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05-14-2003, 12:58 AM
the logs that get stored in your sam directory can be causing some lag if the file gets to big or multiple logs start building up. what do you think of that theory?

05-14-2003, 01:11 AM
4 real!

05-14-2003, 01:13 AM
There's only one log, and it only shows the session of sam you're currently in. But, if you've been playing for 8 hours :wacko: maybe lol. :P

05-14-2003, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01@May 13 2003, 08:58 PM
the logs that get stored in your sam directory can be causing some lag if the file gets to big or multiple logs start building up. what do you think of that theory?
I think it shouldn't matter as it is only a dump file which gets rewritten over each time you start up the game.

05-14-2003, 02:00 AM
also i would reccomend placing sam directory on another partition than the drive with your system files.

here are some things i have to do.

i have to choose 56k advanced setting instead of using the dsl/cable choice in network settings. i do not know why this is but if i dont i even get lag on my server. this has helped me so much in the outlaws and gods servers and also doa server. i have very fast connection and it must mess something up becasue even with lowest ping of 40 i am shaking so much i can have a seizure.---try this first out of all my suggestions.

also video card causes lag if you are nut running a geforce 3 or better--(geforce4mx is less than or equivelent to a geforce2). what i mean by this is it will be shaky and the control is slow. if you have a cheap card, disable antialiasing and any other features the card may be using to slow it down. do not over clock the card either because sam will make it hot and that will mess you up aswell.

disable wallpaper also if your system is low on ram or under 256 mb

close down any service that maybe using resources (look at the clock--do you have kazaa running?)

defrag your hard drive but do not use windows utility to do it because it will not move a system file if it is in use.

believe it or not but ck to see if you have usb devices plugged in that are not being used. this will use cpu and power. some people have 3 things plugged in usb a fast cpu, 80 gig ata133 hd and cd burner and dvd and have a 300 watt power supply. not a real stable solution and can have power spikes whick will hurt ya if say the oil burner flicks on or the refrigerator, ac or what ever turns on. unless you have a ups i would watch for that and definetly get a 400 or higher watt power supply/

check your irq's
if you notice irq sharing go into the bios and disable things you mostly dont use
here is a list of things i disable because i do not use them
3-midi port if you use onboard sound
4-gameport if you use onboard sound. if you still use this for a joystick you are nuts
5-cnr modem slot controller

right there will free up atleast 3 irq's and therefore give full access to the device that does not have to share the irq's with.

thats all i can think of right now because my brain is fried. i hope these help someone because i know it helps me some.

05-14-2003, 02:03 AM
slice that's what sas said about it dumps to the text file but i wonder what if the person runs out of memory or is it holding the info in memory intil the game is complete which could be another down wall if the person has small amount (me i got 1 gig in game rig and 512 ecc in doa server. (one chip died and still waiting for crucial to send back.

05-14-2003, 02:08 AM
Thanx for the tips me bigg

05-14-2003, 02:45 AM
and stop downloading p*rn while playing.
That will help a lot.
Or so my bro tells me :) :oooo:

05-14-2003, 02:47 AM
gosh I know, that would hellp, and mainly slash though, i hate when he d/l's all that porno! :bandhead:
