View Full Version : Kicking Team Killers

{ATF} DaMutha
05-29-2003, 08:51 PM
I stumbled across this today---if it works (I haven't tried it yet), it seems like a nice way to punish TKers:

"Here is exactly how ptk works. If you get TK'd, and you see (name here)killed a team mate, you push the tilde key (~) to open the console. You type "ptk" (without the quotes) and press enter. That's it. The TKer gets punished. I'm not sure on the exact number, but I think you get 2 warnings. If you get 3 ptk's against you, you get kicked. On some servers, if you get kicked twice, you get banned. I'm very liberal with ptk. If I get purposely TK'd, I won't even say anything to the TKer, I'll just use ptk and wait for them to do it again. Then I lmao when I see "(name here)got kicked for team killing". "


05-29-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by {ATF} DaMutha@May 29 2003, 04:51 PM
I stumbled across this today---if it works (I haven't tried it yet), it seems like a nice way to punish TKers:

"Here is exactly how ptk works. If you get TK'd, and you see (name here)killed a team mate, you push the tilde key (~) to open the console. You type "ptk" (without the quotes) and press enter. That's it. The TKer gets punished. I'm not sure on the exact number, but I think you get 2 warnings. If you get 3 ptk's against you, you get kicked. On some servers, if you get kicked twice, you get banned. I'm very liberal with ptk. If I get purposely TK'd, I won't even say anything to the TKer, I'll just use ptk and wait for them to do it again. Then I lmao when I see "(name here)got kicked for team killing". "

:jammin: cool.

Now only if i had BF....

well isn't team killing when ppl kill you because they want an airplane or some sort of thing like that? :wave:

{ATF} DaMutha
05-29-2003, 10:14 PM
That's certainly one time you see it. More often, however, it's just some bozo who gets his kicks by running around killing his "teammates." Unfortunately, there are times when someone can completely screw his team without killing anyone--e.g. by grounding the destroyer in Omaha Beach.

I'm thirsty. :drink: Better.

06-01-2003, 12:37 PM
Whoa, that's pretty cool. I wasn't sure how to do that. TKing seems to be down lately.

06-03-2003, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by {ATF} DaMutha@May 29 2003, 06:14 PM
That's certainly one time you see it. More often, however, it's just some bozo who gets his kicks by running around killing his "teammates." Unfortunately, there are times when someone can completely screw his team without killing anyone--e.g. by grounding the destroyer in Omaha Beach.

I'm thirsty. :drink: Better.
gotcha. When i go to a lan gaming place this friday i'll try out BF and i'll tell yall my opinion.

07-27-2003, 05:21 PM
I was playing on a server and one idiot was at the base and blowing up the tanks and planes right as the spawned. So I wasted him and he yells I will ban you. I asked him what the hell he was doing. I jumped in an Abram and took off. He kicked me from the server. :rofl: Damn idiot was running the server and ruining the game for everyone. Last night I saw a lot of team killing going on. Mostly the damn airplane campers killing their own to get the plane first. :loser:

07-29-2003, 03:41 PM
wow, much easier than trying to get a vote going, either nobody cares or don't know how to vote....I've been educating a lot, but have only been able to succesfully vote 2 people for tking.

{ATF} DaMutha
07-30-2003, 11:31 AM
I assume you know to teach people how to use "kt [player number]" instead of "kick [player number]"? The former requires only the votes of your team members, while the latter requires all players to vote.

07-31-2003, 01:15 PM
no actually, I thought the only one was kick, like it really matters on most servers, even if there are 10 people on your team, only 2 or 3 are voting.