View Full Version : Sniper for hire

05-25-2003, 03:03 PM
Hey i need a clan if you want my stats it's here:

*I am good at the sniper, Minigun, Shotguns, Rocket, and Melee combat

*I could one of each monster in the game with just the pistols
(Provided i do not have to send in a record of each monster i kill)

*quite bad in thight spaces but good in large open grounds

*I have teamwork and provide loyaty to my clan

*in co-op i do not leave the team to die i would surely help the member that is i trouble

Send me your reply and the rulez plus the clan website and how to join the clan

05-25-2003, 05:03 PM
Sounds great, im sure we'd be more that happy to have you as a part of CF (my clan)! :thumbs:

CF is on GM here be sure to inqure for membership in the join CF thread!Click here for clan joining rulz! (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=53&t=5570&st=0&#entry89117)