View Full Version : GM Hosting...coming soon.

05-22-2003, 02:46 PM
Well the demand is there, so coming soon will be GM Hosting. We will offer web hosting service to everyone, not just our members. In the next day or two, I will have the final list of features, prices, and plans.

We plan to start off small, and then expand our account as demand increases. If you would like to get in line and reserve a spot, please send me a PM so I get an idea on how much bandwidth to order.

Next week should see the release of this service. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.


05-22-2003, 05:45 PM
These are the plans that we will be offering. If you don't see one you like, let me know and we can work on a custom plan. Each plan has a monthly and yearly option. With the yearly option, you save some money.

Platinum Plan
500MB - Space
6000MB - Bandwidth Transfer
$14.95/month or $165/year

Gold Plan
325MB - Space
4000MB - Bandwidth Transfer
$8.95/month or $99/year

Silver Plan
150MB - Space
2000MB - Bandwidth Transfer
$4.95/month or $55/year

Bronze Plan
75MB - Space
1000MB - Bandwidth Transfer
$2.95/month or $35/year

05-22-2003, 05:47 PM
Here are the features that each account receives regardless of price:

- Ensim Site Admin Control Panel
- Frontpage 2002 Extensions
- No set limit Subdomains
- Lots of Email Addresses
- Apache Web Server
- Server Side Includes (SSI)
- SuEXEC (chrooted)
- Log Files
- Frontpage 2002 Extensions
- Personal CGI-BIN
- Htaccess
- Sendmail Mail Server
- Aliases
- Responders & Vacation Message
- Web-based Squirrel Mail
- Mail Forwarding
- Spam Filters
- Majordomo Mailing Lists
- SMTP Authorization
- ProFTPD FTP Server
- Scripting Tools (Perl, Python, PHP4)
- Backup and Restore Manager
- Usage Reports
- Site Statistics
- File Manager
- File Upload
- MySQL Database
- Traffic Monitoring
- Spamcop.net spam control
- ordb.org spam control
- Webalizer statistics