View Full Version : Metric conversion

05-15-2003, 12:09 AM
Metric System Conversion Hints for Americans

1 nanosecond = the time between when you tell a child "no" and when
he/she does it again

1 Milli-second = time elapsed after the recorded audio track plays and
before the singers move their lips at a "live" concert

467 grams = what 2 grams of Haagen-Dazs will register on your bathroom

1 centimeter = the distance Joan Rivers' eyebrows move up each year

1 Molson = 2 Budweisers

1.5 meters = the circumference around Anna Nicole's chest -- or her

1 femtosecond = the time it takes a feminist to react to being called a
"gal at the office"

28 grams = start flushing if there's a loud knock on the door

1 kilogram = the mass of the contents of your underpants the minute we
go to terror threat condition red

14 Renaults = 1 Chevy Silverado

10,000 milligrams = the amount of sodium pentothal required to fell a
rampaging Limbaugh

1 tonne = 1 regular ton + 16 kilograms of European attitude

1 liter = amount of gasoline purchased with a single unemployment check

600 meters = the distance between any two Starbucks franchises

1 hookernight = 1 kilodollar

05-15-2003, 01:31 AM
:P :thumbs: