View Full Version : Playing SS Fragmatches has

06-04-2003, 11:18 PM
Lately playing SS has not been that much fun for me>


1. You get on a game and its just you and another 2 letter name person (I won't say who) he's one of the best players out there. Well he quickly powers up and kills you 5 times in a row and then hogs the armor and health and then powers up again and kills you 5 more times. By then 2 more players join and the 2 letter name person continues to do the same thing over & over, power up hog the armor & health and kill everything in sight. He does not even give you you a chance to get a gun or run. I wonder to myself, is that guy really having fun? He is the type of player that always get one shot kills and does not even need to power up to win a SS game.

2. You get on a SS game and you have campers that sit in one place and keep tossing grenades over and over again through the whole game. as soon as you spawn, bang! greanades blows up next to you. Is that really playing & having fun? Yea, when I first started playing and didn't know better I did that too for a week or so, but I am talking about players that have been playing for months doing that.

3. You get on a game with 8 people already on and the first 10 times you spawn you get killed instanly. Never get a chance to run & hide and wait for the lag to go away. You have good players camping for spawn kills and kill you 4 times in a row. Boy, that is really getting a good kill. Yes, I have spawn killed before, but when the same guy spawns in front of me the 2nd time I run away and give him a chance.

4. You get on a game and there is some guy spanking everyone and then the name calling & cussing begins by some disgruntled loser that got shot too many times. Dudes, this is only a game for past time fun. Have fun don't get all twisted up.

5. All the phony names I have been seeing in games lately, whats up with that? You have a Bob that wins the game with other top notch players playing not just the average players like me. His score is 36 frags with only 3 deaths!!!!! Come on, Bob & playing 1 month only. Don't understand why guys in Clans do not always wear their tags and be proud of them. What are you guys trying to prove to yourselfs?

Of course I do have some fun SS games when my regular GM SS friends are playing and none of us hog the PUPs and make winning our # 1 policy in playing SS.

People always tell me "practice & you will get better" well in most of the games lately you have to run for your life, you don't get a chance to get a weapon much less a shot in without getting rockets or grenades hurled at you. How can you practice?

Also noticed the SS servers have been quite empty lately, other people frustrated out there?

Well enough venting :online2long:

Just had to vent a little :drink: Hope you guys understand and know where I'm coming from.

I love playing SS :thumbs: and don't want to see SS go away :bawling:

GG to all my GM friends & foes out there :thumbs:

06-04-2003, 11:27 PM

I hear ya' Pana... I understand fully where you're coming from.. All of us always have a GG with you, hope ya' stick around.. :wootrock:

06-05-2003, 12:33 AM
I hardly often play SSSE which is sad :bawling: but I'm so busy and when I'm not busy I usially play a game that I'm actually really good at and even then thats not that often. Though the times I play SSSE with people from GM its the greatest time for me cause I'm actually having fun. Ill get better though sometime... I guess I need to join more servers or create my own more often. Anyways I know what you feel and all I can say dude is hang in there.

Thanks alot!

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-05-2003, 12:37 AM
Quake3 freeze tag blows Sam away! :jammin:

06-05-2003, 12:51 AM
thats all TRUE :thumbs:

06-05-2003, 01:59 AM
I need 2 try it, any body have a LINKEY? 2 QUAKE 3

06-05-2003, 02:13 AM
Check the Quake forum!! :thumbs:

06-05-2003, 02:58 AM
Everyone left for freeze tag. The same gameplay speed of Sam with everything it was missing.

06-05-2003, 03:15 AM
Originally posted by Panagiotis@Jun 4 2003, 11:18 PM
Lately playing SS has not been that much fun for me>


1. You get on a game and its just you and another 2 letter name person (I won't say who) he's one of the best players out there. Well he quickly powers up and kills you 5 times in a row and then hogs the armor and health and then powers up again and kills you 5 more times. By then 2 more players join and the 2 letter name person continues to do the same thing over & over, power up hog the armor & health and kill everything in sight. He does not even give you you a chance to get a gun or run. I wonder to myself, is that guy really having fun? He is the type of player that always get one shot kills and does not even need to power up to win a SS game.

2. You get on a SS game and you have campers that sit in one place and keep tossing grenades over and over again through the whole game. as soon as you spawn, bang! greanades blows up next to you. Is that really playing & having fun? Yea, when I first started playing and didn't know better I did that too for a week or so, but I am talking about players that have been playing for months doing that.

3. You get on a game with 8 people already on and the first 10 times you spawn you get killed instanly. Never get a chance to run & hide and wait for the lag to go away. You have good players camping for spawn kills and kill you 4 times in a row. Boy, that is really getting a good kill. Yes, I have spawn killed before, but when the same guy spawns in front of me the 2nd time I run away and give him a chance.

4. You get on a game and there is some guy spanking everyone and then the name calling & cussing begins by some disgruntled loser that got shot too many times. Dudes, this is only a game for past time fun. Have fun don't get all twisted up.

5. All the phony names I have been seeing in games lately, whats up with that? You have a Bob that wins the game with other top notch players playing not just the average players like me. His score is 36 frags with only 3 deaths!!!!! Come on, Bob & playing 1 month only. Don't understand why guys in Clans do not always wear their tags and be proud of them. What are you guys trying to prove to yourselfs?

Of course I do have some fun SS games when my regular GM SS friends are playing and none of us hog the PUPs and make winning our # 1 policy in playing SS.

People always tell me "practice & you will get better" well in most of the games lately you have to run for your life, you don't get a chance to get a weapon much less a shot in without getting rockets or grenades hurled at you. How can you practice?

Also noticed the SS servers have been quite empty lately, other people frustrated out there?

Well enough venting :online2long:

Just had to vent a little :drink: Hope you guys understand and know where I'm coming from.

I love playing SS :thumbs: and don't want to see SS go away :bawling:

GG to all my GM friends & foes out there :thumbs:
amen :wootrock:

06-05-2003, 05:15 AM
Originally posted by Panagiotis@Jun 4 2003, 06:18 PM
Lately playing SS has not been that much fun for me>


1. You get on a game and its just you and another 2 letter name person (I won't say who) he's one of the best players out there. Well he quickly powers up and kills you 5 times in a row and then hogs the armor and health and then powers up again and kills you 5 more times. By then 2 more players join and the 2 letter name person continues to do the same thing over & over, power up hog the armor & health and kill everything in sight. He does not even give you you a chance to get a gun or run. I wonder to myself, is that guy really having fun? He is the type of player that always get one shot kills and does not even need to power up to win a SS game.

2. You get on a SS game and you have campers that sit in one place and keep tossing grenades over and over again through the whole game. as soon as you spawn, bang! greanades blows up next to you. Is that really playing & having fun? Yea, when I first started playing and didn't know better I did that too for a week or so, but I am talking about players that have been playing for months doing that.

3. You get on a game with 8 people already on and the first 10 times you spawn you get killed instanly. Never get a chance to run & hide and wait for the lag to go away. You have good players camping for spawn kills and kill you 4 times in a row. Boy, that is really getting a good kill. Yes, I have spawn killed before, but when the same guy spawns in front of me the 2nd time I run away and give him a chance.

4. You get on a game and there is some guy spanking everyone and then the name calling & cussing begins by some disgruntled loser that got shot too many times. Dudes, this is only a game for past time fun. Have fun don't get all twisted up.

5. All the phony names I have been seeing in games lately, whats up with that? You have a Bob that wins the game with other top notch players playing not just the average players like me. His score is 36 frags with only 3 deaths!!!!! Come on, Bob & playing 1 month only. Don't understand why guys in Clans do not always wear their tags and be proud of them. What are you guys trying to prove to yourselfs?

Of course I do have some fun SS games when my regular GM SS friends are playing and none of us hog the PUPs and make winning our # 1 policy in playing SS.

People always tell me "practice & you will get better" well in most of the games lately you have to run for your life, you don't get a chance to get a weapon much less a shot in without getting rockets or grenades hurled at you. How can you practice?

Also noticed the SS servers have been quite empty lately, other people frustrated out there?

Well enough venting :online2long:

Just had to vent a little :drink: Hope you guys understand and know where I'm coming from.

I love playing SS :thumbs: and don't want to see SS go away :bawling:

GG to all my GM friends & foes out there :thumbs:
hmmm lets see what the brain thinks up on this

Reguards to:

1) WIth the limited amount of people that are playing sam, all they do is get way better. If you don't play all the time and get to know how people play (some people have styles, reguardless of there name (alias)) then you won't get better, to compete with those people. Record a demo, and see what you did wrong, and practice it.

2) I think pretty much all camping spots are known. Best to learn them, and check them out, see if someone is there, and then attack. There is a way to get them in any camping spot. Even in hole, up by the invis, there are ways, just be creative. Out think and out play your opponent, think of where they are going to move, fire something up there, and try to force them to move there.

Oh, in Q3 freeze, you can camp anywhere, even on the ceiling, but it is so easy to get there. (well I have found out in some maps, there are hiding spots that are hard to get into, but with lots of people, not really worth it to do it)

3) As for sam, when joining, I most all the time give up a frag due to having the connection work it's way out. If you die, don't click the mouse, just move it around and wait till the lag gets better. There is no time limit that if you don't respawn, it will do it for ya (unlike in Q3)

Q3 also has lag compesation, which no it isn't the best, but I think it's better then sam. Takes a good eye to see it (with out dieing) but every game has it, learn to play with it.

4) HA, flaming and name calling. Nice taunting. IGNORE! Just think, as they are typing, they aren't moving, free frag for you if you can find them. Don't have any of that in Q3. Not sure what the deal is with sam :WTF:

5) I don't know what is up with the aliases, but my thinking is with the lack of players playing, some of the big shots scare people away. Therefore using an alias, people think they are some noob and is going to get spanked, when all they want to do is play. Then people get mad becuase it is someone good. With majority of people here at GM that play sam are pretty good, think if you just bough the game and are starting out. It's like harder to play that then playing against the puter. I think that is due to lack of developers updates. No new maps that people play, which I think it is because they aren't really that good of a map. The best one that I liked was made by Bain. None of this crazy stuff like you respawn and drop from the ceiling into a pool, where a camper and pick you off like no other. Or have a 90 degree bend in a map, so someone with the sniper can be camping and pick you off almost anywhere in the map.

People get good when you play the same maps for over a year. And also with the same people, you learn how they play, there weaknesses, and that is reasons for alias IMO.

I haven't checked sam in a ages, but looked at the server status on ASE, and mostly empty or 1-2 people in them. And there aren't that many of them. What maybe 20 at the most, on weekends? Check out Q3, and how many servers they have. I did that last night in ASE and I found over 5000 servers. I think I made my point there.

It seems a lot of people are fustrated because many people that played sam, are moving on. To me, you can only play a game for so long and it gets boring. Time for change. I have moved on to Q3, freeze tag mod. I think it is actually faster then sam, with the grappling hook. Different weapons, different aspect of play. Team, yet individual. You don't have to be good to have fun, that is why it's a team mod. As for pups, if I had a penny for each time someone mentioned that, I'd be rich. Its part of the game, use it or lose it. Or yet, set up a server and disable them. I seen the Gods server when it was first set up, had no health, no armor. No bitching in Q3 about pups. Everyone uses them to there advantage, becuase if you don't grab them, you know very well someone else is going to.

Ok, enough of my rage. Hope that answers some of your points. Like Machine said
Quake3 freeze tag blows Sam away!  :jammin: I think it being proved right now. Look how many people are starting to get into Q3. None of the BS that is in sam.

GAME ON!! :jammin:

06-05-2003, 05:18 AM
Nope, SS still rocks. :wootrock:

06-05-2003, 05:35 AM
I keep trying to come play Sam, But he keeps pushing me away :P

Nice Blue huh? :oooo:

06-05-2003, 05:41 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Jun 5 2003, 01:35 AM
I keep trying to come play Sam, But he keeps pushing me away :P

Nice Blue huh? :oooo:
Yep, and you get that in Q3 too. But the way it's set up you just can't tell. You shoot people, and you have no effect. Just as frustrating. Don't be fooled by how smooth Q3 or UT runs when there is lag. It's actually worse because you can't tell right away that your shots aren't scoring. You just shoot and shoot and say, "WTF?".

The impression may be different, but the outcome is the same. :thumbs:

06-05-2003, 05:45 AM
And Q3 is just as bad as far as SD (quad damage) is concerned. Who ever has it owns, no matter what weapon they are using. You either hate it or ya love it.

06-05-2003, 05:48 AM
Originally posted by Sirc@Jun 5 2003, 12:18 AM
Nope, SS still rocks. :wootrock:
It does, sam is still a good game. Just responding to his points, and giving my opinion and that of from what I have heard from others, to why it seems not many people play, the use of aliases, and so on.

Game on! :cool:

06-05-2003, 05:56 AM
Originally posted by Sirc+Jun 5 2003, 12:41 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Sirc @ Jun 5 2003, 12:41 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Jun 5 2003, 01:35 AM
I keep trying to come play Sam, But he keeps pushing me away&nbsp; :P

Nice Blue huh?&nbsp; :oooo:
Yep, and you get that in Q3 too. But the way it&#39;s set up you just can&#39;t tell. You shoot people, and you have no effect. Just as frustrating. Don&#39;t be fooled by how smooth Q3 or UT runs when there is lag. It&#39;s actually worse because you can&#39;t tell right away that your shots aren&#39;t scoring. You just shoot and shoot and say, "WTF?".

