View Full Version : What was the specs of your first computer?

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-08-2002, 11:19 AM
Mine was a 166MHz IBM Aptiva
I think it had 16 megs of RAM
some intigrated graphics with 1 meg video RAM
Onboard audio.
2 Gig Hard drive

I'm sure some of you guys have had a lot slower crap than this since this was only 5 years ago. Let's see who had the slowest computer. LOL

10-08-2002, 11:28 AM
Mine was an 8088 processor which predated the 286, 386, 486, pentium
It had 1 meg of ram
32 mb hard drive
EGA 4 color (gasp) graphics card
The modem ran at the blazing speed of 300 baud.....That's 300 bps...Not Kbps....talk about slow....But it was the fastest thing going in 1986...Sucker cost me $2400. I'm on my 6th computor now.
I bet AngryMan might beat that......any commodores or tandy's out there?

10-08-2002, 11:40 AM
Are we talking PC's here or do ya want to get into the Sinclair's, Commoder's and Atari's? :D

My 1st PC was an XT clone, 8086 processer @ 2 Mhz, 640kb memory, monochrome display with a Hercules graphics card that did 784xsomething, 20 meg HD, 360kb floppy. Epson dot matrix printer.

10-08-2002, 12:46 PM
my first comp was an 8386 intel @33 MHZ with 8 meg Ram and 80 meg HD and two floppys one 3 1/2" and 5 1/4" and an VGA graphic card (cant remember wich one and a Soundblaster (think it was 16 bit sound but not sure)

my very first computer (non-PC) was an Commodore 64

10-08-2002, 12:52 PM
wow my first one was a 2e mhz i think it had only MSDOS and a floppy drive no mouse. no colour monitor nothing.. lol second one where im at now is a p1 166 32 mb ram 2 mb video ... its good to check out email and forums or just go on msn with it... 3rd one i share with my parents p4 1.4 256 ddr 40 gb hdd gf4 ti4200 128mb with a mouse lol

10-08-2002, 01:13 PM
2 Megs ram
20Meg Hard Drive <----Yes...20Meg :)
14" .28 monitor
Sound Blaster card (8 bit)
Diamond Speedstar video card (ISA)
DOS 5.0

10-08-2002, 01:19 PM
486DX 100MHz
16 Megs ram
420MB HD
15" Monitor
Soundblaster (8bit...not sure)
4MB Vid card
2x CDrom
and of course a mouse

10-08-2002, 01:21 PM
Magnovox 386 25MHz TURBO!!!!!

10-08-2002, 01:25 PM
A Compac Presario with 75 MHz, 1MB video card, 16MB RAM, hd 720 MB.

And we had a commodore C-128 or something like that.

10-08-2002, 01:38 PM
My first PC (if you can call it that) was a Commodore VIC-64. Originally came with 32KB of addressable memory, an external 5-1/4" floppy drive and for additional storage a cassette tape drive. No hard drive and not even 4 color video display. I should have sent it to the Smithsonian Museum for computing, but alas I sold it in a garage sale many moons ago. Now my SCSI controller has more memory than the entire PC had.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-08-2002, 01:39 PM
How in the hell can you guys remember that far back!! :lol:
I remember my first PC, but not the specs. It ran on DOS, (no windows) and the funniest thing is, how much it cost back then to buy a PC, monochrom monitor (no color), and nine dot printer. It was over $1000.00. Now that's funny!!! :lol:

10-08-2002, 01:58 PM
Mine was an Apple II+ and I have no idea as to what the specs were as I was just a little kid. I did enjoy playing Wizardry and the original Castle Wolfenstein on it.

10-08-2002, 03:24 PM
My first machine was a C64 with a cassete deck for loading games. I am an Amiga man, however. I own three and didn't buy my first PC until December last year (1800XP), so i can't really "play" if we're talking pc only.

Otherwise until then i used: Amiga 1200 030, 16meg Ram, 2Gig HD (still plenty even nowadays for an Ami) with no CD player at all. Yes until December 2001 and to the amazement of all I did everything on double density floppies.

My XP 2200+ doesn't even HAVE a floppy drive. <chuckle> I have truly leapt out of cyber puberty. <silicon smile>

Free Styler
10-08-2002, 04:26 PM
My first computer is the one i have today.Atlhon 1800xp 1.56G processor whit 384 ram.Video card Ati radeon 8500 64MB.Cable modem

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-08-2002, 05:26 PM
Damn yall had some crappy ass computers. LOL. they were awesome back then though.

10-08-2002, 06:47 PM
hehe .. my first computer ..

P4 1.8 Ghz ..
512 MB
80 GB
64MB GeForce 2
17" flat monitor
etc ..

10-08-2002, 06:52 PM
i dunno im only on my second computer that i bought from costco...lol!!

10-08-2002, 10:06 PM
My first was a 286 with a monochrome monitor. Wish I could remeber the exact specs but it was given to me so I didn't care. Got a 386 shortly after with a color monitor and was in heaven :roll: . The first one I built myself was a pentium 90 with 8 megs of ram and a 2mb diamond video card, 540 meg HD a sound blaster16 and a 15" viewsonic. Man that computer was the envy of all my friends for a very short time. That sucker cost me a couple of grand too :shock: . Of course that is when ram was like gold, an 8 meg stick cost me just over $300. LOL !!!

Gun Element
10-08-2002, 10:10 PM
hmmm well it was very crappy. nuff said.

10-08-2002, 10:21 PM
My first was an Atari with a cass. drive. I also had a VIC20 w/5 1/4 floppy drive and an IBM PC Jr., None of them had HDs in them.

I've still got a tube of dip socket memory chips if anyone wants any. :P

10-08-2002, 10:22 PM
Well excluding the texas instraments and atari computers I had, the first was an IBM 8086 640k, no hard drive with 5 1/4 floppy drive. You had to boot dos from the floppy when you turned it on, then remove the floppy and put in your other programs which were also on 5 1/4 floppies to run them. It had a monochrome display, no mouse, no sound, (except for a pc speaker) sound wasn't even developed for computers yet. I was about 11 years old when I had this computer. I am now 28. ;) :shock:

10-08-2002, 11:36 PM
First one I ever had was a TI-99. It was kind of a cross between a video game console and an early personal computer (but not the typical 8088 architecture still around as the PC). It was cool, though. It had a voice synthesizer so that some games could talk and it had a built in BASIC interpreter.

The first actual PC we had was an intel 8088. It had an onboard CGA graphics adapter and a 10 meg hard drive (that drive alone was several hundred dollars.) It wasa 4.77 megahertz chip and I THINK it had the full 640 KB of RAM.

Interesting piece of trivia: The 8088 was originally designed as a controller for traffic lights. While the market on Intel's, AMD fabricated bios chips (or some other essiential motherboard components). Until the introduction of an on-die floating point processing unit on the Pentium, AMD's chips were much faster than Intel's, usually clocked 50-100% faster on the same architectures AND achieving more instructions per cycle.

10-09-2002, 12:00 AM
[quote:2b28111b9b="WillyTrombone"]First one I ever had was a TI-99. It was kind of a cross between a video game console and an early personal computer (but not the typical 8088 architecture still around as the PC). It was cool, though. It had a voice synthesizer so that some games could talk and it had a built in BASIC interpreter.

The first actual PC we had was an intel 8088. It had an onboard CGA graphics adapter and a 10 meg hard drive (that drive alone was several hundred dollars.) It wasa 4.77 megahertz chip and I THINK it had the full 640 KB of RAM.

Interesting piece of trivia: The 8088 was originally designed as a controller for traffic lights. While the market on Intel's, AMD fabricated bios chips (or some other essiential motherboard components). Until the introduction of an on-die floating point processing unit on the Pentium, AMD's chips were much faster than Intel's, usually clocked 50-100% faster on the same architectures AND achieving more instructions per cycle.[/quote:2b28111b9b]

I had one of the TI-99's also! Did you have any games for it? I remember one game called mountain climber or something, it was like a 2d game where you scaled up the side of different mountains and had to move away from the falling rocks. That was so funny. At the time though, it rocked. ;)

10-09-2002, 12:11 AM
Still have it, I'm on it now. :)
HP XT858
P3 1 GHz
192 SD-RAM
60 Gb HD
Onboard audio and video

10-09-2002, 12:37 AM
i dont go back as far as you guys..

but i had

486 66Mhz
8mb ram
2x cd
woot! windows 3.1.. we were high tech.
sound blaster awe 32 or sumtin like that

lol later we upgraded it to like 32mb ram, with a 400Mhz celeron and a 24xcd drive.. whuup de doo.

10-09-2002, 02:17 AM
Mine surely ownz all of yourz!

Cardboard Box 13x14
Shaws Plastic bag for the monitor
A peice of paper with letters drawn on it
Peice of Celery in Ranch dip Processor
My hamster floppy :shock:
Oh almost forgot,Pokemon video card :P

10-09-2002, 02:24 AM
[quote:b33673e3e7="Snip3r"]Mine surely ownz all of yourz!

Cardboard Box 13x14
Shaws Plastic bag for the monitor
A peice of paper with letters drawn on it
Peice of Celery in Ranch dip Processor
My hamster floppy :shock:
Oh almost forgot,Pokemon video card :P[/quote:b33673e3e7]


OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-09-2002, 04:23 AM
[quote:70863049e0="Snip3r"]Mine surely ownz all of yourz!

Cardboard Box 13x14
Shaws Plastic bag for the monitor
A peice of paper with letters drawn on it
Peice of Celery in Ranch dip Processor
My hamster floppy :shock:
Oh almost forgot,Pokemon video card :P[/quote:70863049e0]

LOL! :lol:

10-09-2002, 04:29 AM
thats pretty good too..

lol celery=celeron


10-09-2002, 04:47 AM
[quote:bb75b45f0e="OUTLAWS The Machine"]Mine was a 166MHz IBM Aptiva
I think it had 16 megs of RAM
some intigrated graphics with 1 meg video RAM
Onboard audio.
2 Gig Hard drive


Sounds exactly like the one I got 7 years ago. It came with a 17" monitor that I used until I got my 17" LCD last year. I still use the same speakers though :D My friend had a 486 65mhz on turbo that ran Dune2... Thats where I first played it and i instantly loved the game.

10-09-2002, 04:59 AM
[quote:1e549eeddd="MR. SLiK"][quote:1e549eeddd="OUTLAWS The Machine"]Mine was a 166MHz IBM Aptiva
I think it had 16 megs of RAM
some intigrated graphics with 1 meg video RAM
Onboard audio.
2 Gig Hard drive


Sounds exactly like the one I got 7 years ago. It came with a 17" monitor that I used until I got my 17" LCD last year. I still use the same speakers though :D My friend had a 486 65mhz on turbo that ran Dune2... Thats where I first played it and i instantly loved the game.[/quote:1e549eeddd]

Ha Ha the Radio Shack Special! ;) :P I had one of those also.

10-09-2002, 06:38 AM
Slice!!! I never thought I'd ever know anyone outside of my family who has ever played Alpiner! That game ruled!!! Did you have the speach synthesizer? "Oh no! A grizzley bear! AAaaaaaaaaahhhh!"

Did yo by any chance have Hunt the Wumpus? A good part of my formative years were spent trying to track down those bastards. :)

Car Wars, Blasto, Jungle Hunt, Alpiner... too many great games to remember them all. Between me and siblings, we had 20 or 25 games for it. And at one point, a chip inside fried. It had all kinds of marshmallow goo seeping out from the chip so my dad brough to a TI distributor and they sent to Texas for repair. But I don't have it anymore. I should look for one on ebay. What a bunch of memories. :D

Drunken Warrior
10-09-2002, 02:08 PM
What's a computer????

10-09-2002, 02:10 PM
nice to see you whymeee

Drunken Warrior
10-09-2002, 02:16 PM
Nice to see you too Fast, that is with out me dying.

10-09-2002, 06:34 PM
[quote:afdc35a6b1="WillyTrombone"]Slice!!! I never thought I'd ever know anyone outside of my family who has ever played Alpiner! That game ruled!!! Did you have the speach synthesizer? "Oh no! A grizzley bear! AAaaaaaaaaahhhh!"

Did yo by any chance have Hunt the Wumpus? A good part of my formative years were spent trying to track down those bastards. :)

Car Wars, Blasto, Jungle Hunt, Alpiner... too many great games to remember them all. Between me and siblings, we had 20 or 25 games for it. And at one point, a chip inside fried. It had all kinds of marshmallow goo seeping out from the chip so my dad brough to a TI distributor and they sent to Texas for repair. But I don't have it anymore. I should look for one on ebay. What a bunch of memories. :D[/quote:afdc35a6b1]

Ya I had the synthesizer too. I also played hunt the wumpus, although I can't really remember the game to well. I remember it had a basic program, and you could write small programs and stuff. I am trying to remember if it hooked up to the TV? I am pretty sure that it did, if I remember correctly.

10-10-2002, 01:01 AM
Heh, late getting in, but figured I'd throw this in:

First setup (which I still have in the closet behind me, functional)

Interact Basic Computer - Manufacture date: 1977
8 mhz processor
*NO* ram (it wasn't invented yet, at least as we know it)
Chicklet-style keyboard
Built in cassette drive - You used this to load BASIC, then popped in
another cassette to load a program
Port for connecting to an external adapter which hooked up to your TV

This computer was cool as hell for me at the time. I was in 6th grade.
When you first hooked it up, the only thing it could do was display a black screen with large white letters which stated
Then you loaded in a BASIC tape (God, does anyone remember the sound of a program loading?? Picture fax tones, except louder, and it goes on for about 2 minutes)

Amazingly, I had (still have), about 40 tapes with programs on them. They all work.

If you don't know what a chicklet-style keyboard is, picture almost normal size buttons, except they aren't spring-loaded. You actually have to press down hard enough to hit the contact below them.

Now then, with all that... I also wrote a 1500 line database program on that thing, in BASIC, that would almost rival todays software. I used to it keep track of my comic books :). I could search by artist, penciler, writer, hero, and/or company. Heh. And I was in the 6th grade.

Oh, and my second computer was a TRS-80 Model 100 laptop with an 8 line, 40 character LCD display with (WOO HOO!), built-in 300 baud modem. LOL.


The best speed bump you will ever run over in SS:SE Fragmatch

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-10-2002, 01:08 AM
Damn. I think Bingo won the "Biggest piece of crap computer award" LOL. That was cool stuff in its day though.

OUTLAWS Behind You?
10-10-2002, 03:26 AM
Ok, here goes, IBM PC (not XT) 8088 4.77MHz, 640Kb memory (I think, maybe less), two 5 1/4 360 Kb Diskette drives, IBM CGA monitor (4 color, just checked, still here :oops: ), 1200 baud Hayes modem, and a keyboard. No mouse and no hard drive. Listed for about $3,500.

I started my upgrading habit by adding a 10meg hard drive.

And I multitasked the thing to run a BBS 24/7.

I've been upgrading something ever since.

Mr Clean
10-10-2002, 08:41 PM
I had an abacus and (for trig problems) a slide rule. BEAT THAT!!!!

10-10-2002, 08:50 PM
[quote:94b7ce0d56="Mr Clean"]I had an abacus and (for trig problems) a slide rule. BEAT THAT!!!![/quote:94b7ce0d56]

You might need them again to count them sheep Little Bo Peep. :P

OUTLAWS Behind You?
10-10-2002, 09:03 PM
[quote:25ee43b11f="Mr Clean"]I had an abacus and (for trig problems) a slide rule. BEAT THAT!!!![/quote:25ee43b11f]

Oooooohhhhhhhh, I thought this thread was for electrical systems, I vaguely remember this huge, half inch thick pencil and this really wide, red lined paper from my sand box days. Does this count? hehehehehehe

Mr Clean
10-11-2002, 01:55 PM
[quote:2fbe0a3249]You might need them again to count them sheep Little Bo Peep. [/quote:2fbe0a3249]

I can't....one of them seems to be stuck to the front of Hammer..... :D