View Full Version : Mary Jane....

10-07-2002, 02:18 AM
So, Ive been wondering how many of you have tried marijuana? It is absolutelly mind-boggeling how many people have [i:85c8b3b12f]at-least [/i:85c8b3b12f]tried it at my school...over 90% for sure....including me....dont worry though, i think it is lame and I dont do it, I just experimented...ayways, how many of you have actually tried it...?

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-07-2002, 02:20 AM

10-07-2002, 02:20 AM
never have and dont plan on... why start?

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-07-2002, 02:20 AM
I'd start back if they made it legal.

10-07-2002, 02:21 AM
I guess it should be ok

I mean your damn presidents use it.

Probably less harmful than alcohol.

10-07-2002, 02:21 AM
I could see myself doing it once a month....but thats it...

10-07-2002, 02:22 AM
[quote:faf605a40f="FASTway"]I guess it should be ok

I mean your damn presidents use it.

Probably less harmful than alcohol.[/quote:faf605a40f]

IMO, far less harmfull than alchohol!

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-07-2002, 02:26 AM
Alcohol is way worse than a big old doob.

10-07-2002, 02:34 AM
not if you have a beer or two

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-07-2002, 02:36 AM
[quote:d9ca7bccf4="Norcon"]not if you have a beer or two[/quote:d9ca7bccf4]

Dude, have you done both?

10-07-2002, 02:36 AM
just beer

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-07-2002, 02:40 AM
Man I tell you that smoking pot is much less harmful to your body then drinking alcohol.

And the buzz is totaly different. It's much easier to keep your coordination when smoking than drinking.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-07-2002, 02:44 AM
[size=24:429ee0eddd][b:429ee0eddd]Stay away from it............it's mine........all mine!!!!!!!!!![/b:429ee0eddd][/size:429ee0eddd]

10-07-2002, 02:44 AM
[quote:986b25eb2f="OUTLAWS high ping camper"][size=24:986b25eb2f][b:986b25eb2f]Stay away from it............it's mine........all mine!!!!!!!!!![/b:986b25eb2f][/size:986b25eb2f][/quote:986b25eb2f]

I was wondering how long it would take you to find this thread. :lol: :lol:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-07-2002, 02:58 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Dark Reign
10-07-2002, 03:02 AM
I have never but I think I'll try it once. But after that I would never again, I don't EVER want to become a pothead. :P

10-07-2002, 03:05 AM
marijuana is a soft drug and Alcohol and tobacco both are hard drugs so u can see whats more harmfull to ur body

and the substance THC that causes the high feeling is also used as a medicine in a small dosis so

and i tried Marijuana too :)

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-07-2002, 03:08 AM
[quote:99a73e13f6="Dark Reign"]I have never but I think I'll try it once. But after that I would never again, I don't EVER want to become a pothead. :P[/quote:99a73e13f6]

Trust me, you won't like it. I don't even like it (anymore). Now don't get me wrong.. I had my fair share durring the late 70's and early 80's. The stuff nowadays is too expensive and too strong. Hell, last time I smoked some I had to keep reminding myself to [size=24:99a73e13f6][b:99a73e13f6]breath[/b:99a73e13f6][/size:99a73e13f6]!
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :lol:

Dark Reign
10-07-2002, 03:11 AM
You only have one life to live. You shouldn't just live life by the rules ya know. :wink:

10-07-2002, 03:14 AM
Nope. Never tried. But I do enjoy a fine cigar on occasion :)

Herbus Maximus
10-07-2002, 03:38 AM
[color=green:bf4a2534d2]Hmmmm..certainly got my attention! Uhm, yes..have tried it on occasion... :roll: well....only on days ending in 'Y" It's my only drug of choice. Gave up cigarettes about 2 yrs ago and gave up the drinking thing for recreation long ago. I'll have to agree with that flaming mechanoid person up there and say that smoking a doob is the least harmful of them all. But as with every drug, it should be used responsibly and not to be used to excess...*did I just say that?* :rolf: [/color:bf4a2534d2]

10-07-2002, 03:49 AM
[quote:fbc37e5e52="OUTLAWS high ping camper"]:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:[/quote:fbc37e5e52]

I was just messing with you HPC. :D

Death Engineer
10-07-2002, 04:40 AM
I have never tried either and I plan to keep it that way. My wife has a wine cooler or whatever sometimes, but I'm cool with just water.


