View Full Version : GEORGE BUSH

10-08-2002, 12:29 AM
Hey people, I am curious to know what you thought of President Bush's speech to the nation if you watched. Also what your views are on the mess in the middle east. What do you think we should do. Please also mention if you are American.

Dangerous Dan
10-08-2002, 12:35 AM
i dont live in the US, so i didnt realize he was giving a speech... summary plz? :)

10-08-2002, 12:43 AM
He was addressing the nation on the war with Iraq. How do you feel and what do you think should be done? What is the outlook in the country you live in?

10-08-2002, 12:45 AM
I am curious to hear your thoughts on the situation BIGD

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-08-2002, 12:48 AM
That was a fantastic speech. I think I already expressed my views in the General forum. :wink:

I'm ready to kick some ass. LOL

10-08-2002, 02:26 AM
who cares i am smirking. I feel as an American that many of us Americans have gotten lazy. We tend to over look important issues that hurt our country and we do not fight or speak up to defend whats right. i feel in this country there are too many rules that contradict the actual laws. I feel...

all people are equal
indians should pay taxes like i do because i didnt take there land.
if we are equal---why do minorities getting points added on there test scores.
if you can be a proud black, spanish, chinese, gay, or whatever--it should not be considered racial for me to say i am a proud white.
the us gov't needs to be taken over by true americans that believe in america.
the justice system is corrupt and unless you are rich--you are ****ed
your generation has been ripped off. you will pay for social security but not get it.
why do welfare cases receive more than the elderly who worked and paid taxes there whole life.
i think we should follow canadas ideas with health care. it cost my father inlaw 400 dollars a month on medicine.
most americans are not willing to die to protect the constitution (i am) and thats why they are sneaking it away with crap laws.
most of the us and corporate us is corrupt. this is killing america if not we are on life support. we should kill those enron people.
elderly should not drive (get out of my way!!!!!!!!)
we should not have to pay taxes to support the crooked politicians. and when they approach you to ask for your vote you should spit in there face.
our president is doing a good job (i voted for him) but he is getting the blame for the economy. do not forget the clinton error.
all americans should have atleast 1 gun in there house. it is your right!!! some seem to interested on taking the guns from good americans rather than getting the criminals with guns.
drugs should be able to be kept out of america if we can keep bombs and biological warfare out.
we should get all arabs out of america if another attack happends.
we should fly a plane over iraq with an atom bomb and warn all iraqi's to hand over saddam dead or alive or pay the consequence within 2 hours.
it should be the fight for the iraqi people to die for there freedom not america. this stands for all these countrys. we did it in america they can do it there.
i think we should go into iraq but not with soldiers. its too risky with the chemical warfare. i had a friend that i played football with who head the desert storm syndrome which america has not admitted. this is why i would not join the us military.
i will fight for my country and protect my family and my property. i will never handover my weapons. why do vets pay taxes when they fought for this country. i respect my armes services--it is the gov't i do not trust.
we should stop trading with china and bring all of the manufacturing back to the usa and or our continent.
if you are illigal you are illegal-10 yrs min prison sentence paid by the gov't where party is from.
our kids should be given the best education no matter what. parents should not have to buy school clothes but be given uniforms with a dress code for school. (if you are young or in school your thoughts on this will change in 10 yrs)
america needs to fix the problems here before we fix other peoples problems
america needs to show the world we are a force to be noticed again.

in a dream world.......
we would not have country's but one united world where you are free to do anything without harm to anyone. think of the creations we could come up with if we all worked together.

i don't think i said anything to offend anyone here as i rambled about a few things but if i did i am sorry it's just my opinion and not fact.

ever notice how kids can all get along on a playground and hate does not develope until they are older? why is that?

10-08-2002, 02:35 AM

You make very valid points.
Our goverment and laws are made to "protect us" but how.
Its all about the mighty dollar.
The world seems to live around the oil or at least that is the way I feel about things.

As far as Iraq goes. yea it may be dangerous to go inthere with troops but, if that is what is needed to stop the freak of nature Sadamn then thats what has to happen.
The men and women that fight for our rights understand that they may have to die for the right of freedom. At the the same time though what freedoms do we actually have. We pay to see a Dr. Why is that?

Bigd I agree with you for the most part.
Thank You for your thoughts.

10-08-2002, 02:46 AM
ever see how many times a house can be paid for in taxes---think about it.
if you buy a house you have to pay taxes on it. then when you sell the person who buys it payes taxes again while you are paying taxes on your new house. same goes with a car. if you are given a car as a gift you still have to pay taxes on it. where the hell is all the money going because i am broke as most. i have to work my ass off along with my wife just to make ends meet. we are expecting a child soon and we priced daycare and that comes to 1200. a month. we have no choice because we bothhave to work to live in the greatest country in the world. everyone bitches about the gas prices but look to see how much of that gal goes to taxes. it's disgusting!!!!!!! i do not understand how the younger generation will make it aswell being people are living longer-less jobs- and college is very expensive. we are all ****ed. we all need to go to church because i trulthfully fear the end of all is close.

i would love to know from real people in other countrys what it's like there. we can all read about it but unless i hear it from true people than i do not believe.

10-08-2002, 02:51 AM
I wouldn't go as far as to say the end man.
I see where you are coming from. I am 25 single make a decent living and can barely afford to pay my biils. the cost of kiving has gone throught the roof. How can someone charge me $1104.00 a month in rent.

The younger generation has their work cut out for themselves. But them can you answer this one: Why is it that I pay my taxes and my S.S. taxes. When I turn 65 there is gonna be none left where is it going?

10-08-2002, 02:52 AM
I would love to also hear from people from around the world and in the U.S. about this topic.

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-08-2002, 03:32 AM
Well I disagree on a few points (one of my rights.lol).

I do not think that all Arabs should be shipped out. Most of them are fleeing all the freaking insanity over there and most are hard workers.

Do not think the atomic bomb is a good choice. Unless you want to kill a lot os inocent people and start WWIII.

And the uniform thingy. lol

Other than than, I agree with most of it.

10-08-2002, 04:20 AM
who cares i see you got your letter saying all funds will be gone. tell me will welfare still be around.

i do feel fall the innocent machine but the people of those countrys should be be willing to die for there freedom as many americans have done so for almost all countrys. war is ugly. we will have no choice to go in ther though and lose many lives fighting. i know there are many arabs that are innocent but who do you trust. living here in ny after 9/11 many of will not forget the chaos of that day. we were stuck on an island wondering what was next. i would rather have my family secure than hope the arab up the street is not a terrorist. the guy in 7/11 is a nice guy but i really do not know them. how can i trust an arab. i don't treat them with disrespect and say hello all the time but if the time comes i would rather feel safe for my family than have my family live in fear. if you could of seen the horror here that day you would have it stuck in your head. it was pure hatred.

10-08-2002, 04:54 AM
I find a lot of what you Americans say is typical of your mentality. Your patriotism is very commendable and I deeply respect your views. Many non-Americans can learn a lot from you. As a Canadian though, I do have my take on all this.

1) Our medicare system is falling apart. Many doctors are leaving. Education and health are usually the first things that are cut here. we already have a two-tier system here even if our politicians will deny it. Give me the extra $5-10 000 a year in tax savings and I will take care of my own health costs.

2) The right to bear arms should not be considered a right. Those laws were brought about over 200 years ago when you needed them to protect yourself. We are now supposedly in a civilized world. How can the police do their job when they know that everyone is carrying a gun? (I know that this will bring about a heated discussion).

3) Bombing a country does not solve the situation. Consider the casualties on 9/11. They were all innocent people. If we do the same, we are no better.

4) Using atomic weapons does not create a war. In wars, countries are able to rebuild. Wiping out the whole landscape does not allow this. With nuclear weapons, it is only annhilation and pure hatred.

Stay tuned for more.

* These views do not reflect the views of all Gods and is only the opinion of one member. Please do not be offended because this is an open forum and we are here to discuss, not to create animosity.

10-08-2002, 04:58 AM
well troop... as a fellow Canadian your views mirror that of mine.

so this god has the same views as you.

10-08-2002, 06:24 AM
one thing that bothers me is after every war america rebuilt them after we beat them and we get no respect from them. we are considered spoiled to many countrys which maybe true but we should not be a hated country after all america does and had done. I will not mention the countrys but as an american i feel some support is due. I am happy Bush has decided to go ahead regardless if the UN votes yes or no. Many of my friends feel we should leave the UN.

10-08-2002, 06:27 AM
i respect America... i am just a person who would like to see people killed to a very minimum

10-08-2002, 06:51 AM
i respect that and i am sure most due but, do you know how many people you don't read about or see on the nws that are getting murdered and terrorized. Do a search on south africa and read the crime rates there and about the farmers there. it will sicken you to death if you read what i read the other day. the evil that some people have running in there blood is horrible. we are living like kings compared to some people in these countrys. look at isreal. they may seem to be a bully but can you blame there actions. can you imagine going to a store to buy bread and getting blown up or seeing your mother wife or child getting blown up. this terror is s cancer to earth and it appears to be rapidly spreading. if you do not get rid of all the cancer it will grow back stronger and more deadlier. i hate to see innocent people die but if we do not plan on eliminating all cancer than why bother to start.

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-08-2002, 10:20 AM
You know. I bet that some of the countries that are publicly saying that we shoulf not invade and take out that freak are really behind us in private. They just don't want it known that they are supporting the effort.

10-08-2002, 10:50 PM
let me say this:

The US rebuilds and gives Billions to other countries and what do they do?
Talk smack.
An example: How much money do we give to Russia?
All they do is complain about the actions that we take towards those who do us and mankind wrong.
I say we cut off the money to them and then see what happens.
We have given so much money to many different countries through out the world and do they repay us. HELL NO!!!!
Why is that. We wonder why Social Security will be gone.

My father passed away back in Feb. and what happened I had to pay SS for money he received the day he died.
They said that he was dead so the money must be repaid. Now my Mother gets nothing from them. My Dad worked his entire life to take cdare of his family and the money he paid into Social Security should be given to his family. Instead they make us pay them.

To me that is so wrong.

10-08-2002, 11:05 PM
sorry to hear that who

it is storys and conversations that i have with people not rich not poor but normal good hearted , hard working people that get screwed by there own country. i love the usa but it is not all that cracked out to be. i do not want to hear well you can leave if you arent happy because those who say that are just weak to try to change things. i am not happy that i have to work twice as hard or score additional points to get a job or that i have to buy store brand food so i can save some money for kids college. it really does not bother me when i hear of a govt agent getting killed but hurts me to see a citizen killed.

10-08-2002, 11:05 PM
The following is not intended to piss anyone off. I in no way want to offend anyone but I have to get something off my chest:

In no way am I a racist but, I live in South Florida and I can't handle what I have seen over the past 10 years.

There are more people down here that do not speak a word of English.
These people come from Cuba bitch about Castro and do nothing about it.
You are in Amewrica learn the Fucvking language. If I were to move to another country I would at least try to learn the language.

Look at that Ellian thinng that happened down here. That kid should not have been here for as long as he was. These people were not his parents they were just relatives of his. That kid should have been back on a plane the next day back to his Father. But nooooooo......
Instead he was here for over a year. WHY!!!! :mad:

If i am correct the Father has the rights to his child if something happens to the Mother no matter where they are.

10-08-2002, 11:07 PM
[quote:047d8f3a1e="BIGGD01"]sorry to hear that who

it is storys and conversations that i have with people not rich not poor but normal good hearted , hard working people that get screwed by there own country. i love the usa but it is not all that cracked out to be. i do not want to hear well you can leave if you arent happy because those who say that are just weak to try to change things. i am not happy that i have to work twice as hard or score additional points to get a job or that i have to buy store brand food so i can save some money for kids college. it really does not bother me when i hear of a govt agent getting killed but hurts me to see a citizen killed.[/quote:047d8f3a1e]


Thank You for your remarks.
The US is a great place to live but like everywhere we have our problems. Our goverment chooses to help out other countries than help their own.
What does that tell you?

10-08-2002, 11:11 PM
Someone told me Love would all save us But, how can that be Look what love gave us A world full of killing And blood spilling That world never came
-Chad Kroeger Feat. Josey Scott Hero

10-08-2002, 11:13 PM
[quote:127cd466ec="Sifi Sam"]Someone told me Love would all save us But, how can that be Look what love gave us A world full of killing And blood spilling That world never came
-Chad Kroeger Feat. Josey Scott Hero[/quote:127cd466ec]


Love Huh thats funny. if there was love why are there drive by shootings.
Why do innocent people die because they were just there.
Look at the fool with the sniper rifle killing people in D.C. what would make someone do that?

10-09-2002, 05:07 AM
i still believe there is love in the world. sometimes you need a disaster to teach people to remember whats real and important. I also believe you should speak english to be able to live in this country. I also hate that indians do not pat taxes and enslaves me to pay for there kids colleges. if they can open up casinos and make billions tax free somethings wrong (see sopranos last week). too many politicians get paid under the table. what we need to do is take all of our money out of the banks and stop buying worthless crap until they change things. i am a work for what you have type a guy. if you do not work you deserve nothing. if you can walk talk you should get a job and cut off welfare. this will not cure things but it's a start. when i was a kid my parents needed assistance because my father was out of work. there were 8 kids and my father worked everyday and paid his bills taxes etc.. they refused him due to he had to sell car or take loan on his house. you see this is the bullshit that middle class family;s have to deal with. if you a minority getting pregnant they give out tax money to them with no disputes. cut giving our money away and stop welfare. if you have to pay for it and not get it god forbid you need it whats the point of having it. it angers me so much that i am actually a minority in my own country. i have compete against hispanics, blacks, gays, and woman in the job market. this is the truth and if you dont believe me go see how many points get added to a civil test. the smart thing to do is ignore the war crap, economy, and every thing else. work your ass off, and save your money. worry about you and only your family. be prepared for the worste and you will always be prepaired.

please do not look at me as racist either. i am just telling facts which you can look up. i said it b4 and will do again--i want everyone to be equal. equal means equal not extra benefits to certain parts.

10-09-2002, 10:56 PM

Your thoghts pretty much match mine.
I agree with you in many aspects.
We can continue to express our thoughts but, it will do nothing but piss the 2 of us off.

10-09-2002, 11:02 PM
lol, yeah agree--if you notice i can keep typing away with this subject and fire up. notice how good you play in sam after poesting on this--- :mad:

10-09-2002, 11:03 PM
You would still beat my ass but I do get 4 to 5 more kills than normal when I am pissed.

10-20-2002, 05:22 AM
Did anyone say George Bush??


10-20-2002, 05:22 AM
Did anyone say George Bush??


10-20-2002, 05:24 AM
Did anyone say George Bush??


10-20-2002, 05:25 AM
Did anyone say George Bush??


10-20-2002, 05:27 AM
Did anyone say George Bush??


10-20-2002, 06:31 AM
dude, Optimus, your avatar rocks man! The price is wrong *itch!!! LMAO :rolf:

10-20-2002, 08:55 AM
BIGG your right about one thing and that is it’s almost impossible to by a home or even to rent an apartment. It is too high and more couples are working to survive the expenses especially tax.

New York is very expensive to live and the car insurance has gone sky high, including the homes.

To change the subject I don’t care much for Bush. I think he is not a clever man and I believe that the Vice President is making more decisions then he is because with the experience he has over the years. Also if you notice when the 9-11 attack happen they were protecting the vice president and were more concern with him.

My concern is not Iraq but Pakistan and India who now possess nuclear arms weapons and now mid warheads. One day it will erupt and will have major tribulations with other nations that will get involve. China is one country that we cannot afford to get involve because we don’t have the manpower and it will only force us to use sophisticated weapons including Long-range warheads. North Korea is another country, which makes it very difficult to make adjustment too because of our allied South Korea and too close for any conflicts.

The concern is all there and makes it very difficult to believe that we will be at peace. The war on Terrorism will not be won but other solutions will one day resolve and lower the risk. At this time we are living in the most dangerous times of our lives. The next generation will be the ultimate decision making and the thing is that most new generations doesn’t know what war really is compare to the veterans who know and have experience it. For example World War II could have been prevented if they listen to President Wilson who wanted to start the NATO.

The point I am trying to get is that many Americans believe that we shouldn’t get involve with other nations problems but that fact is that we share this earth, and years to come we will one day unit together as one nation to survive new problems that will occur.

Also one point I must say and that is we shouldn’t get involve without the support of other nations against Iraq because it can jeopardize the collation against Terrorism.

I wish that it could change but that will not happen during my generation but maybe years to come that it one day we will unit. We cannot live without each other and this includes other nations. We must unit but it will not happen until something bad really happens and it will come soon. The most dangerous creatures on earth are we, and we need to find away to come together before it happens. My faith leads me to believe that it will not happen but only when something bad happens and I would hope that it would not be to late.

These are my thoughts only and there is more but I will keep that to myself.

Thank you all


10-20-2002, 05:47 PM
this is why I don't do politics, just ss and ut03

10-20-2002, 06:53 PM
The vice-president was being protected because they needed him if anything happened to Bush. The president needed to be visible to show hope for the American people and that he was on top of the situation.

10-20-2002, 07:56 PM
HELL YEAH!!!!! people wake the fuvk up!!!! our freedoms in this country are being taken away with every new bill and law passed....
now BIGG don't get to mad at this statement,,, but: socalist healthcare is still socalist,,, the socalist welfare system set up by JFK does not work will never work and is a stupid idea, the real shame is JFK and clinton did not get killed the 1st week they where in office,,, the goverment was not set up to make your decisions,,
,, yet simple stupid people want the goverment to tell them what to do and when to do it,,,, crimes without victims and placing blame on issues instead of the person doing the crime is the liberal way,,,,, drugs are not making people do the drive bys,,, but the money and turf to make the money is,,, if dope was sold in 7/11's no more drive bys,,
,, and if your employer told you you had to pass a piss test once a week or lose your job, then you would not be a dopehead...
... the 1st "mass" welfare system in the U.S. was the "new deal" a program set up that provided income from the goverment,,, it did not let you sit on your asss and get money for nothing,,, you worked for the goverment, building roads, digging ditches and working no "free" rides

my veiws are not radical, they are "ol'timey", I do not do drugs nor condoned them, but it is not the goverments job to "protect" me from my decisions, it is not the goverments job to support me if I fire my brain on drugs, the only reason we have a federal goverment is to protect us from foreign threats, and thanks to the liberal socalist people in office they did not do that one most important job.......... every new law or billed passed takes away another one of your freedoms,,, restricts your rights even more,,,, think about this every time you get in your car and are forced to put on a seatbelt, or you are gulity of a crime when there is no victim,,,,

you can not protect everyone from every thing, yet the commies in office now and for the past 40 years have been trying,,,, fight for your rights or lose them........



responsible adults do not need the goverment to tell them what to do...

10-20-2002, 08:44 PM
is this going to be another essay thread?

10-20-2002, 09:28 PM
BIGD you sound like a white supremacist. Ship out all the arabs? Wtf? Havent you noticed that the US Govt. has done this throughout the years. After an attack happens on the US they immediately single out the same ethinicity of the attackers and do all this crap (ala Japanese living in America during Pearl Harbor).

10-20-2002, 10:54 PM
Slik, I love the slayer line in your sig,,,, but your very wrong about why America put the japanese in camps, it was for their protection,,,, ignorant people were attacking them, just like after 9/11, none of them got shipped out unless they wanted to go join,,,,, in the civil war west point asked the students which side they wanted to join, and you lived and died by that side,,,, unlike the lind guy who went and fought the U.S. with the taliban, he should be considered a POW till the end of the conflict and either sent back or exucuted, but the dam liberals (his daddy is a ***gat) want to forgive him for being raised poorly,,, for it is the liberal belief it is not his fualt, he did not know what he was doing,,, lets all forgive the traitor and let him back in the U.S......... he was free to make the choice and should have to live by it,,, I can cite many examples of how the liberals in both partys are distroying this country,,,,, dam commies...... freedom is not easy to have.... that statement means alot... freedom to choose is very dificult, do I speed? do I smoke??? do I use drugs??? do I shoot people??? so many chioces and with each one comes responsibilty...
I urge all of you to study what martin luther king said in all his speaches,,, you will see he preached about being responsible to yourself and being a responsible person in this world, his message is for every race and peoples, he is a black man i respect,,, and belive me, there is not very many i will even talk to, and even fewer i respect, that is my freedom to choose tho..........

* no offence intended

10-20-2002, 10:55 PM
Slik, I love the slayer line in your sig,,,, but your very wrong about why America put the japanese in camps, it was for their protection,,,, ignorant people were attacking them, just like after 9/11, none of them got shipped out unless they wanted to go join,,,,, in the civil war west point asked the students which side they wanted to join, and you lived and died by that side,,,, unlike the lind guy who went and fought the U.S. with the taliban, he should be considered a POW till the end of the conflict and either sent back or exucuted, but the dam liberals (his daddy is a ***gat) want to forgive him for being raised poorly,,, for it is the liberal belief it is not his fualt, he did not know what he was doing,,, lets all forgive the traitor and let him back in the U.S......... he was free to make the choice and should have to live by it,,, I can cite many examples of how the liberals in both partys are distroying this country,,,,, dam commies...... freedom is not easy to have.... that statement means alot... freedom to choose is very dificult, do I speed? do I smoke??? do I use drugs??? do I shoot people??? so many chioces and with each one comes responsibilty...
I urge all of you to study what martin luther king said in all his speaches,,, you will see he preached about being responsible to yourself and being a responsible person in this world, his message is for every race and peoples, he is a black man i respect,,, and belive me, there is not very many i will even talk to, and even fewer i respect, that is my freedom to choose tho..........

* no offence intended

10-20-2002, 11:00 PM
justin i know that this thread i spretty long but if you read my posts we think very much alike.

mr-slik, i don't think i sound like a white supremacist, please explain further as i do not want to sound like that. my point about shipping arabs out was to secure america. we did it to japan for security reasons and we should do it again. if a nuclear device goes off or other chemical warfae on our land due to terrorist groups, my reason would be for there security. i can't speak for other states here in usa but i will speak from someone in ny. we are mad as hell for what happened and we want action asap not only to justify and revenge but to teach those what japan has learned. as far as arabs go some are nice but will not waste time judging to protect innocent americans. you might say that some are citizens that fine that can stay if so born here but those with visa's and temps shall be shipped back. i personally hate arabs and sorry if anyone is arab. i hate there beliefs and there way of living. and they smell. i could careless if we nuke them and kill every last one as i see them as a threat or a cancer to the world. if you say that alot of them in there countrys are good people than i will say they should never gave up the govenment or they should fight there gov't for freedom. we did it and we would do it again if we had to. as far as i am concerned all arabs should pay the ultimate price for allowing there govenments to be the way they are. and if they are starving it's there own fault. now i am sorry if i offended you or anyone but this is my opinion and my right to speak as it's evry americans right. i hate anyone who hates me without discussions i would kill them first. i do not care about other country's supporting us because when it's all done everyone will no that we USA and Great Britain are the true force. i am dusgusted though as if it wasnt for america, most country's would not exist. i agreed with patton and should of went on. atleast we wouldnt get smacked in the face by the rest of the world. i would have my sights zeroed in in all arab country's with nuclear missles and would take 1 at a time. leaving iraq last just so they can suffer more. if the world ends so what as long as they do not win.

and if you think i am a white supremacist because i say i am a proud white male-- i will ask you why does that label me that. why is it every other race can be proud but white people. this does not cure rascism but fuels the fire. i hate that minoritys get more than white people when we are supposed to be equal. i have blackhispanic friends and they laugh about the things they get and whites don't. let me ask you this are we equal or are we not. my aswer is no we are not equal as whites fit the bill but get nothing in return. how about we cancel evrything and let everyone fit there own bill. why did i spend 35,000 in three years of school and minoritys get grants? again i ask why? and again i ask are we trully equal? if everyone other than white people are minoritys why is there more than everone thats not white. wouldnt white people be the minority? what does equal mean>????? in my book it means nobody gets any extra benefits than the other.

back to justin, please read all my posts in this thread. i am not a liberal as i hate liberals. they spend too much energy and make rules that are against the constitution. i hate politicians as they are all corrupt. i like our president as he is better than gore. i could careless if any politician inhales anthrax. the more crooked politicians dead the better. they can change the laws all they want but they will not imply to me. i am willing to die anytime to protect my constitution but most americans are f*cking lazy and do not open there mouths. the liberals seem to be taking over and i will die before that happends. peace is worthless if your living sucks.

10-20-2002, 11:09 PM
The main reason when you say your proud to be white, refers back to the KKK and the way that the US usually treated minorities that were not white.

10-20-2002, 11:33 PM
nothing wrong with being white and proud, hell we invented everything on this planet,,, well about 99.9% of the stuff we made
we white people feed the world,,, we white people ended slavery on this planet, for 1,000's of years there has been slaves,,, right now only 2 countrys have legal slaves and both of them are in africa,,,, and no white people own slaves there...
white people put a man on the moon,,, gave the world electricity and lights,,, heat in the winter and AC in the summer, TV, radio, cars, planes and everything you take for granted
countless lives on this planet have been saved by the white mans medicine....
no we white people have nothing to be proud of, we should not hold our heads high as we explain to a mexican how to do his job, we should not strive to make the world better, or to educate the masses,,, you can call it white supremancy all you want,,, call it the KKK,,, yet the white people have went to great pains to help everyone on this planet, without one concern for the colur or place those people are.....

the real point is easy to comperhend,,,, maybe the hateing of white men is based on the inadacy of other people doing anything of great importance,,,,, arabs never did anything to help the planet, and the same can be said for all the other races,,,,, i'm pround of the white history.

we ended racisim only to become victims of it tho

shout black power people cheer,,,, shout white power and you go to jail...

10-20-2002, 11:36 PM
hmm.. i dont think ill get into this discussion.. :?

10-20-2002, 11:40 PM
by the way i do not mean to offend but to educate as to why i have my opinon on things,,, I have freinds from all walks of life, and do respect many walks of life,,, the guy i hang out with most of the time is black, in milwaukee i hung out with a guy from veitnam, a couple of mhongs, and a very dear freind from India, who I must call this week, got to tell him to vote libertarian, I helped get his family over here from India,,, so before anyone tries to call me a racist,,, you do not know me.......

10-20-2002, 11:47 PM
"HELL YEAH!!!!! people wake the fuvk up!!!! our freedoms in this country are being taken away with every new bill and law passed.... "

what kind of alarm clock needs to wakem up?

10-20-2002, 11:59 PM
Yet "white" people started slavery and racism to a really high degree.

10-21-2002, 12:00 AM
[quote:762cbc7d4e="BIGGD01"]"HELL YEAH!!!!! people wake the fuvk up!!!! our freedoms in this country are being taken away with every new bill and law passed.... "

what kind of alarm clock needs to wakem up?[/quote:762cbc7d4e]

I go with one person at a time, then they tell one person and so on and so on......

10-21-2002, 12:07 AM
[quote:630bbbe848="MR. SLiK"]Yet "white" people started slavery and racism to a really high degree.[/quote:630bbbe848]

not true Slik,,, how was the pyramids built????? how was rome built???? If you study history you will see whites were the last race to trade in slaves,,, whites did not even have slaves 1,000 years ago,,, whites had slaves for a shorter period than any race on this planet,,,, and whites ended slave trade on this planet,,, and by the way look into how many white slaves in the early 1900's there were compared to black,,,, go look,,,, whites were the last of the slaves sold and traded

except for the japanese selling a few chinese in the 30's and 40's,,, learn your history,,, oh wait your public schools won't teach the truth...

10-21-2002, 12:08 AM
[quote:de7ad949dc="Troop"]The vice-president was being protected because they needed him if anything happened to Bush. The president needed to be visible to show hope for the American people and that he was on top of the situation.[/quote:de7ad949dc]

I am award of it my friend and I respect it but throughout the 9-11 if you would notice how important the Vice president was being protected which if you look back in history I have never see anything like it before and it is something that cannot be ignored.

BTW I pm you which I was planning to do awhile ago but I couldn't find the words to say until now.


10-21-2002, 12:22 AM
justin, you know ur stuff which is good. if you are interested, do a search on the white farmers in south africa. you never hear anything in the news about it. it can turn any white person into a racist. also slik look into the irish and see what they have had to go through.

10-21-2002, 01:22 AM
Hey... guys. this thread is getting kind of out of hand.... with the views being voiced. Its not that i agree or disagree with it, its just that we have people from all nationalities and countries here on the forums. This kind of discussion is bordering on being racist. or at least offensive.

please re-consider voicing your opinions on this subject.

thanks guys..

10-21-2002, 01:53 AM
Then go down the street and start a "White Pride" parade. What will happen? Lots of people will think your strange and perhaps an idiot. About your black friend being able to say anything is true, because after all that the US put them through in the 1800s-1960s its just not right.

Plus you probably wouldnt say half that stuff if the US didnt have one of the most powerful armies in the world and arsenal.

10-21-2002, 01:59 AM
this thread can not go anywhere but a bad place.

lets stop posting here. :?

10-21-2002, 02:21 AM
Why is there such a division of the different races? The beginning of civilization can be traced to four simultaneous occurrences in four river valleys in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

1. Yellow River in China.
2. Indus River in Present-day Pakistan and India.
3. Tigris-Euphrates Rivers in Present day Iraq.
4. Nile River in present day Egypt.

These people are not "white". Our present day civilization can be traced to one of these early people. The U.S. is a very young nation and its inhabitants were formed from immigrants. The only indigenous people were the Indians (so called because the explorers thought they had landed in India). Now, if we trace back our heritage, how many can say that we are truly "white"? White in the sense of being European, white in the sense of not being dark, or is it white in the sense of thinking "white"? People may look different on the outside but we all bleed red in the inside.

10-21-2002, 06:18 AM
I am from New York I watched the buildings from my home go down. At first I was angry and then realizes the most important thing that came in my mind was what it is to be an American.

If we are to continue to be bitter with anger and most of all export different nationality or religion, then we lost the battle.

We are a great nation with imperfections and we must realize one thing that is very important for all of us, and that is we are fragile and learning as we go on and to remember our old mistakes to continue the future or we will be doomed to failure.

It’s funny at times people talk about the most important subject in school is Math and Science but History is a subject that is truly needed for our future.


10-21-2002, 06:22 AM
[quote:16c9568244="Ra/en"]hmm.. i dont think ill get into this discussion.. :?[/quote:16c9568244]

Good choice, me either :?

10-21-2002, 06:36 AM
I will tone it down a bit, I am a little to outspoken sometimes, I usally post my veiws in another forum dealing with politics, I am far from being a racist, I do not think America should close its borders down to immagration, it should be set up to keep the riff raff out, this country is great based on its freedoms, that is the point I tried to make, the race issue is moot.

10-21-2002, 06:38 AM
I will tone it down a bit, I am a little to outspoken sometimes, I usally post my veiws in another forum dealing with politics, I am far from being a racist, I do not think America should close its borders down to immagration, it should be set up to keep the riff raff out, this country is great based on its freedoms, that is the point I tried to make, the race issue is moot.

10-21-2002, 06:41 AM
[quote:689053905f="Justncredible"]I will tone it down a bit, I am a little to outspoken sometimes, I usally post my veiws in another forum dealing with politics, I am far from being a racist, I do not think America should close its borders down to immagration, it should be set up to keep the riff raff out, this country is great based on its freedoms, that is the point I tried to make, the race issue is moot.[/quote:689053905f]

hey dont worry at all. no problem at all!

thanks so much justin.

oh and dont worry. there was no issue.... i just didnt want there to be one :)

10-21-2002, 06:42 AM
no probs Just N, it is good to voice your opinion, and I hope others respect it too, as well as you respect theres, for it could be different.

My own opinion, I don't really care, and I don't want to get involved. I live my life one day at a time, and go from there. What happens, happens, and there isn't a whole lot you can do to change it.

10-21-2002, 07:05 AM
if you are black and mention slavery it either....

1. and you are lazy and blame the white man that we hold you down

2. you are trying to profit off of other blacks (jesse jackson--my pal al)

slik the truth is you are right if white people are proud they get nocked down as a racist. thats complete bullshit and if you dont like tough!!!!!!! stop using slavery as an excuse. i consider you racist if you have a problem with whites having pride and being proud.

if you are white open your eyes and be proud to be white do not let anyone tell you do not deserve to be proud. we should all be equal which means equal--do not give extra to minoritys while your kids lose out of education. if you do not open your eyes than you deserve to lose!!!! pay attention and next time you vote make sure the person you are voting for has the right idea and not ideas to help the minoritys. we are the people fitting the bill so wake up and pay attention to whats going on. look at the children today. turn on the tv and see whats on the tv. our society is being destroyed because parents arent and did not pay attention.

raven nothing racist here just a good convo amongst friends.

10-21-2002, 10:34 PM
White is not a cultural or religion is it now? Shit man your probably one of those tards who thinks there invincible dont you?

10-21-2002, 10:52 PM
We are done here!