View Full Version : new maps???

06-15-2003, 08:46 PM
I just tried to join both of Frag's server and from ASE I know I have the maps, but when I tried to join, one map (that is said I didn't have) was bot_zveeep.pk3 and the other one was md3_maximus.

Anyone else able to join or have these maps?? Never heard of them before.

06-15-2003, 09:26 PM
gimmy they are skins here

copyied this from a post of mine

I was having a problem uploading the stats. I think I got it now. I shut down the server
till it finshes. Man does it take a long time. I had to delete it from outlawsrulez.com and start over It's 175 Meg in size. in the mean time here some goodies for ya
I downloaded this skins pack it's 47 meg my fileplanet ID is meankeys@rcn.com and the PW frag

enjoy Frag

I got dibbs on the aliens3 skin

skins (http://www.fileplanet.com/files/60000/63907.shtml)

I sugest you create a folder called skins download and extract it there. all skins will have there own folder. copy or move each pk3 file in each folder to your C:Program Files/Quake III Arena/baseq3 folder. then go join the server goto setup player and scroll thru the models . remember there our to config files one in your baseq3 folder for single player and one in your ufreeze folder you must load the mod or join the server to get your setting to stick
have fun

06-15-2003, 09:42 PM
Should it look something like this??

Oh and I just tried to join I think server 1, Chico and Fastway in there, plus some bots, and it said that it was full :WTF:

06-15-2003, 09:49 PM
Ok, that wasn't it, so I moved all the .pk3 files in all of those folders, and it still couldn't find something. Unable to join server :bawling: This is a pain. :bandhead:

06-15-2003, 10:01 PM
I can see the different skins and all when I go into single player and all, but still can't join. Don't have a .pk3 file or something. *cough cough*autodownload*couh cough*

06-15-2003, 10:38 PM
Grimmy, is your autodownload set to "on" in your menu? I had to turn mine off to get into the server. Since I forcemodel, I don't bother loading new skins.

06-15-2003, 11:08 PM
I didnt think this would be a pain in the azz. I will fix it now :bandhead:

06-15-2003, 11:11 PM
That worked Melon, why, I dunno.

Frag, did you just shut it down??

06-15-2003, 11:26 PM
yes sorry I thought i had a clean copy of the base q3 folder but it had the skins too.

I turned on downloading that might help tell i re-install :bandhead:

I am going to server 2 to play the tourney maps. see you there :thumbs:

06-16-2003, 04:14 AM
Grimmy, the reason turning autodownload off worked was because you're joining a "pure" server. In order to join, you and the server must match. In the case of skins, a skin is only a covering for a model. If you turn the autod/l off, you will end up loading the default model, usually Sarge, but it depends on the model that was used. For example, Razor and Patriot are the same model, different skins. By joining a server with a custom skin, it wants to load that information you do not yet have, and with the server autod/l off, you can't get it. Cheers :drink:

06-16-2003, 04:21 AM
Thanks Melon :thumbs: