View Full Version : CSPORTS

05-20-2003, 05:23 PM
I have seen a few posts over the months about someones ranking on CSports. So, I checked it out. I didn't expect to see myself anyway near the top in Sam, but something I thought odd happened.
It gave me my UT2K3 rank, but NO Sam stats. Anyone know how to get Sam stats on there? I only play at Gamemecca and Gods server, and DOA. Do I have to play elsewhere?

05-20-2003, 05:59 PM
I will assume that you have registered with CSports. Make sure you are logged in, then,

go to the CSPORTS.NET RANKINGS TAB, Click on it,
then go to My Stats. If you haven't already done so, you will need to set this up.

Go to the HOME tab, and then over to USER SETTINGS.

You will need your password to get in,

Once your in, then you can set it up for what ever name or names you use in whichever games you play,
just put your name in and select the game and thnn submit.

It may take a few minutes for it to update, but go back to the "Home page" where the CSPORTS.NET RANKINGS tab is and click on My STATS. This should show you how your ranking in each game you play! I hope this helped!

Just for fun, go to the Players tab, and select, Top players, then under Game and Mod, find Serious Sam II: Fragmatch, and look at those players in the top. Cool Huh?

Try a player search, under Players, You can search by clan, or by name. good luck

05-20-2003, 06:02 PM
The only gripe I have with cSports is that it's not based on skill. It's very heavily based on time played.

05-20-2003, 06:04 PM
Yes, you have to play well, and often to get ranked near the top! One of our Villains got to stay home from school on a snow day, and moved up the ranks by 2000 positions! Until someone comes up with something better, it's all we got!

05-20-2003, 06:19 PM
That helped a lot Fantum, but the funny thing was, is I have never created an account with them, and they had my UT stats! Unless of course, someone is playing the the exact name and tags that I use.

I will check that out though, it is kind of cool.

And to add to what Sal is saying, I didn't notice that playing time weighs in pretty heavy in those numbers.

Thanks guys

05-20-2003, 06:19 PM
Uhhh, you can do what fantum said,
or you can click/bookmark this link http://csports.computerandvideogames.com/c...sp?id=625160928 (http://csports.computerandvideogames.com/charts.asp?id=625160928)
for your current stats. you are at 1094....

like they say, it doesn't really indicate how good you are, but how much you play.
I was up to 11 on 'JIMINATOR' and I know that that is fiction :)

05-20-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@May 20 2003, 02:19 PM

like they say, it doesn't really indicate how good you are, but how much you play.
I was up to 11 on 'JIMINATOR' and I know that that is fiction :)
Scrooge! :P I wonder what would happen if you lost every game you played. Maybe not lose, but come in dead last every game for a week. Would that move you up the ladder?

05-20-2003, 07:01 PM
so if everytime you played ur score was like -10 and you played 7 hrs a day would you be rankes high :hmmm:

05-20-2003, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@May 20 2003, 01:19 PM
Uhhh, you can do what fantum said,
or you can click/bookmark this link http://csports.computerandvideogames.com/c...sp?id=625160928 (http://csports.computerandvideogames.com/charts.asp?id=625160928)
for your current stats. you are at 1094....

like they say, it doesn't really indicate how good you are, but how much you play.
I was up to 11 on 'JIMINATOR' and I know that that is fiction :)
Crazy....I am surprised I am that high. I play about an hour a week...maybe they are taking into account the beating you gave me last night... :rofl:

05-20-2003, 07:33 PM
well some of us here on GM could create our own rankin system, like some of the better ss players, the skillfull ones at least, who play at the utmost skill level, but that'd be hard work and lots of ppl wouldn't agree, so Csports is all we got basically.

05-20-2003, 07:54 PM
if you had frags, then you would prolly have more frags then people that didn't play
as much. i think it is the frags that boost your ratings, not the win/losses.
I also used to lose every game I played, about that time I noticed I was at 125...

05-20-2003, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Fantum309@May 20 2003, 06:44 PM
I wonder what would happen if you lost every game you played. Maybe not lose, but come in dead last every game for a week. Would that move you up the ladder?
Thats a good experiment! I think 2-3 weeks will be better. I'll let you know the results in 3 weeks.

Death Engineer
05-20-2003, 08:23 PM
I wrote some emails and got the skinny on cports about a year ago when Bones told me that I was ranked (no way!). You can look that old post up in the old section at seriously.

Basically, the way it works is that every 3 min. or so, it takes a snapshot of the scores. If you have scored more than a higher ranked opponent in those 3 min., you move up. Period. So you could actually move up the ranks very quickly if you were playing long games against good people. Even good people have bad runs.

Also, the way that they already had your stats is because they simply collect the stats from public servers (all servers that can be seen from gamespy).

Hope that answers most of your questions.


Die Hard
05-20-2003, 08:33 PM
We all hate it, but it's nice to say you
are a member of the number 1 club :P

05-20-2003, 11:27 PM
Yeah! :thumbs: http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/uploads/post-82-1053019113.gif