View Full Version : Redneck Joke

10-10-2002, 03:05 AM
2 rednecks are speeding in their truck down a Georgia highway.

State Trooper pulls them over.

Trooper comes up to the drivers side window, taps on the glass. Driver recneck rolls down the window and says, "What the hell do you want, pig?!"

WHAM!! Troopers fist comes through the window and nails the guy, right in the face. Dude's nose is all busted up, blood is just pouring down his face.

Driver redneck says "Damn man! Fine, hear ya' go." Hands over his licensce. Trooper writes out the ticket and throws it through the window at him.

Trooper starts to walk back to his cruiser. He gets to the back bumper of the truck and stops for a moment. Then he walks around to the passenger side and tap tap taps on the passenger side window.

Passenger redneck rolls his window down and before it even gets all the way down...

WHAM!! Troopers fist comes in and pounds the guy. Passenger redneck immidiately cups his hand over his face and says, "Jeezus! What the hell was that fer, man?!

Trooper leans in with a big icy smile on his face and says, "That's so that when you get on down the road here a little ways, you can't look at your buddy over there and say 'I wish that trooper had tried that crap with me man, cause I'da kicked his ass!"

The coolest speed bump you will ever run over

10-10-2002, 03:09 AM
:rofl: Good one Bingo! We like dem redneck jokes. :D

10-10-2002, 03:11 AM

10-10-2002, 03:26 AM

10-10-2002, 03:48 AM