The impression may be different, but the outcome is the same. :thumbs: [/b][/quote]
That is true, lag is lag. If you get lagged on a server, join a different. Not so easy in some games though.

Pic taken from ASE. Clicked just on the game, so that is all servers, co-op, fragmatch, ect. for sam, and all the mods of quake. I don&#39;t think there are many servers in sam with pings under 100. Check out Q3 for pings in ASE and see how many are under a hundred. Just play on those. That is till the UBER GM internet is built :shifty: :devil: :wootrock:

06-05-2003, 06:22 AM
well, there is in game ping, which is deceptive, because it is done through the
gaming engine, and includes all of that latency, and there is also the external
ping, which I think is what ASE and others use. So you can&#39;t really compare
things based on ping. I think that sam has issues with the cpu required
to process maps with multiplayers, and that is what generates lag. so the
patch boasts all this extra crap it can do, and the results, more lag&#33;
as an example, people complain about the gold maps being laggy.
heck, I can start a gold server, and join it on the same box, and be lagged.
I think it has more to do with the 3d engine....
anyway, this is an example of ping....

Black Rose
06-05-2003, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Jun 5 2003, 07:22 AM
well, there is in game ping, which is deceptive, because it is done through the
gaming engine, and includes all of that latency, and there is also the external
ping, which I think is what ASE and others use. So you can&#39;t really compare
things based on ping. I think that sam has issues with the cpu required
to process maps with multiplayers, and that is what generates lag. so the
patch boasts all this extra crap it can do, and the results, more lag&#33;
as an example, people complain about the gold maps being laggy.
heck, I can start a gold server, and join it on the same box, and be lagged.
I think it has more to do with the 3d engine....
anyway, this is an example of ping....
:w00t: :bawling: :( to get this pings is one of my dreams wub wub

06-05-2003, 12:33 PM
Pan.......I understand how you feel. I too struggle to play a game where you have to use technique, and strategy to get through the game. I try to stay away from the SD but jump on the invisibility when I am challenged by lag. I struggle to use other weapons rather than the Canon, but when it&#39;s a canon war, don&#39;t bring a knife&#33; And as far as not giving someone a chance, that just sucks. I figure the same person that stands there with SD, and guns you down as your spawning, is probably a closet bully&#33; :bandhead: Been there&#33; Believe me, I have just about left the game for good, but I refuse to play against that.

There are a couple of players out there that have just taken the fun right out of the game&#33; Get away from them and you will find, the game is still fun. You just have to stay away from those players, and you will enjoy yourself. Hang in there&#33; :thumbs:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
06-05-2003, 01:18 PM
I like SS.
Hell, I love SS.
You&#39;d think I could play better, for as long as I&#39;ve been playing SS.
But hey, I just keep pluggin&#39; away&#33; And having fun. :)

BiggD (I know I&#39;ve got his name wrong, to lazy to look for it) talked about running a Seriously Warped Deathmatch server, but I don&#39;t know how well that went. There are some decent Warped maps, that would be nice to play for a change.

Someone PM me if "you" decide to run a Seriously Warped server again, I would like to try it out.

I apologize for not complaining about the game, or other players.......I&#39;ll try to do better next time. :)

06-05-2003, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS high ping camper@Jun 5 2003, 09:18 AM
I apologize for not complaining about the game, or other players.......I&#39;ll try to do better next time. :)

Die Hard
06-05-2003, 03:54 PM
Well i&#39;ve been playing for just over a year and
I think it is no better or worse than it&#39;s ever been.

Take the rough with the smooth man
Because Sam rocks like it always did :thumbs:

PS. I promise to come on Quake and UT one day soon :oooo:

06-05-2003, 04:46 PM
Well bro, go and pick up a copy of quake III, &#036;20.
For sam, you can have some good games, and also some bad games.
There are some playing styles that I do not like.
If a game is too campy or too spammy or too hoary, then leave it.
There is no obligation to become someone else&#39;s numbers.
The purpose of the game is to have fun and
some playing styles ruin it for other players.
With Q3, there are thousands of servers and tons
of players on at any given time.
There are powerups, but they can be picked up by
the players that kill that person, and they are also
not all powerful like in sam. The grenades also do not
work well for spamming. There are a lot more levels.
No knife or knife mode though....

06-05-2003, 06:18 PM
Guys I&#39;m not crying :bawling: or complaining over getting killed over & over again in a game. Trust me, I&#39;m use to that. Winning the game is not that important to me as is just having plain fun playing in it. When the right people are in the server, and i don&#39;t mean a bunch of noobs, its always a blast :thumbs: and there are the games that you have a couple of those guys that ruin it for all :bandhead:

Playing with talented players like the Machine & Hellraiser is also fun, especially trying to stay out of there sights and giving them a frag so they won&#39;t have a perfect :rofl:
whats no fun is playing with other talented no name guys that do everything in there power to get a perfect.

On the cussing and bad sportsmanship I think its funny people get that way. My main concern about it is that I have 3 children that play SS and it irks me when they read that crap on the server.

I am not ready to give up SS, I just wanted to get this of my mind.

hope to frag with you guys soon :jammin:

06-05-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Jun 5 2003, 02:22 AM
well, there is in game ping, which is deceptive, because it is done through the
gaming engine, and includes all of that latency, and there is also the external
ping, which I think is what ASE and others use. So you can&#39;t really compare
things based on ping. I think that sam has issues with the cpu required
to process maps with multiplayers, and that is what generates lag. so the
patch boasts all this extra crap it can do, and the results, more lag&#33;
as an example, people complain about the gold maps being laggy.
heck, I can start a gold server, and join it on the same box, and be lagged.
I think it has more to do with the 3d engine....
anyway, this is an example of ping....
Wow 34 ping to Our server, what do you live next door to the data center? :blink:

06-05-2003, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by Sirc@Jun 5 2003, 05:18 AM
Nope, SS still rocks. :wootrock:
4 REAL SIRC tell them the TRUTH :wootrock:

Die Hard
06-05-2003, 10:43 PM
Pan i sympathise with you bro,
we all know what you are saying :thumbs:

06-05-2003, 11:43 PM
Pan, I agree with a lot of what you said.

I&#39;m guilty of spamming every once in a while (especially in Hole). :rolleyes: I usually start spamming when I haven&#39;t had a frag in a long time, or every time I spawn I get fragged, or when it&#39;s one of those f&#39;d up games you talk about. I hate leaving a game before it&#39;s done, so sometimes I start spamming. It&#39;s a way for me to take a breather while still playing.

I&#39;m also guilty of hogging power ups. I don&#39;t see anything wrong with it. If it&#39;s enabled, then it&#39;s fair game. :devil:

I try to approach frustrating games as a challenge. Spammers, smacker-talkers, power up hogs, campers, etc., are all part of the game. Unsportsman-like tactics used to get to me, but now I just ignore them. They&#39;re not doing anything against the rules; they may not be sportsman-like, but they aren&#39;t doing anything they really aren&#39;t supposed to do (unless they are swimming).

There&#39;s nothing better than backstabbing a smack-talking camping, spammer, though. :thumbs:

One thing I&#39;ve noticed is that these things come in waves. I remember when swimming cannon campers were everywhere. Now you hardly see it anymore.

06-05-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by pinatubo@Jun 5 2003, 06:43 PM

I&#39;m guilty of spamming every once in a while (especially in Hole). :rolleyes:

I&#39;m also guilty of hogging power ups.
Pin, I never noticed you camping or hogging the PUP&#39;s&#33; :P

Is that how you get to be bright pink and kinda see thru? :w00t:

J/K your still alot of fun to play&#33; :thumbs:

06-06-2003, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by Slice@Jun 5 2003, 03:32 PM
Wow 34 ping to Our server, what do you live next door to the data center? :blink:
Is it in/near atlanta? Kind of strange, I notice that you seem to be lagged sometimes.
That would really have to suck on your own server. :unsure:

06-06-2003, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by pinatubo@Jun 5 2003, 07:43 PM
There&#39;s nothing better than backstabbing a smack-talking camping, spammer, though. :thumbs:

:w00t: Absolutely &#33;&#33;&#33;

06-06-2003, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by {SPWA} Nightbreed+Jun 6 2003, 12:45 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE ({SPWA} Nightbreed @ Jun 6 2003, 12:45 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--pinatubo@Jun 5 2003, 07:43 PM
There&#39;s nothing better than backstabbing a smack-talking camping, spammer, though. :thumbs:

:w00t: Absolutely &#33;&#33;&#33; [/b][/quote]
:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

06-06-2003, 02:49 AM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR+Jun 5 2003, 08:29 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JIMINATOR @ Jun 5 2003, 08:29 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Slice@Jun 5 2003, 03:32 PM
Wow 34 ping to Our server, what do you live next door to the data center?&nbsp; :blink:
Is it in/near atlanta? Kind of strange, I notice that you seem to be lagged sometimes.
That would really have to suck on your own server. :unsure: [/b][/quote]
It is in Virginia. Kinda ironic, I pay for the damn thing and get a 70 ping to it and lag. :rofl: