View Full Version : Oh the verbal abuse...

10-08-2002, 02:06 PM
So far in UT I've been called a cheater several times, but some of the more creative things that have been blurted out to me are(these are ACTUAL things people have said to me...I might be misquoting slightly, it's coming from memory):

10. Can we play too?
9. So I guess you like the Rocket Launcher then....
8. Yeah, if this was ping pong, I'd whip your ass!
7. You're all spam, nothing but spam kills. (AssignmenT said that one) Luv ya!
6. LOL! Look how many deaths you have!!! That means I actually beat you!
5. Camping F*** A*** Piece of s*** loser asswipe motherf***ing d*cklicking pansy-ass!!!
4. Look at me!!! I have a low ping, so I rule the world!
3. OK...there's no way you could get that many kills that fast, I can tell this is your server...I'm leaving! (don't quite understand that one, but it doesn't sound good :) )
2. You must have been camping the whole time, I never saw you once!
....and my favorite all-time one is:
1. Switch weapons asshole, use something other than the Rocket Launcher, pussy! <--repeated every 5 seconds

10-08-2002, 02:08 PM
if they wouldnt have talked so much they would have beaten ya ;)

but i was called a cheater in several games too

10-08-2002, 02:23 PM
The funniest part is that the one comment "I guess you like the Rocket Launcher then..." was stated on the map "Gael" where there are about 15 Rocket Launchers around a central arena. LOL Like I had a big choice or something...

Life is good :)

10-08-2002, 03:12 PM
Hammer your just too good for them man.

The hell with them just keep kicking ass as always.

I like to say this for every to know That Hammer doesn't cheat in any game because it isn't in his nature to do so. He takes pride in beating anyone the right way and with good sportsmanship.

He is an excellent player in just about any game he gets his hands on.

So Hammer I say it in three words my friend.

KICK ASS PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink: :wink: :wink:

I personally think that Gamemecca has the best players around and in time will be dominating this game soon.


10-08-2002, 03:18 PM
Thanks for the kind words Sas.

Don't get me wrong...these comments in the game don't bother me one bit. I have a good time with it. AssignmenT smokes me all the time, and sometimes I get some back on him. His comment was made in jest.

Doesn't bother me...on with the fun :)

But...be advised...I have never made any secret of the fact that I am a Rocket Monkey LOL

10-08-2002, 03:22 PM
im getting my ass kicked in this game :(

i need to practise in several lvls.

10-08-2002, 03:26 PM
You've always been fond of that rocket launcher, HAMMER. I remember some of those murderous Q2 sessions at HAMMERTOWN. In fact I remember the initial release of that HAMMER map your buddy HAL9000 made for you, that was fun that night. I think you had 200 kills in like 15 minutes, lol.

The thing about it is, people that complain about you using the rocket launcher too much need to realize they too can use it just as much if they want to. That is why it's in the game, heh

BTW, it may have just been coincidence, but I noticed in a couple of those maps the other night that whenever I popped you with the lightning gun, you'd come chase me down with it instead of the rocket launcher. Like you were saying, "Oh you wanna play with that, do you?" Then of course, you'd switch back to that confounded rocket launcher again, heh.

LOL@that Gael comment.

10-08-2002, 06:22 PM
'rider...you're giving me credit for too much thought. LOL I don't think beyond the end of my nose in that game. It's probably the end menu before I know you were even there, let alone shooting something at me LOL

I get browbashed so much because I fail to say "hi" to somebody in the game, but I just gotta win LOL I focus on that trophy until it's mine!


Oh....hi Outrider. :)

10-08-2002, 08:11 PM
Are the movements close to the ones in Quake 3? I'm getting above moderate in that game. I'm going to get UT3 soon, so I'll be coming over.

It was pretty shocking to see the difference in dialogue from Sam to Quake 3. There are just some potty mouths out there. LOL

10-08-2002, 08:37 PM
that would suck if u can swim in ut2003

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-08-2002, 09:07 PM
[quote:1eaf9eb0ea="Dark Waters"]that would suck if u can swim in ut2003[/quote:1eaf9eb0ea]

No swimming in UT2003. :D

10-08-2002, 09:58 PM
I fart on cheaters......seriously....

Gun Element
10-08-2002, 10:14 PM
Id call hammer something like that too, but if I could get the game.

Man I want it so bad now. :wink:

10-09-2002, 12:10 AM
As far as I can tell and I only played the UT demo....The rocket launcher is where its at..

All the other weapons can bite me. :)

Mr Clean
10-09-2002, 08:35 PM
[quote:9c1f0a7c0e]8. Yeah, if this was ping pong, I'd whip your ass! [/quote:9c1f0a7c0e]

I bet this one got you the most exicted, though! :D