account yanked......fast.

His "regular" AIM screen name is " NBKBluefire" , but he has many, MANY spawned accounts, probably more than 20. Only someone with no life and nothing to do with themselves would do something like this.

Here's just some of the logs I have recorded. Formatting isn't straight, though, sorry.
NOTE: he does run a FTP site, with anime and games...perhaps I can even report him to the BSA for piracy, just for good measure :> mmm :)

Anyone here skilled enough to be able to get this IP address? (I know Salvation might be...but anyone else?)
Oh, and my s/n is " Kylearan " and one of my nicknames is Antos (not on AIM, just an older nickname I tend to use).


[19:45] oorangefiree: oh look whos back its the ****** antos
[19:45] oorangefiree: i thought i got rid of your bitch ass
[19:46] oorangefiree: answer me bitch
[19:46] oorangefiree: piece of trash
[19:48] oorangefiree: you trailor park trash talk to me
[19:48] oorangefiree: bitch
[19:48] oorangefiree: what are you to old to type?
[19:51] oorangefiree: cv
[19:51] oorangefiree: cc
[19:51] oorangefiree: c
[19:51] oorangefiree: c
[19:51] oorangefiree: c
[19:51] oorangefiree: c
[19:51] oorangefiree: c
[19:51] oorangefiree: c
[19:51] oorangefiree: c
[20:16] oorangefiree: g
[20:16] oorangefiree: g
[20:16] oorangefiree: g
[20:16] oorangefiree: g
[20:17] oorangefiree: h
[20:17] oorangefiree: h
[20:17] oorangefiree: h
[20:17] oorangefiree: h
[15:22] oorangefiree: f
[15:22] oorangefiree: ff
[15:22] oorangefiree: g
[15:22] oorangefiree: g
[15:22] oorangefiree: g
[15:22] oorangefiree: g
[15:22] oorangefiree: g
[15:22] oorangefiree: g
[15:22] oorangefiree: g
[15:22] oorangefiree: g
[15:22] oorangefiree: g
[20:16] BlueeFiree: im trying to figure out why you so gay i guess im gonna have to **** your mom
[20:16] BlueeFiree: sshole
[20:16] BlueeFiree: cause your a idiot
[20:16] BlueeFiree: i know you hear me idiot
[20:16] BlueeFiree: answer bicth

[02:08] blaztt: you old piece of shit you aren't worth anything get your old ass out of kaillera

[20:18] FlameRave19: yopu know something i like ****ing with you
[20:18] FlameRave19: cause your a asshole
[20:19] FlameRave19: and guess what im gonna make your life a living hell
[20:19] FlameRave19: im gonna bitch slap your mom right now
[15:56] oorangefiree: **** you bitch
[15:56] oorangefiree: you old peice of shit
[13:14] oorangefiree: oh look its the gay ****** antos i thought you were 30 years old you asshole you don't need to send a 13 year old to do your dirty work for you
[13:14] oorangefiree: you make me sick
[13:15] oorangefiree: and btw i told him i was gonna beat your 30 year old ass up cause you really piss me off
[13:16] oorangefiree: you act lik a pussy you know thats all i wanted to say now would you please leave me the **** alone
[13:19] oorangefiree: if you send someone else to tell me something im gonna personal come abck and make your life a living hell
[13:20] oorangefiree: what you can't type back old man?
[13:30] oorangefiree: antos im right here if you want to tell me anything stop acting like a ****ing pussy
[13:30] oorangefiree: btw your mom is a slut
[13:30] oorangefiree: i ****ed her last night
[14:16] oorangefiree: i like ****ing with you you know why?
[14:16] oorangefiree: cause it seems like your a ****ing retard

[14:18] fireewavee: go suck a dick you gay ass motha****er and then after when your man enought to come fight me ill be waiting to ebat your ass down

[17:41] oorangefiree: get off the internet you old piece of shit your a old man for crying out loud you waste your ****ing life on kaillera
[17:41] oorangefiree: for what to be a loser
[17:42] oorangefiree: im ****ing talking to your ass answer me
[17:43] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:43] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:43] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:43] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:43] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:43] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:43] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:43] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:43] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:44] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:44] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:44] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:44] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:44] oorangefiree: **** you
[17:44] oorangefiree: fuvk you
[17:44] oorangefiree: fuvk you
[17:44] oorangefiree: fuvk you
[17:47] oorangefiree: you are a stupid bitch who doesn't answer back
[17:47] oorangefiree: its annoying you bitch
[17:47] oorangefiree: im gonna ask megaman are you mentally retarded
[17:47] oorangefiree: cuse i think yuo are
[17:49] fireewavee: thats why tonight on kaillera im gonna ruin your name bitch
[17:49] fireewavee: im gonna use your name and curse eevryone out
[17:50] fireewavee: then antos will be a well known bitch
[17:50] fireewavee: are you receiving me?
[17:50] fireewavee: **** you old man

10-05-2002, 01:05 AM
ill post AOLs email if i get one :)

10-05-2002, 01:16 AM
y dont u block all the names he talks to u with?

10-05-2002, 01:19 AM
Because he keeps making more. Dude, this guy has more than *20* names !!

if I block a name, he KNOWS i'm reacting to him, and that's exactly what he wants. But.....

One name , cannot be blocked for some reason, even though it says it's blocked !! (that oorangefiree name). I dont know how he's doing that shit.

There's NO recourse anymore, except taking this shit directly to his ISP.

But I need his IP address.

Someone here HAS to be good enough at stealth to help me.....

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-05-2002, 01:20 AM
Damn that sux man. Sorry I'm of no help here. :cry:

10-05-2002, 01:23 AM
I say we throw him to the lions, Machine! To the lions, I say!

(hopefully someone will be able to get his IP address and his ISP, then I can give them a nice long phone call and email).

10-05-2002, 01:36 AM
you got the shaft..

10-05-2002, 01:44 AM
I say you find out where he lives and smack him in the eye with a baseball bat!

10-05-2002, 01:45 AM
everyone of us here would back you in a fight im sure.

i got connections!!!

10-05-2002, 01:53 AM
I don't believe that violence is the solution to our problems.
Although, sometimes, it is necessary....
I will never initiate any hostilities unless it were for my own safety (*cough* self defense *cough* :))

Do you remember when Daniel was thrown into the Lion's Den?
What did he do? He simply used his Faith to tame the lions, showing all the power of the Almighty God....

But then again, the Israelis fought the Philistines....

(However, I would not shed a tear if a...tragic....thing happened to bluefire...why?

Ask yourself that. How do you feel about that guy over there in D.C. sniping people with his high powered scope rifle? 5 people killed, 1 shot each. Random every day people....having their lives taken away wrongly. And you can tell that this guy is capable of very similar things. )

Oh, and Jennifier Short's bones were found today.....

Oh well, I have a chess club to attend to, tonight...IF i can make it there on time :(

10-05-2002, 01:53 AM
only if i was good with computers

10-05-2002, 01:57 AM
u a christian man falk?

i am.

10-05-2002, 02:00 AM
Yes I am but I'm a bit..um... strayed. Really don't want to get into it ATM. Very long story.

I still need more time to reflect on my own life and the world around me.
Anyway I'm still waiting for my ride to the chess club tonight.

10-05-2002, 02:00 AM
[quote:8984340e9d="Ra/en"]u a christian man falk?

i am.[/quote:8984340e9d]
i am too....btw where did that topic come from?

10-05-2002, 02:51 AM
There is a really simple solution to this. Well a couple.

1. Get another SN, isn't like you have to pay for them, and if he has 20, then you can have 20 too. Use a different one for a while, let your friend/buddys know, and then go back to the other one in a couple weeks, see if he still bothers you.

2. The good ol ignore. If you don't let it get to you, then eventually he will stop. As long as you respond to his comments, he wins. Might just want to type lol and keep doing that when he says something. After time he will leave you alone.

3. Some what of revenge, start going to adds sites that have lots of news letters and sign him up. Flood his inbox out, I mean AOL has good spam control, but then again, if you sign him up for stuff, it should pass through. The only down fall, your ip might be exposed. Some sites attach your ip for confirmation, so he could get it if he gets confirmation of the subscriptions.

Go to the porn sites and sign him up there LMAO

That is the only thing I can think of. Don't sink to his level, if you do, he owns you. Prove to him that you are better, by doing nothing, and then in the background, subscribe him to lots of news letters :rofl:

Gun Element
10-05-2002, 03:52 AM
wow dude what a weirdo.

I hope theirs a solution to yuor problem

10-05-2002, 07:06 AM
Grimmy, I've been ignoring him for a month. This guy is just REALLY messed up. He surely must be desperate to "be somebody" online, otherwise he wouldnt' be wasting his time doing this. Last week, he was doing this at **2 AM** in the morning...my god.....

The ignore treatment simply isn't working.

And I can't even go on Kaillera either, to play street fighter !! because, he will steal my nickname (so it will be VERY hard to find games with people if others think I am being an asshole. Do you understand? Kaillera has no nickname collision detection, so someone can go on as you, and say things to others and,unless other people KNOW who you are, then they might not want to play you, or they might join your game and say "you stuipd mother f*cking n*gger, I'm going kick your @$$" or somethihng like that. Yes I know, Kaillera sucks, but it's the only way to play street fighter and emulator games over the net. But I haven't gone there for a month, all because of this jack@$$.

It's scary to know there are people out there that are so incompetent...

Just like, as I said above, that guy going around blowing people away, with that sniper rifle, in Wash. DC..... Innocent people.....those things leave a VERY.....very......bad taste in my mouth.

And now war happy Bush wants to start world war 3...damn.....we are so screwed.....anyway forget I said that....i don't want to turn this into a debate on Iraq or the Apocalypse.

HOWEVER, I will warn you all about one thing.
If ANYONE, EVER, wants to put some sort of computer chip or subdermal tracking system inside you, DO NOT, under any circumstances, accept that. :)

Ok, anyway...

10-06-2002, 10:14 PM
Ok, I decided to take nighthawks' advice, and set my Trillian to "away", when I"m not here, and this is what happened:
(I went to the store to get a $10 price match refund for UT2003...)


[14:11] nbkredfire: **** you antos
[14:11] *** Auto-response sent to nbkredfire: I am currently away from the computer.
[14:11] nbkredfire: bicth
[14:11] nbkredfire: ss
[14:11] nbkredfire: s
[14:11] nbkredfire: s
[14:11] nbkredfire: you ****ing bitch
[14:11] nbkredfire: screw you old man
[14:12] nbkredfire: come over here and fight me like a real man bitch
[14:12] nbkredfire: bitch
[14:12] nbkredfire: don't make me shot your ass down
[14:22] nbkredfire: d
[14:22] nbkredfire: dd
[14:22] nbkredfire: ddd
[14:22] nbkredfire: d
[14:22] nbkredfire: d
[14:22] nbkredfire: d
[14:24] nbkredfire: im gonna ****ing kill you old man
[14:24] nbkredfire: answer me

(when the away message was sent, I was immediately warned).

10-06-2002, 10:40 PM
Contact someone at AOL and send them those logs. They will take care of the rest. They will most likely ban his IP and cancel his account.

10-06-2002, 11:25 PM
I already tried that.

I even called them on the phone.

Unfortunately, the problem is, the TOS of AIM is DIFFERENT from AOL.

AOL can yank an abusive user's account. But AIM is a free service. So all you can do is 'warn and block'.

However if I can get his IP, and find his ISP, then I can contact THEM, and he should get in a little bit of trouble for that.

I'm going to try NETSTAT the next time he messages me, but I'm not sure how that will work. If I'm not sending a file to him or receiving his msg immediately...

10-07-2002, 01:24 AM
i NETSTAT'ed him and got his ip address! falk i already told u, but his isp is cox.net :lol!: :lol!::lol!::lol!::lol!::lol!::lol!::lol!::lol!::l ol!::lol!::lol!::lol!::lol!::lol!::lol!::lol!::lol !::lol!::lol!::lol!::lol!::lol!::lol!::lol!:

Gun Element
10-07-2002, 01:27 AM
Falkentnye has done everything and still cant get that guy off.

Why Id wish to frag him on SS. Why hed get a beating that tears would start coming out. :twisted:

Herbus Maximus
10-07-2002, 03:52 AM
[color=orange:8a69530cce]Try downloading the free version of ZoneAlarm Pro 3.0.
It is a configurable firewall that traces the addy of whoever is trying to access your puter'. It will also show you on a map where he is located in which country,state,city and the routes his puter' took to get to yours. That oughtta' help ya' out some. Good Luck to ya'. :wink: [/color:8a69530cce]

10-07-2002, 03:56 AM
You can turn him into the FBI for a death threat! I assure you they will find him and they are taking death threats real serious!
If you are in Canada then call the nearest US FBI office and tell them what is going on. I assume he lives in the US?

10-07-2002, 03:58 AM
You may use BLACK ICE defender and that sofware logs IP's.
Get his IP and write a letter to the FBI. Tell them you are in fear of your life.

His a** will be pryin he don't drop the soap! LOL

:rolf: :rolf: :rolf:

10-07-2002, 04:00 AM
In fact, Black Ice Defender will block anyone by ISP! You can block him out with that software.

10-07-2002, 04:02 AM
You could do what I did to get an ahole off my back. I used a bulk emailer and sent him 20,000 email! He was begging me to stop. Set his email in the mail to and let it rip tater chip!

10-07-2002, 04:02 AM
Send him a 100 meg attachement or 20, 100 meg attachements.

10-08-2002, 04:56 AM
His ISP must have contacted him last night, after I sent the ISP an abuse complaint, with the host that "Ice" found, with the file transfer/netstat trick.
Because, i got a message from him later last night, asking me to accept his apology, and no more messages so far, for an entire day (that's a world record).

Hopefully now that he realizes someone out there is smart enough to trace him, this chapter can be closed, and no longer will I get a death threat while playing SS2...... >_<

10-08-2002, 05:14 AM

10-08-2002, 05:47 AM

Good work ICE and FALK... 8)

10-08-2002, 05:49 AM