10-07-2002, 06:15 AM
I get high off of life...LOL :drinking:

10-07-2002, 06:59 AM
[quote:d18227066d="FASTway"]I get high off of life...LOL :drinking:[/quote:d18227066d]

:lol: nothing is better :D :multi:

10-07-2002, 07:00 AM
i dont drink or smoke...

too good of a kid i guess.. :roll:

10-07-2002, 07:32 AM
and thats how to get in the gods clan folks

10-07-2002, 11:47 AM
I smoke stuff like this alllllll the time. It's part of what makes me a Canadian Patriot.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-07-2002, 02:23 PM
[quote:cad2d1e00a="Nobody"][quote:cad2d1e00a="OUTLAWS high ping camper"]:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:[/quote:cad2d1e00a]

I was just messing with you HPC. :D[/quote:cad2d1e00a]

Hey! I knew that! :lol:

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-07-2002, 02:31 PM
[quote:415ceda157="Falcor"]I smoke stuff like this alllllll the time. It's part of what makes me a Canadian Patriot.[/quote:415ceda157]


::: DARK PSI :::
10-07-2002, 05:09 PM
[quote:90e45751e9="SALvation"]Nope. Never tried. But I do enjoy a fine cigar on occasion :)[/quote:90e45751e9]

I bet you like a fine "Cigar" on occasion! YEA!

::: DARK PSI :::
10-07-2002, 05:10 PM
Oh and I went away to college. And now you have your answer about me! :twisted:

10-07-2002, 05:14 PM
[quote:c6a30c313e=":: DARK LEVIATHAN ::"][quote:c6a30c313e="SALvation"]Nope. Never tried. But I do enjoy a fine cigar on occasion :)[/quote:c6a30c313e]

I bet you like a fine "Cigar" on occasion! YEA![/quote:c6a30c313e]

Oh Sh*t, so would Hammer be Sal's humidor? :rolf:

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
10-08-2002, 12:51 AM
[quote:6d07e518e9="Terminathare"]Can't stand smoking....so I ate some...brownies were tasty...so I had a few more.....felt light headed and slept for 10 hours. That was my first and last experience with MJ.[/quote:6d07e518e9]

Now that sounds like my kind of drug...mixed with the taste of chocolate! :D

10-08-2002, 12:52 AM
Ahhhhh Doobage! :P

Only the Kriznip
$100.00 a week habit
heheheh :twisted:

10-08-2002, 12:56 AM
I would never touch the stuff, although I'm working on a trip to Jamaica in Jan. hehe


10-08-2002, 12:58 AM
[quote:a2df4edd0f="OUTLAWS Tip"]I would never touch the stuff, although I'm working on a trip to Jamaica in Jan. hehe

The stuff in Jamaica is crap compared to what i get


10-08-2002, 12:59 AM
hmm i think Whocares needs to learn how to quote correctly :)

10-08-2002, 01:00 AM
[quote:b3c1aaa537="Sauron"]hmm i think Whocares needs to learn how to quote correctly :)[/quote:b3c1aaa537]

My Bad.

Gun Element
10-08-2002, 01:06 AM
huh, I dont plan on doing stuff like that. I ve never planned on trying it "Once"

I just would hate to be addicted to any drugs.

10-08-2002, 01:12 AM
Some would not consider it a drug.

Mr Clean
10-09-2002, 08:12 PM
You all know that I think the world or everyone here, but I have to say....You all are the biggest bunch of idiots I've seen yet. A "soft" drug? There isn't any such thing. Marijuana cannot be called safer than alcohol or tobacco because there has never been a scientific study to determine what effects, if any, marijuana has on the short or long term health of humas.

Let me say that again for all of you who are about to quote that and say not true: These "studies" you hear about have all been conducted by organizations pushing for the legalization of some or all drugs. There has never been a scientific study done by a third party to determine the safety of weed.

People in America get hyped up over how much flouride there is in their drinking water, but have no problem smoking something that is at minimum going to kill off brain cells and do God knows what else.....wow


10-09-2002, 08:17 PM
Quote" People in America get hyped up over how much flouride there is in their drinking water, but have no problem smoking something that is at minimum going to kill off brain cells and do God knows what else.....wow"

Only the weak ones.

10-09-2002, 08:19 PM
who cares all u need to do to quote is click the quote button on the top right hand corner of the posst u wanna quote :)

10-09-2002, 08:21 PM
never tried it....but y would they make mj illegal when cigarettes are worse? ahhh they are so confusing :bad-words: :new-alien:

10-09-2002, 10:47 PM
Mr. Clean,

Yes it is a drug to some.
For me it is a way to wind down from the day.
Some people drink a beer I prefer the greens.

