View Full Version : Boudreaux and Thibodeaux Jokes

10-06-2002, 03:28 AM
[b:3e32f29bf8]Boudreaux and Thibodeaux[/b:3e32f29bf8]

Secretary of State Secretary of State Thibodeaux was visiting President
Boudreaux. Secretary of State Thibodeaux noticed President Boudreaux
had acquired two new dogs, and asked him what their names were.
President Boudreaux responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one
was named Timex. Secretary of State Thibodeaux said, "Whoever heard of
someone naming dogs like that?" Whereupon President Boudreaux
responded, "Mais, what else you gonna name watch dogs, anh?"

[b:3e32f29bf8]Boudreaux Goes To Confession[/b:3e32f29bf8]

Boudreaux, in his usual highly inebriated state, accidentally stumbled
into the church building Saturday afternoon, trips his way into the
confessional and sits down. The Priest, there of course to hear
confession hears nothing so he coughs to let Boudreaux know that he is
ready to listen to him, but still hears nothing. He then knocks on the
wall separating them, and Boudreaux tells him, "Sorry but dey ain't no
paper in dis one neither!"

[b:3e32f29bf8]Boudreaux's A Crazy Driver[/b:3e32f29bf8]

Boudreaux & Thibodeaux were driving around town one night, and coming up
to a red light, Boudreaux runs right through it, not even slowing down.
Thibodeaux says, "Boudreaux, you ran dat red light, be careful!"
Boudreaux tells him, "Don't worry, Hebert does it all de time, and
nuttin ever happens." A few minutes later, another red light, and
Boudreaux runs it too. Thibodeaux screams at him, "Boudreaux, you keep
running dem red lights, you gonna got us killed!" Boudreaux assures
him, "Mais I done tol you, Hebert does it all de time wid no problem.
Don't worry." The next intersection they come to, they have a green
light, and Boudreaux slams on the brakes, coming to a complete stop on
green. Thibodeaux asks him, "Why you stop for de green light?"
Boudreaux, looking cautiously both ways tells him, "Mais, if I gots de
green light, I gots to be careful, cause Hebert might be passing de
other way!"

[b:3e32f29bf8]Boudreaux & Thibodeaux At The Bar, Again[/b:3e32f29bf8]

Boudreaux and Thibodeaux were once again spending Saturday night at the
City Bar, and after several hours of steady drinking, Thibodeaux
suddenly fell backwards off of the bar stool and onto the floor, passed
out cold. Boudreaux looks at Thib, looks up at the bartender, and
remarks, "Dat's what I like about Thibodeaux. He knows when he done had
enough to drink."

[b:3e32f29bf8]Boudreaux Wins A Bet[/b:3e32f29bf8]

A Texan walked into the City Bar last weekend and started bragging that
nobody could drink like Texans can and bet that if any of the Cajuns
there could drink a whole case of beer in an hour or less he would pay
them $100.00. No one took him up on his offer, and in fact Boudreaux got
up and walked out. A little while later Boudreaux came back inside and
asked the Texan if his offer was still good. The Texan said that it
was, and he would, in fact, even pay for the beer. Boudreaux told the
bartender to line em up, and made short order of the case of beer,
finishing in well less than the hour. The totally amazed Texan held up
his part of the deal and paid the $100.00. But he was a little curious
and asked Boudreaux, "By the way, when you made the offer, you left.
Where did you go?" Boudreaux answered him, "Mais I went to de other bar
across de street. I had to make sure I could do it!"

Nob please add some of your Boudreaux and Thibodeaux jokes to these. :wink:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-06-2002, 04:07 AM
Merci beau cu..............Now I'm sure I spelt that right.... :roll:

10-06-2002, 04:11 AM
Here's one more Cajun joke that I found.

[b:a572220227]Two Indians and a Cajun[/b:a572220227]
Two Indians and a Cajun were walking in the woods, all of a sudden one
of the Indians ran up a hill to the mouth of a small cave. "Wooooo!
Wooooo! Wooooo!" he called into the cave and then he listened very
closely until he heard an answering, "Wooooo! Wooooo! Wooooo!". He tore
off his clothes and ran into the cave.

The Cajun was puzzled and asked the other Indian what that was all
about, was the other Indian crazy or what? "No", said the Indian. "It is
our custom during mating season when Indian men see cave, they holler
'Wooooo! Wooooo! Wooooo!' into the opening. If they get an answer back,
it means there is a girl in there waiting to mate."
Just then they saw another cave. The Indian ran up to the opening of the
cave, stopped and hollered, "Wooooo! Wooooo! Wooooo!". Immediately,
there was an answering "Wooooo! Wooooo! Wooooo!" from deep inside the
cave. He tore off his clothes and ran into the cave.

The Cajun wandered around in the woods alone for a while, and then he
came upon a great big cave. As he looked in amazement at the size of the
huge opening, he was thinking, Hoo man! Look de size o' dis cave! It be
bigger den dose de Injuns foun'. Der mus' be some really big, fine
womans in dis cave! He stood in front of the opening and hollered with
all his might, "Wooooo! Wooooo! Wooooo!". He grinned and closed his eyes
in anticipation, and then he heard the answering call, "WOOOOOOO!
WOOOOOOO! WOOOOOOO!". With a gleam in his eyes and a smile on his face,
he raced into the cave, tearing off his clothes as he ran.

The following day, the headline of the New Orleans Times-Picayune read:

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-06-2002, 04:45 AM

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
10-06-2002, 04:53 PM
I always enjoy those jokes! Thanks for sharing with us Shogun! :rofl: