View Full Version : Does this Ultra Freeze Tag tourney sound like fun?

05-31-2003, 03:11 PM
In three weeks the L0D Invitational Cup 2 will be starting up. It lasts 5 weeks. Already 30 teams are confirmed and we have 10 servers up and running. There's a casual division for new clans who haven't played much freeze tag before. I'm hoping some of the players around here will want to be involved in this. :wave:


Check it out, lemme know what you think. More teams will be signing up in the next few weeks.

If you find you don't have enough players wanting to play in this, I know of a few clans who are in need of some more players for this event.

Here's a list of some of the new features that got included in the latest UFT patch.
http://www.cached.net/?go=main/featurearti...icle/single/130 (http://www.cached.net/?go=main/featurearticle/single/130)

OUTLAWS The Machine
05-31-2003, 03:19 PM
Hi Whitecloud. Welcome to Gamemecca!

Sounds cool. :thumbs:

05-31-2003, 03:22 PM
I'm in. If we could maybe get a few top players from each clan and use the GM tag we could do pretty well... :thumbs:

05-31-2003, 04:33 PM
Freeze has been a staple around here

06-05-2003, 04:43 AM
Do we have enough people for a GM entry? The dates are right in the middle of me moving but put me on the roster and hopefully I can play some. I won't know if I can, though, until probably a couple of days before the each match.

Who else is joining?

06-05-2003, 04:49 AM
So far we have:
1) Terminathare
2) Fragetti
3) Whocares
4) Grimmy
5) Shogun
6) Spike
7) Dan2 (Sundays)
8) Chico

Yo Machine, Where ya at? :oooo:

06-05-2003, 04:52 AM
He is probably frozen in some map and the bots are trapped and he is swearing up a storm at the bots. :rofl:

06-05-2003, 08:49 AM
Hi guys, sorry about the delay. What a nice welcoming party you've given me!

It looks like you have enough active members to get into the event. Let's move on to the next step, shall we?

I'll have a zip file on the lic2 webpage very soon with the maps. One easy click. I'll let ya know when it's up. The tourney uses a mix of old standard maps and some custom maps that we've playtested for a few months.

We'll need at least your team captain to join IRC. It's the only way to easily coordinate getting the teams into servers with referees without wasting time. Have you guys used IRC before? Do you have your own channel I can join?

Some of the casual division clans are very new to IRC so i made a little guide to IRC for them:

IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat." IRC was one of the original ways to use the internet in 1988. It consists of thousands of chat rooms (channels).

90% of the people on IRC use the program called mIRC.

IRC Network: EntertheGame
Server: EntertheGame: Random server

Put in your nickname and an alternative nickname in case yours is already taken.

/nick changes your name anytime

/join #LIC
/join #UFT
Like most clans, my clan runs our own public channel #6th and our own private channel #6thPrivate that no one but us can get into.

All commands use a / in front of them just like in Quake. Type them in the "status" channel. You're always in that channel if you are connected to a server. You don't need to read 99% of the stuff in that channel.

It uses very low bandwidth and CPU power. Everyone leaves mIRC running while they play quake, go at work, and overnight so they can read the text when they get back.

I'm usually in 14 channels (chat rooms), several of them hardly ever have anything said in them but since it doesn't drain resources to have them running, I stay in them. You'll see a lot of silent people who don't say much in IRC, don't be offended if they don't talk back. They are there to read the conversations and support the channel by showing up.

To have a private 1 on 1 conversation with someone double click on their name and type something in the new window that opens.

Ctrl-F searches the text in a channel just like it does in other programs.

Don't accept file transfers. Ignore that feature until you get used to IRC. You wouldn't accept a random file from the web so don't accept one on IRC.

That's everything. You'll find it's very simple to start using for the first time. People who have been using IRC for years know how to use its many powerful features. It's much more powerful than any chat program like ICQ or MSN messenger.

When you see me on IRC, pull me aside and I'll take a second to make it so that mIRC automatically connects to the server and joins the channels you want to be in as soon as you start mIRC.

I'll check back soon!

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-05-2003, 04:26 PM
Add me to the list. Have not had a chance too look at the dates yet though.

06-06-2003, 11:05 PM
If you don't have a clan (at least one that is participating in LIC2), make yourself known in this www.ufreeze.com thread http://forum.ufreeze.com/viewtopic.php?p=778#778. I’m posting this message on 14 forums, so clans who want an extra person or two to play the tourney with can check it out too. BTW Haste and Borland take most of their bug reports and feature suggestions from that forum.

The clans looking for more members to fill their tournament rosters
http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?...ST&f=58&t=15139 (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=58&t=15139) Outlaws are a very casual all weapons UFT clan with a great attitude.
http://www.nadville.com/forum/showthread.p...=&threadid=4153 (http://www.nadville.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4153) NAD is a casual insta UFT clan with the busiest IRC channel of any clan in the tournament.
http://www.valheracon.com/TeamFreon.html R12 is a casual group of all weapons UFT players that aspire to grow and improve together.
http://www.collectivechaos.tk/ cc is an experienced clan of all weapons UFT players.
http://www.l4v4.hbots.net/ L4v4 is a very casual group of all weapons UFT players. They speak English and French.
http://www.clanbib.com/ Bring It Bitch is a casual group of insta UFT players with their own server and a surprisingly kind attitude when met.
http://www.poopinashoe.com/ PIAS is an all weapons UFT clan with some truly ancient roots and a true addiction to freeze tag.
http://www.666sdfclan.cjb.net/ 666 is a non-ultra freeze tag clan trying to move their members into UFT. I hope they make it.

The forums that have free agents interested in LIC2
http://www.dayentech.net/vbulletin/index.php?s= DayenTech houses a wide range of clans on their insta lagcomp off freeze servers.
http://www.junkphreak.com/ Junkphreak is a very popular, VERY FAST insta UFT server.
http://www.wickedklan.com/index.php Wicked is a very active insta UFT clan with a lot of common sense.
http://q3zen.com/home.htm Q3Zen is a very casual group of all weapons UFT players based around their own server.
http://fragmart.servequake.com:2445/FragMa...ct=ST&f=1&t=312 (http://fragmart.servequake.com:2445/FragMart/forum2/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=312) Fragmart has managed to achieve the coveted 0% asshole players status. The few people left are the cream of the crop.

06-06-2003, 11:57 PM
Thanks for the info Whitecloud :thumbs:

Also Machine & Nightflier have committed to playing, That's a total of 10 players from the Outlaws.

06-07-2003, 12:09 AM
GREAT! :wootrock:

btw we linked a map pk3 to the wrong place and exceeded our bandwidth

here's the backup page http://www.selery.com/L0D/index.html

go back to the main page to see the other sub-pages or else they won't work

We'll fix it soon.

06-07-2003, 04:56 AM
WhiteCloud, I see you are from St.Louis, do you by chance know Hammer? I know he played Q2 and ran a sever called Hammertime.

We also have two other members from St.Louis that I know of, they are Outlaws Dirtgod and Mr.Clean, they work with Hammer.

06-07-2003, 05:02 AM
Originally posted by WhiteCloud@Jun 6 2003, 07:09 PM
GREAT! :wootrock:

btw we linked a map pk3 to the wrong place and exceeded our bandwidth

here's the backup page http://www.selery.com/L0D/index.html

go back to the main page to see the other sub-pages or else they won't work

We'll fix it soon.
Do those maps go in the base directory?? Just wondering where I should put them. ;)

06-07-2003, 06:14 PM
hey that's pretty awesome that you mention that Spike! There are two people named Hammer in the St. Louis LAN party scene. And both run events separately lol. One is more towards central Missouri though. I have been to both of their lans. I'm going to guess that you mean Bob Huff? We have an old group of gamers around here who have lanned together for years. And as luck would have it I just found two people about twenty minutes outside of st. louis as I was looking for clans to join LIC2. The leader of Da Fone Men and one of his regular members. http://www.dafonemen.com/

06-07-2003, 06:15 PM
Here's all the settings in UFT that you may want. I wish I had this when I started playing. LOL

// Double binds you may not have thought of
bind x "weapon 1;pip" //gauntlet & PIP spectating <-- most important line to add to your config
bind x "+scores;+wstats" //+wstats shows a transparent stats window while you play

// Model settings (These make models easier to see) (you must use all these lines for it to work)
set cg_forcemodel 1
set cg_enemymodel keel/pm
set cg_enemyColors 2222 //neon green
set team_model razor/pm
set cg_teamHeadModel hunter
set model razor/pm
set headmodel razor

// Automatically says these to your team
set event_megahealth "say_team ^4|||^3Mega taken^4|||"
set event_redarmor "say_team ^1|||^3RA taken^1|||"
set event_yellowarmor "" //don&#39;t say this event
set event_powerup "" //don&#39;t say this event

// Other commands
set cg_autodemo 0 //turns off recording of demos every time you play
set cg_autoscreenshot 0 //turns off screenshots after every game
set cg_showPlayerLean 0 //the 1.27 Q3 patch introduces player lean according to the direction they are running. This takes it away.
set cg_otherRailTrailTime 1600 //other peoples&#39; rails stay on screen longer
set com_blood 0 //lets you see enemies without their blood covering them up
set cg_crosshairPulse 0 //stops crosshair from puffing up when you pick up items
set cg_centerPrintTime 1 //1 second instead of 3 second display of your own frag and thaw announcements. Lets you see better
set cg_lastcue 0 //turns off last man notification buzzer (it&#39;s too loud)
set cg_nochatbeep "1" //this will make it so you only hear the beeps of team chats

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-07-2003, 06:28 PM
Thanks man. :thumbs:

06-07-2003, 06:30 PM
Thanks WC&#33;&#33; :jammin:

06-07-2003, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by WhiteCloud@Jun 7 2003, 12:14 PM
hey that&#39;s pretty awesome that you mention that Spike&#33; There are two people named Hammer in the St. Louis LAN party scene. And both run events separately lol. One is more towards central Missouri though. I have been to both of their lans. I&#39;m going to guess that you mean Bob Huff? We have an old group of gamers around here who have lanned together for years. And as luck would have it I just found two people about twenty minutes outside of st. louis as I was looking for clans to join LIC2. The leader of Da Fone Men and one of his regular members. http://www.dafonemen.com/
His name is Bob and I think his last name is Huff, Hammer is a great guy/gammer. What a small world&#33;&#33; :wave:

Should you see him anytime soon, tell him the Outlaws and the GM community said hello&#33;&#33;&#33; If he acts like what the heck are you talking about, I guess it&#39;s not the same Bob. :rofl:

06-08-2003, 04:35 PM
So you visit http://www.warfactory.net (http://www.warfactory.net) ?

That&#39;s really cool, we&#39;ll have to chat about the lan party scene around here some time.

For now, I wanted to leave you guys with some fundamental strategy tips.

Let me keep it simple:

Group up with your teammates. Friendly fire doesn&#39;t hurt your teammates in the casual and competitive divisions. If one of your buddies dies in a battle you&#39;re right there to thaw him after it ends. Prey on lone enemies. They can even kill one or two of you no big deal.

the first quad spawn is random between 30 seconds and a minute and 90 seconds. It&#39;s two minutes from there on out. Get your team there 10-20 seconds early each time. When quad isn&#39;t about to spawn, all your teammtes should try to group at red armor and not leave. Don&#39;t worry much about megahealth. (all armor takes 25 seconds to spawn, mega takes 35 seconds to spawn). No one will complain about camping. We chose maps that teams cannot completely dominate if they camp them all game.

Weapon balance. The lag compensation feature in uft makes instant hit weapons more accurate. xhale called the plasma gun the best weapon when it&#39;s actually the worst&#33; Lightning gun, rocket launcher, railgun and shotgun are the best weapons roughly in that order. Remember: Don&#39;t lead your instant hit weapons. Pretend you have zero ping. Though rocket, grenade, plasma work just like they always have.

You’ll find you don’t need to do even half of these things to win the casual division. Good aim, staying in packs, and some common sense goes a long way.

06-08-2003, 04:45 PM
Thanks White Cloud&#33; :jammin:

btw Hammer used to be in our clan and was an admin at GM at one time. The Outlaws had a lan in LA last year and Hammer and Dirtgot came down, was alot of fun&#33; :jammin:

06-09-2003, 03:48 AM
i&#39;ll mention it to Hammer next time i get a chance to talk or type to him

I dont think of a team as camping... I think of them as being more unified and organized... It works out. We made it so camping doesn&#39;t make it boring or too dominating.

06-09-2003, 04:27 PM
if theres a space sign me up :thumbs:

06-09-2003, 07:43 PM
Someone needs to get a roster list going. With Sal & Grafix that makes what 13? 14?

06-10-2003, 07:53 AM

06-12-2003, 05:07 PM
I had a brief chat with Grim today and he said a few people had strange crosshair colors. Here are the two crosshair color commands I know of:

set cg_crosshairhealth 0 //crosshair health coloring makes it very hard to see the crosshair (you must have this turned off for the next command to work)
set ch_crosshaircolor white //use names or numbers or even #rrggbb values like webpages if you&#39;re daring

06-12-2003, 05:36 PM
Thanks WhiteCloud, I will give that a try :thumbs:

06-18-2003, 02:37 AM
here are the servers you can find some good game on:


07-11-2003, 06:12 AM
Ok i guess everything is going smoothly with you guys and the tournament. Games resume saturday and you guys have a match saturday night and sunday night if i remember correctly. Any questions? Ask away&#33;

07-11-2003, 06:19 AM
Everything is going pretty smooth so far, Thanks Whitecloud :jammin:

Wish our record was better against those other casual clans :oooo:

07-17-2003, 07:40 AM
yeah they&#39;re casual but they have played more freeze tag than you guys

anyways, stick together. I reffed that a match of yours the other week. You&#39;re getting outnumbered in battles. If you see a buddy or two, stick together and move as a pack. Or don&#39;t move at all and let the enemy stragglers strafe right into you :) Then just thaw whoever dies and you&#39;re ready to gang up on another poor soul. haha