Gun Element
10-10-2002, 12:01 AM
I think if it as like a waste of time

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-10-2002, 03:31 AM
[quote:71f0de8be2="Mr Clean"]You all know that I think the world or everyone here, but I have to say....You all are the biggest bunch of idiots I've seen yet. A "soft" drug? There isn't any such thing. Marijuana cannot be called safer than alcohol or tobacco because there has never been a scientific study to determine what effects, if any, marijuana has on the short or long term health of humas.

Let me say that again for all of you who are about to quote that and say not true: These "studies" you hear about have all been conducted by organizations pushing for the legalization of some or all drugs. There has never been a scientific study done by a third party to determine the safety of weed.

People in America get hyped up over how much flouride there is in their drinking water, but have no problem smoking something that is at minimum going to kill off brain cells and do God knows what else.....wow


Why is it, when you call everyone a "bunch of idiots" , I find it amusing rather than upsetting?! I must be stoned. :roll: :)

10-10-2002, 04:03 AM
[quote="Why is it, when you call everyone a "bunch of idiots" , I find it amusing rather than upsetting?! I must be stoned. :roll: :)[/quote]

HPC You always crack me up.


OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-10-2002, 04:07 AM
[quote="Why is it, when you call everyone a "bunch of idiots" , I find it amusing rather than upsetting?! I must be stoned. :roll: :)[/quote:3a10d5bbc8]

HPC You always crack me up.


My pleasure!

10-10-2002, 04:07 AM
uh uh! we dont know how to quote here! :P

Dangerous Dan
10-10-2002, 04:16 AM
lol, your mean raven :P

10-10-2002, 04:19 AM
[quote:59b9dfb913="Ra/en"]uh uh! we dont know how to quote here! :P[/quote:59b9dfb913]

I do, I do, I just have trouble with trim these days.


10-10-2002, 04:22 AM
im sorry i wasent serious... jus razzin ya guys..

no hard feelins! :P

10-10-2002, 05:08 AM
I took it as j/k anyway. I haven't quite mastered the art of trimming quotes yet anyway. By the way, trim is also slang for some booty.


OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-10-2002, 05:18 AM
[quote:7586812c85="Ra/en"]im sorry i wasent serious... jus razzin ya guys..

no hard feelins! :P[/quote:7586812c85]

No hard feelings.................prick............LOL ...just kidding..just kidding!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

10-10-2002, 05:30 AM
[quote="OUTLAWS high ping camper"][quote:75f85247cb="Ra/en"]im sorry i wasent serious... jus razzin ya guys..

no hard feelins! :P[/quote:75f85247cb]

No hard feelings.................prick............LOL ...just kidding..just kidding!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: /quote]
im a quoting pro!!

Mr Clean
10-10-2002, 08:59 PM
[quote:0b731d54d6]Yes it is a drug to some.
For me it is a way to wind down from the day.
Some people drink a beer I prefer the greens.[/quote:0b731d54d6]

Yeah, I like golf too.... :roll: :D

You may not consider it a drug, that doesn't mean it isn't one.

10-10-2002, 09:05 PM
Marihuana in MODERATION can be used safely. NOT behind the wheel of a car but in the privacy of your own home AFTER the kiddies are sleeping.

Gun Element
10-10-2002, 09:43 PM

10-11-2002, 02:54 AM
I am smoked my share of pot. and loved almost every minute. Hydro is too much for me. Hydro Weed makes me sick, but not swag. I love normal weed.

10-11-2002, 03:00 AM
[quote:d529592759="Dan2"]Marihuana in MODERATION can be used safely... inyour own home AFTER the kiddies are sleeping.[/quote:d529592759]

You wouldnt by any chance be the parents of the girl that David Westerfield killed now would you?

10-11-2002, 03:11 AM
[quote:047d41d5aa="MR. SLiK"][quote:047d41d5aa="Dan2"]Marihuana in MODERATION can be used safely... inyour own home AFTER the kiddies are sleeping.[/quote:047d41d5aa]

You wouldnt by any chance be the parents of the girl that David Westerfield killed now would you?[/quote:047d41d5aa]

Surely you jest.

10-11-2002, 03:19 AM
[quote:054c609b00="MR. SLiK"][quote:054c609b00="Dan2"]Marihuana in MODERATION can be used safely... inyour own home AFTER the kiddies are sleeping.[/quote:054c609b00]

You wouldnt by any chance be the parents of the girl that David Westerfield killed now would you?[/quote:054c609b00]

Slik must be high or something.... :drinking:

Drunken Warrior
10-11-2002, 11:55 AM
Here's a little tidbit for all of you.

Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers have. These individuals may have daily cough and phlegm, symptoms of chronic bronchitis, and more frequent chest colds. Continuing to smoke marijuana can lead to abnormal functioning of lung tissue injured or destroyed by marijuana smoke.

Regardless of the THC content, the amount of tar inhaled by marijuana smokers and the level of carbon monoxide absorbed are three to five times greater than among tobacco smokers. This may be due to marijuana users inhaling more deeply and holding the smoke in the lungs.

I tried it myself many years ago and all it did was give me a light buzz and then made me sleepy. Imagine being at a kickass party and all you want to do is sleep. Alone!

Mr Clean
10-11-2002, 02:51 PM
[quote:22fa9fdfe3]Marihuana in MODERATION can be used safely. NOT behind the wheel of a car but in the privacy of your own home AFTER the kiddies are sleeping.[/quote:22fa9fdfe3]

So if the kids inhale the second-hand smoke that is no big deal?

10-11-2002, 03:03 PM
if you guys like weed move too holland
it legal here!!

but i dont smoke that crap!!
i'm only 16 so i'm too young for that
although i know alot of people my age or youbger smoking it
i think your week if you need it!
my mom likes it too and i always hate her when she is smoking that crap and i need to smell it
i have a little brother thats almost 2.5 and she smokes weed while he is in the room!!!! i hate her for that!!!
i love my little brother too much, i hope she stops!
she saying she's gonna quit like every week, but i dont listen to that crap anymore
lucky for me my parents are divorced so i have a non weed week at my dad, although he drinks alot of alcohol

as you can see my parents are pretty much ****ed up!!

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-11-2002, 03:09 PM
[quote:772c9d5429="TheUltimateWarrior"]if you guys like weed move too holland
it legal here!!

but i dont smoke that crap!!
i'm only 16 so i'm too young for that
although i know alot of people my age or youbger smoking it
i think your week if you need it!
my mom likes it too and i always hate her when she is smoking that crap and i need to smell it
i have a little brother thats almost 2.5 and she smokes weed while he is in the room!!!! i hate her for that!!!
i love my little brother too much, i hope she stops!
she saying she's gonna quit like every week, but i dont listen too that crap anymore
lucky for my parent are divorced so i have a non weed week at my dad, although he drinks alot of alcohol

as you can see my parents are pretty much **** up!![/quote:772c9d5429]

I am sorry to hear that (about your parents). Be strong! Sincerly, HPC

10-11-2002, 03:12 PM
thnx hpc

a few more years and i'm outta both houses :D

Mr Clean
10-11-2002, 03:36 PM
You can come to America!......On second thought, why would you want to do that... :D

10-11-2002, 04:51 PM
Weed!!!!!!!! It SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-11-2002, 11:25 PM
[quote:fa21066a3c="Phoenix"]Weed!!!!!!!! It SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote:fa21066a3c]

You say that because you got busted.

10-14-2002, 04:53 AM
I smoke weed, I have for almost 5 years and im 21 right now. I'll be quitting soon and I have been arrested before for possesion. It's a fine to do if you can keep it in moderation which I am unable to do.

10-14-2002, 06:37 AM
ok, my pot days.

My g/f and her family all did it and I wanted to try it, and when I got the full effect, I didn't really like it. It just ****ed with me too much, cost too much, and didn't last long, meaning I have smoked an either in like 5 minutes, not along, me and some friends.

My point a view, beer is way better, cheaper, and at one point because legal when you are 21.

My 2 beers worth lol

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-14-2002, 02:04 PM
[quote:7233a82bb0="Grimmy"]ok, my pot days.

My g/f and her family all did it and I wanted to try it, and when I got the full effect, I didn't really like it. It just **** with me too much, cost too much, and didn't last long, meaning I have smoked an either in like 5 minutes, not along, me and some friends.

My point a view, beer is way better, cheaper, and at one point because legal when you are 21.

My 2 beers worth lol[/quote:7233a82bb0]

LOL....were you just speaking English? I think you had a couple beers!

10-14-2002, 04:43 PM
I think so, I don't remember LMAO