View Full Version : Paypal Scam - Beware

06-16-2003, 07:27 AM
I have received this email twice in the last month or so. I use my paypal acct. regularly so I emailed paypal and they said it was a scam. They said they would never ask for credit card #s or PIN codes in email.

Here is a copy of what I got.

Dear PayPal Customer

This e-mail is the notification of recent innovations taken by PayPal to detect inactive customers and non-functioning mailboxes.

The inactive customers are subject to restriction and removal in the next 3 months.

Please confirm your email address and credit card information by logging in to your PayPal account using the form below:

Email Address:
Full Name:
Credit Card #:
ATM PIN (For Bank Verification) #:

This notification expires September 31, 2003

Thanks for using PayPal!

This PayPal notification was sent to your mailbox. Your PayPal account is set up to receive the PayPal Periodical newsletter and product updates when you create your account. To modify your notification preferences and unsubscribe, go to https://www.paypal.com/PREFS-NOTI and log in to your account. Changes to your preferences may take several days to be reflected in our mailings. Replies to this email will not be processed.

Copyright© 2002 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.

Beware :bandhead:

06-16-2003, 11:40 AM
WOW, Scares me! :unsure:

06-16-2003, 12:02 PM
hey i received that a few weeks ago. i ignored it, but i received it. we live in a scum world is all i can say.

06-16-2003, 02:57 PM
Thanks for the info V98 :thumbs:

06-16-2003, 03:27 PM
Oh darn, I guess I'll have to cancel the cards! :oooo:

:thumbs: :thumbs:

Well, hopefully my paments from *****ia should come through shortly to help out!

:thumbs: :thumbs:

06-16-2003, 04:08 PM
Thanks for heads up!! :thumbs: Man, I hate scammers!! :mad: