View Full Version : Suprise, Suprise..........

Dark Reign
06-04-2003, 02:38 AM
One of the few baseball stars out there who isn't a complete ass may not be as great as we all thought...... :bandhead:


06-04-2003, 03:03 AM

06-04-2003, 03:30 AM
i bet he feels stupid....

06-04-2003, 07:18 PM
He must be suffering from that shot he took in the melon the other night.

06-04-2003, 07:20 PM
They should xray his bat in the hall of fame.

06-04-2003, 07:21 PM

06-04-2003, 07:55 PM
corking the bat the way he has it may not make a difference but will need to look into it.

Also many players are using sterious and Sosa and Barry Bonds is differently using and so was Mark McGuire at the time.

Believe me there is more then you guys think what is going on because money talks and bulls1t walks when it comes
to playing, winning and most of all money(BIG BUSINESS).

It has killed the sport so badly and I have only respected for Hank Aaron and Bath Ruth, Willie Mays, and etc as true homerun hitters.

They didn't have all that sh1T and Hank arron was also a true player even until sterious was introduce in the later part of his years.

Bath Ruth was truly the king of his time for someone who was fat, drunk and out of shape and yet still hit the ball out.

There are so many true players I can name but it would be a huge list.

Baseball is not the same but you will see Pitchers who I respect for they are not using and if they did it will stiffen there arm and will not be flexible to throw the ball. However there are new drugs that will help the endurances of players like pitchers, that will provide longer to last and it does make you strong but not bulky.

Sports comes with drugs to enhance there players and it normally starts in the college and sometimes High School year.

It is what it is, a big business. . . . :bawling: