Burn the Witch
06-06-2003, 10:44 PM
Maybe not many interested, but heres my quick run through of how to play :

OK, so Planetside isn't as complex as other online games, but its far more complex than Offline FPS's.

Here's boiled down how to play.

(Oh yeah, do the offline training first, big help, and short, just do the Equipment Tutorial -- thats all).

/tell <name> <text> is how you talk to someone in game.

so /tell PureEvil hey man&#33;

sends Hey man&#33; to Pure Evil (and example, I think im the only one on GM who plays Planetside.

Ever played Morrowind?

well, Planetside uses the same sort of movement/mouse system.

Normally mouse is look, WASD move, like any FPS, press TAB however, and the mouse pointer comes up, lets you access menu&#39;s.

in the bottom right of your screen is a little menu, the 3 heads is the one you are interested in, go into it, then click on "friends" tab, then click "add" and type the persons name, to add them to your friends list.

Planetside No. 1 tip :

for normal weapons (non explosive, non MAX) ALWAYS CROUCH (hold Ctrl or press C to switch on and off) when possible.

and dont hold fire, fire in bursts, (by letting go of the mouse every 2 seconds or so, let your accuracy pointer er...get more accurate).

Planetside Leveling :

20 BR (Battle Ranks)

5 CR (Command Ranks)

Dont think about CR yet, too complex.

When you kill someone/cap a base you get BEP (Battle Experience Points)

No stats, the RPG aspects of PS are very very light. Every time you level up (access your info screen by pressing "O") you get 1 Certification (Cert). You start with 4. So when you eventually cap the BR, you will have 24 total.

You need Cert&#39;s to use things. E.g. you cannot use a Rever (airplane thingy) unless you train it : costs 4 Certs.

All the skills are broken down very simply.

Weapons Certs :

Medium, Heavy, Special.

Vehicle Certs :

Planes, Quad Bikes, Tanks, ANTS (more later) AMS (more later) etc. theres like 15.

Other Certs :

Medical (healing peeps)

Engineering (repairing Armour, vehicle)

Hacking (to hack bases, more later)

Advanced Certs : (need the basic one first)

Medical (faster healing)

Engineering (faster repairing, laying turrets and mines)

Hacking : (Faster Hacking)

MAX Certs :

A MAX is the way to describe Heavy Armour, Vanu, Terran and NC have different types :

Vanu can boost into the air, and hover, making them hard to hit.

NC : Have a personal shield, making them hard to kill.

Terran (My Side, WOOOT&#33;) : can "anchor" into the ground, giving massive bonus to fire rate, making them dangerous as hell :)

Note MAX armour comes with Weapons attached. Big, mean, nasty weapons.

Planetside Base Capture : broken down :

Bases all around the world.

to take an enemy base, the player must reach the CC (control console) and "hack" (need hacking).

A 15 Minute Timer will start. if the base is defended (if the enemy get a hacker to the CC, they can "unhack" or "rehack" or whatever you want, and reclaim it instantly) and survives the 15 minutes, then the hackers team gets the base.

The only way for the enemy to get the base back is to stop the hack, or bugger off, come back and get it like 24 hours later.


Bases have NTU levels : every time you spawn in the base, the NTU&#39;s go down. If they hit Zero, the base goes "green" or "neutral". If someone is hacking it, they have 15minutes to get power to the base or the hack fails, and the base is free to be hacked again.

Another way to wipe out power and stop a hack (but not get the base back) is to destroy the generator.

Powering Up : If you can drive a ground vehicle (with a cert) you are allowed to drive an ANT (if you are in the right type of armour)

Cant remember what ANT stands for, oh well. Get one, from a vehicle pad on a base you own (or hack an enemy vehicle pad and steal one) and get it to a warpgate. It will fill up with WARP ENERGY&#33; and drive it back to the base, get it to the NTU silo (just a thing in the base courtyard) and set it up, will refill NTU power.

SO, in short :

TO take a base :

Hack it. Survive 15minutes.

TO remove base power, stopping people spawning there, and weapons/vehicles being purchased :

Blow up the generator.

For a base to become Neutral :

Defenders use all NTU Power.

For a base to be given full NTU&#39;s : get an ANT to warpgate, fill her up, drive her back.

06-07-2003, 08:07 AM
Thank you for all that info&#33; My brother is really into the game, he and his girlfriend are on it every night at the moment. I will send him a link to your thread to check he knows all this stuff.

Marks out of 10 for the game Mr. Burn?

Burn the Witch
06-07-2003, 11:44 AM
Hmmm, well, its alot of fun, lots of continents to play on, and its awesome being in an battle which can have up to 500 people, but after a while it gets repetitive, which I can deal with, so I give it 8.5/10 which is good considering I&#39;m a very criticle person :)

Oh yeah also I&#39;m head of a clan on the European server, so that helps :)