View Full Version : Sweet we invented al-Qaida

::: DARK PSI :::
05-26-2003, 03:35 PM
This is too rich..

http://www.sacbee.com/24hour/world/story/8...p-6258983c.html (http://www.sacbee.com/24hour/world/story/898569p-6258983c.html)

05-26-2003, 03:36 PM

05-26-2003, 06:26 PM
you know whats even worse
there are some liberals here who belive that bull****
its all steps our government takes to get the results we want (they believe)

it just blows my mind that some people can be so idiotic

05-26-2003, 08:22 PM
:hmmm: :unsure:

05-27-2003, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Elessar@May 26 2003, 02:26 PM
you know whats even worse
there are some liberals here who belive that bull****
its all steps our government takes to get the results we want (they believe)

it just blows my mind that some people can be so idiotic
I'm pretty sure there are some conservatives who believe it as well... It's not always a liberal who believes everything they hear... I know some conservatives who believe this tax cut will be good for the economy... I'll believe it when I see it... :hmmm:

05-27-2003, 05:39 PM
i'm still having trouble believing that you landed on the moon...
nice set-up !! :P

05-27-2003, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Nick@May 27 2003, 01:39 PM
i'm still having trouble believing that you landed on the moon...
nice set-up !! :P
:rofl: Yup, I set myself up... :rofl: