View Full Version : me or not cause theres no pic

Free Styler
10-06-2002, 08:58 PM
I see people posting their pics in the forums and i think it gives a better idea who people are.So i will post mine considering i have seen pretty much everybody appart from a few mercys.Now keep in mind this is a pic that was takin 3 years ago.And my friend did a few modifacations to it.So i don't look exacly the same today but still it's me 3 years ago.I'll post one from today in the near future.I just think it's cool to see peoples faces to get a better idea about that person. :?:

10-06-2002, 09:33 PM
Cool! Its good to see the face of the guy who keeps my screen constantly red during a match! :D Good pic FS!

Free Styler
10-06-2002, 09:44 PM
ya it is nice to put a face on seomeones name.But looking at it again i seem young on that.I'll have to put a normal photo of me today.But that photo was takin 3 years ago and my friend had it saved in is computer.So i took it considering i have no camera.A other time perhaps when i get either a scanner or a digital camera to borrow i'll post one of me today.But for shure it is nice to know what the other person your playing against looks like.

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-06-2002, 09:56 PM

10-06-2002, 10:07 PM
Awesome... 8) 8) 8)

Nice to see your pic.
I'm thinking of buying a digital camera also.
I usually just buy those disposable ones for 10 bucks.

10-06-2002, 10:26 PM
I posted my pic on Seriously! forums about six months ago, but I have no idea where. Here it is again. Sorry for any emotional distress this may cause anyone.

10-06-2002, 10:27 PM
Sorry FS, I probably should have started another thread to post that. :?

Free Styler
10-06-2002, 10:27 PM
Ya me too dude i can't really afford a digital camera anyhow.But like you said those cheep ones makes the job for everyday pictures.

Free Styler
10-06-2002, 10:29 PM
No prob sirc nice pic and nice plane too.I actully was in control of one of those once.For a minute or so.Then i gave back to it's owner

Free Styler
10-06-2002, 11:08 PM
meaning i gave the remote control back to it's owner cause i was not doing to well controling it.

10-06-2002, 11:12 PM
good pics FS an Sirc!

10-06-2002, 11:33 PM
[quote:aca92957ac="Free Styler"]meaning i gave the remote control back to it's owner cause i was not doing to well controling it.[/quote:aca92957ac]

LOL! It takes a lot of practice. I haven't flown for a few years. I've lost some hair since that picture was taken. :wink:

Free Styler
10-07-2002, 12:24 AM
Cool.Your getting bald is what your saying to me.Well takes less time to dry after a shower.J/K

10-07-2002, 12:46 AM
The attachments are disappearing around here! Whats going on! It happened to me on another thread too. :(

Gun Element
10-07-2002, 01:25 AM
Man I want to see it too. NOOOO!

Mr Clean
10-09-2002, 05:51 AM
Oh that's Sirc holding the plane?! I thought he was that dude off to the left digging through the trash can... :D

10-09-2002, 05:55 AM
now lets see DANS pic.

Dangerous Dan
10-09-2002, 05:55 AM
my pic? how can i? i need a camera, lol