View Full Version : secondary HD as slave

05-27-2003, 06:39 PM
Just a few question. I took my roomates maxtor HD and put it in my rig as a slave (easier said then done) Now if the HD is bad, shouldn't I still be able to boot?

I did everything, went into bios, did a detect and it found it, but I never could boot up. I seen the windwos XP screen, but never the log in screen. :bandhead: I even tried cable select, but nothing.

The slave drive makes this clicking sound, and quite often. Any ideas on that? Junk?

Thanks for all the help. Atleast my rig is going :jammin:

05-27-2003, 06:50 PM
Maxtor drives make a slight sound which is the head moving when reading the drive. Does it only make a sound when accessing data? It won't boot with your computer because the registry is totally different on your computer then his old Dell. If you make it a slave drive you should be able to read the data on it from your computer. If you can't then the drive may be bad.

05-27-2003, 07:10 PM
It does sound that way when it is reading, or so I think it is reading. It is like the actuator is moving too far and hitting something, and it is quite noticible, even when it is in the puter. I was sure that I had it as a slave. Here is a pic of the HD and what is says it has for settings. Should it be set on the horizontal one??

05-27-2003, 07:11 PM
The one on top is the one that I had it set at, the DS (slave) or spare. I also had my WD HD (my own in my rig) and had that set to master with slave present (which just master is with no jumpers at all). It was just mind boggling that something so simple wouldn't work at all. :online2long:

OUTLAWS Behind You?
05-27-2003, 07:22 PM
If the BIOS is finding the drive, then make sure your booting from the right drive, your old WD. It may be listed as IDE0.

05-27-2003, 08:44 PM
On my Maxtor when looking at the pins on the back of the drive, if you wanted slave you would jump the 2 pins that are the second pair from the left perpendicular not horizontal.

05-27-2003, 08:46 PM
Thanks guys, I will give that a try and see what happens. Why can't they just put master/slave, instead of like CS Enhanced and all that mojo? :WTF:

05-27-2003, 10:55 PM
Like Behind You sez, see what they look like in BIOS. If your original is the Master, and the questionable drive the slave, you should be good to go, and boot up and Explore it to see if it is functioning. Then, use a CD-R and get anything he would find tedious or impossible to replace, like mailboxes, address books, game configs, etc, just in case.

05-28-2003, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by Slice@May 27 2003, 03:44 PM
On my Maxtor when looking at the pins on the back of the drive, if you wanted slave you would jump the 2 pins that are the second pair from the left perpendicular not horizontal.
That would give him Cable Select, which is not what he wants. It needs to be DS, or Drive Select slave.

05-28-2003, 02:55 AM

One more thing to check is WD hard drives have a Master and a Master w/Slave setting.

05-28-2003, 04:47 AM
Originally posted by Nobody@May 27 2003, 09:55 PM

One more thing to check is WD hard drives have a Master and a Master w/Slave setting.
yup, checked that. Just master has no jumper, but master with slave present you have to put a jumper in, and I still couldn't boot my puter. Dunno why. Just trying to get all the data off that other drive.

Death Engineer
05-28-2003, 05:37 AM
Dang....I saw this title and thought DL must be up to something.

As a side note, I don't know exactly what the sound is, but if it happens more than a couple of time a minute, I would guess that the drive is bad. The clicking sound (if it is that often) is the sound of the head actually making contact with the platter (very very bad!). If you have anything on there, salvage it if you can and send that drive off to get it replaced. I've done RMA's for a computer company and can help ya if you need. :thumbs:

05-28-2003, 05:55 PM
always put your ide drives on cable select and you will be fine.

look at the ide ribbon as it has 2 plugs for ide devices. the top ide plug will be considered master and the second ide plug (the one in the middle of cable) will always be slave. for anyone who uses a removable hd bay, this is the best way also so you and alway change hard drives without going into the bios.

05-29-2003, 07:35 AM
ok, you won't believe this, but my roommate tried getting his data off that maxtor drive, that was still clicking and all. Some guys from work told him to smack it around, so he hooked it up, it started clicking and he punched it a couple times, it went away. It started again, so he banged it against the table, the clicking stopped, and he was able to get all of his data off the drive and reformat it :blink:

When in doubt, slam your HD against something hard and see if that works :D (something hard is not referring to your head either, but if you do, have someone stand and watch you with a digi cam to take a pic of you being knocked out on the floor :shifty: )

05-29-2003, 08:13 AM

05-29-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by Grimmy@May 29 2003, 02:35 AM
ok, you won't believe this, but my roommate tried getting his data off that maxtor drive, that was still clicking and all. Some guys from work told him to smack it around, so he hooked it up, it started clicking and he punched it a couple times, it went away. It started again, so he banged it against the table, the clicking stopped, and he was able to get all of his data off the drive and reformat it :blink:

When in doubt, slam your HD against something hard and see if that works :D (something hard is not referring to your head either, but if you do, have someone stand and watch you with a digi cam to take a pic of you being knocked out on the floor :shifty: )
hahaha never heard of that "fix" but I'll keep it in mind!!!

OUTLAWS high ping camper
05-29-2003, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Grimmy@May 28 2003, 11:35 PM
ok, you won't believe this, but my roommate tried getting his data off that maxtor drive, that was still clicking and all. Some guys from work told him to smack it around, so he hooked it up, it started clicking and he punched it a couple times, it went away. It started again, so he banged it against the table, the clicking stopped, and he was able to get all of his data off the drive and reformat it :blink:

When in doubt, slam your HD against something hard and see if that works :D (something hard is not referring to your head either, but if you do, have someone stand and watch you with a digi cam to take a pic of you being knocked out on the floor :shifty: )
Will wonders ever cease!!!!? LOL, that is funny!! :)