View Full Version : Anyone played Hearts of Iron?

06-15-2003, 03:04 PM
It's a great game, and I'd like to get word out about it. I figure this would be a really good place to spread the word. Hopefully they'll keep making similar games, because I dare say it's one of the best I've ever played.

It's a WW2 strategy game. If you've ever played Winwar or Europa Universalis it's similar to that. There is *extensive* tech. Tech leads to new types of units (and upgrades), which you build out of the resources that you buy (or take) from other countries. Very complicated, but really fun if you're a big WW2 buff like me. I'm playing as Germany now, and I've taken over England, France, all of middle Europe except Switzerland, as well as Turkey, Iraq, Israel, and part of Egypt, not to mention Poland. I'm at war with the Soviets now, and they are tough.

In my game as America I stayed isolationist and just developed tech. Well, it's 1943 and I have transistors, nuclear power, ICBMs, and night vision. I've already nuked Japan, and I sweeped in to take down Spain. Russia crushed Germany, so Russia might be the next enemy. I've got 65 divisions in Europe, so we'll see.

Here are some screenshots:

Game opening (http://home.insightbb.com/~chaotic42/opening.JPG)
Finally in France (http://home.insightbb.com/~chaotic42/yay.JPG)
The New European Order (http://home.insightbb.com/~chaotic42/england.JPG)

If you've been thinking about buying it, just get it! Strategy lovers need to support companies so they keep making great games like this.

Sorry, but I haven't been excited about a game like this, except for BF1942 which needs to introduction, in a long time.

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-15-2003, 04:14 PM
Chaotic is taking over the world! :thumbs:

06-16-2003, 05:24 AM
I have played "Hearts Of Iron" and i liked it.

I played it for maybe 2 months and i managed to conquer almost
the whole world before i stoped playing it.

I played as Sovjet, Germany and USA and its a different way of
planning your strategy depending on which country u chose.

I prefer playing as one of the "big ones", not much fun playing as
a small country, yes u can edit that country and make it alot stronger,
but thats close to cheating i think.

Have u played "PanzerGeneral I II III, scorched earth"?, now thatīs
a classic WW II game :jammin:

07-04-2003, 12:26 AM
And so it ends. Germany is green. (http://www.pobox.com/~chaotic42/win.jpg)

We have liberated The Soviet Union, England, France, Italy, Japan, China, Australia, America, Canada, Mexico, and many others.

If I had another 6 months I could conquer South Africa, but the game ends on 12/31/47 no matter what.

Mr Clean
07-05-2003, 04:46 AM
Originally posted by Haze@Jun 15 2003, 11:24 PM
I have played "Hearts Of Iron" and i liked it.

I played it for maybe 2 months and i managed to conquer almost
the whole world before i stoped playing it.

I played as Sovjet, Germany and USA and its a different way of
planning your strategy depending on which country u chose.

I prefer playing as one of the "big ones", not much fun playing as
a small country, yes u can edit that country and make it alot stronger,
but thats close to cheating i think.

Have u played "PanzerGeneral I II III, scorched earth"?, now thatīs
a classic WW II game :jammin:
The Panzer General series was great. I wish they would make a new one...There was one out a while back called the People's General I think, dealing with the Chinese. Anyone play that one?

Thanks for the tip Chaotic, I love strategy games and I will have to buy that one soon. I like the fact you can develop weapons and techs to improve your capabilities. Gives it a little "Civilization" twist.... :thumbs:

07-05-2003, 03:14 PM