View Full Version : ME BIGGD01--life today from yesterday

06-18-2003, 12:39 AM
I am amazed how much I have change in opinion of our Country America. It amazes me how so many of us were sold or somewhat brain washed through the media and or maybe us just trying to be proud.

With all that’s happening in the world that most Americans do not pay attention to because of there life being to busy and stressful, I ask you to sit down take a deep breathe and open your eyes.

I am 31 going to be 32 in a few month’s, and have been breaking my ass since I was a kid at 11 years old. Call this a midlife crisis or what ever but I am pretty tired of the land that is supposed to be the best which even I once claimed.

First, what is it that’s so great about America? Is it that we are free? Free from what? Are we really free? I do not see myself being free and I will explain a little more in this session I am having with myself and sharing with you.

I am constantly chatting with people older and younger. At times I do not listen to what is being said but when it appears to me in a future occurrence it leads me to give it thought and from there will maybe change my opinion and way about the subject or matter. For instance I look at the way this country is going. I look at the way my fellow Americans live there lives and raise there families as I am trying to do. I look at the younger generations to see what they might inspire in our future. The one thing I recall in the recent past (including myself) is Americans being extremely patriotic from terrorist attacks and the constant wars going around the world. I think to myself where are we heading as a country and as an era in our life. The way I see it, the outlook seems grim for us as a country.

This past year my wife and I have had a child. We had a girl and love her very much. As a parent I have to constantly worry about her and try to give her a better life that I had when I was a child. I would like her to get the best education and learn many things about life. I would like her to try avoid following ignorance but listen to it and try to teach facts to maybe open the eyes of the ignorant. I would like her to be able to live a peaceful life and grow to be a healthy adult. I would like her to get a great job that not only pays well but a job she loves doing. Anyone who has a job they love never truly works!!!! I can only hope for these things as a parent.

Where I live in NY, it seems to be nothing but getting worst. The jobs are leaving and being taken or giving to lower paid non American citizens. This is happening all over America. There are too many people and not enough jobs for everyone. Company’s are cutting back to save a dollar and we lose in good services and some poor American loses there job. Again, this is happening all over America. America use to be the industrial king but now we are nothing but burger kings. Do you know where we get all of our products from or made? Most are imported because of cheap labor. What does this do for us in the long run? I know for a fact that you need to make over 100,000.00 a year to some what exist in NY but that really does not cover any luxury’s you may want or at least deserve.


06-18-2003, 12:51 AM
i couldn't agree with you more.

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-18-2003, 01:04 AM
Sorry but I somewhat disagree. I think it is the area in which you live. New companies are constatly moving into my area and the economy is doing well here. Sure there are some old textile mills that are suffering. A lot of the textile companies are moving south of the border. But we have a lot of companies that have moved into the area in the last 10 years. Plus the cost of living is really good here.

06-18-2003, 01:43 AM
Yeah BiggD, I know what you are saying, but things
are pretty much the same way that they have always been.
Companies have to change and adapt in order to survive.
Sad, but true. The same thing applies to people. If the
cost of business is too high in an area then companies will move.
Other states will gladly subsidize a company if it means
bringing in lots of new jobs. As people, we hate change,
but sometimes it is just necessary.
As for things being worse now than what they were
years ago, the truth is that people have always said that
since forever. You may feel that way now, your dad probably
told you the same story when you were a kid, and his
dad probably would tell him how things were different
when he was a kid.

That's just life...

06-18-2003, 01:51 AM
Let's face it new businesses and companies aren't going to exactly flock to NY City after 9/11. Local economies can fluctuate a huge amount and still not affect the over all average as much as one might think. Every dollar spent in any given area will change hands (or be spent) roughly 7 times before leaving your localized area, which means that the money may not be staying around long enough to keep current locals afloat. As far as companies hiring non Americans well let them try to explain that when they get busted. A lot of people who may not be an American who have a green card are still issued a social security number and are able to work legally.

06-18-2003, 02:02 AM

Now back in the days when I was a kid my mother stayed home and my father was the bread earner. My mother’s job was the hardest job any person could have because there is no time clock like my father had. Today it is a lot different. There are very few families that have the luxury of having one parent home at all times to be with the child. It is nearly impossible here in NY unless you come from money which most don’t. I speak for the middle class of people if the term middle class even exists anymore. I wish my company made enough money that my wife could stay home but the problem is her job pay’s the benefits. Together we make decent money but still find it hard to make ends meet these days. Along with the bills and the daycare center which costs 220.00 a week it feels there is no getting ahead. Amazing some people do not even make 220.00 dollars a week and we need to pay that out so my wife can have an income so we can survive. It really isn’t easy. Now with all of this there is a problem that is not visible to most of our society. My situation is common in many households. Many families who have kids need to have both parents to work. Please let me stress the word “need” o work so they can afford to live and pay there bills and TAXES. Now with having both parents at work, the children are not getting or should I say the learning the morals of family life the way it is supposed to be intended. This leaves the children to have to learn a lot of life there own way it comes to them. Ever hear the term “kids are a lot smarter today”? That term can be dissected and thought of in many ways, but I came up with they are only becoming wiser but not truly smarter. Children today do not have the parenting that once was set in place. They get thing a lot easier in terms of kid’s luxuries. How many kids out there have 2 game consoles and name brand clothes and bikes etc. etc. this is not saying kids are bad or they do not deserve these things but the point is they do not understand that these things were paid for with hard earned money. How many parents do you know that know what’s going on in there kids lives? How are there grades and who are there friends? I am not saying there are no parents like this but more than there should be. If you are younger than 15, do you think your parents know everything about you? How many parent take there kids to church on Sunday? How are the kids learning from right from wrong? What is the cause of all this? Why do so many parents today get divorced? Why are so many families breaking up? Statistics show most marriage disputes is over money but I think that’s just a piece of the info. Was this or is this the American way today?

With today’s budgets and tax rises, they seem to have decided to cut a lot of the education spending to save money. This in my opinion is just plain stealing from our kids and every American who pays taxes. With the high tech industries, they need to boost up all education production and think of ways that will benefit these kids of tomorrow so they will be intelligent and be productive in such a world we live in. in other countries kids seem to learn much more because they do not have all the luxury’s that our children have yet America has all the education to offer our children. What is the purpose of that I ask myself. Why wouldn’t they want our future to be the smartest? It just doesn’t sound right to me. Ask a person who is going to graduate high school this year who was the president before Ronald Regan or who ever the second President was in America. See if they know the answer and then question our schools education system. Are our kids getting the proper education or are they cutting them short? How can they cut education if everyone pays taxes for education? They are taking our tax money and using it for something else which is stealing from the tax payer but mostly stealing from our children.. American children should get everything this county has to offer and they should be our number one priority period.

Regarding taxes it seems we are being robbed and we Americans need a regime change. We need a regime change not just a new president but a whole new system. The constitution is being totally disregarded in many cases and I suggest everyone to give it a read and learn it. The way things were written then were to avoid the way it is today. The Gov’t today is no different then the people our ancestors fought to create America. They seem to want to control everything in our life and our world but yet they do not fix the problems here in America. Last time I checked they are supposed to work for us the tax payers. You know, “WE THE PEOPLE”. Have you ever added up how much money you pay the Gov’t? It comes out to 65% of all the money you ever made. Does that seem high to you? Do you see your money going to anything worth while? Where is it and why is there a deficit? Why does America have the largest amount of prisoners in jails than any other country? How can that be if this country is so great as we claim? How is it drugs can still make it to America yet we can keep out chemical warfare from hitting us? Who really profits from this? Couldn’t with all the intelligence and money in this country be able to stop and fix the problems? Why do we pay so many taxes? I pay 45.00 dollars alone in taxes just for having a phone in my home and a cell phone so I can talk to my clients when they need me. What are those taxes needed for? What in America needs that money? Hell, this is just for one utility that I am referring to. I also have an electric bill, fuel bill, and every other bill or expense. We also have to pay more than a qtr of our paycheck to taxes. I am wondering when other Americans will speak up about the amount of money we are paying out to a Gov’t that gives the citizens of this country nothing in return but fear.

After the ranting of taxes I would like to explain a return you can get as a taxpayer. If you are a senior citizen you will have to rely on social security which will be run out by the time I may need it. It is known that anyone my age or younger or even those on it now not to plan to live on it. Health benefits are ridiculous because if you know someone elderly, you will understand what I mean because they will have to pay a lot of money on over priced medicine to stay alive. My father in-law has to pay 400 dollars a month since his stroke and needs medication. He lives on social security and has no benefits. He can not get medicade because he owns a house. Now who benefits in this country? Is it Americans that worked there whole life and paid there taxes? Or those who have broken the law and are in jail which costs taxpayers 32,000 on average to keep them in prison every year? Or is it the families that makes ends meet barely and continues to pay taxes and have a little extra to afford there house and put there kids in college? Is it the people that come to this country that aren’t even citizens and have a baby or two, go on welfare get school for free, daycare for free until they get on there feet? Or is it the other countries that America sends over billions of dollars to help other nations (while there are actual starving and homeless families here)? Again I ask who benefits from the hard earned money us taxpayers have paid out. What would happen if you got hurt or god forbid crippled at work. Who would help you survive and raise your family? If you say the Gov’t, you better not own anything because the way it works is you have to be totally destitute in order to receive any benefits. With that you pay taxes for insurance that you are helpless and own nothing. So you all can work your asses off and build up your lifestyle but plan on losing the American dream if you are unable to work.


06-18-2003, 02:11 AM
I understand what you say and agree some what. Even though it is rough
it is the hand that we are dealt. I just do what I can and try to enjoy life. I live in NEW YORK and always had to fight for what I got. But there is always something much worse.
Work is hard to find that is true.. Also you do have people who work for less then minimum wage, so for others that won't take less, it is twice as difficult to find work.
I always believe family and friend are what make it all worth it.

06-18-2003, 02:15 AM

I believe I will keep my opinion to myself until you are through. You make some interesting points, I agree with some and disagree with others.

Continue, please..................................

06-18-2003, 02:22 AM
I will now respond to the posts.

slice--agree 9/11 has done damage but will comment on that in the future. this has been happening post 9/11

machine--thats great news for you but i can not just pick up and leave and move there. not sure where you live in the first place but major city's are feeling the impact.

jiminator--it's not change that i dislike but change thats not for any good i dislike. also things are not the same as they always were. just take alook at inflation rate. my parents paid 35,000 for there house 27 years ago. that house it worth or would cost me 350,000 if i am lucky. thats not the same and neither is the neighborhood.

gollum--i was referring to anything with cards :P or anyones luck.

you guys only read one aprt and probably don't now where i was going. i hope you read the lastest aprt and comment as i would like to hear your comments (i mean read duh).

06-18-2003, 02:36 AM
im curious then (im not trying to provoke anything), what govt do you propose (sp).

06-18-2003, 02:48 AM
a government for the people by the people :thumbs:

i would like americans to vote on every issue instead of congress screwing us. wouldnt it be great if everyone would have there say and the majoriity wins. this would make every american aware of every thing that gets passed.

can you imagine?
ever notice that you hear nothing about enron? why? how many officials were responsible? how many americans got screwed? this is because the whole system is crooked.

06-18-2003, 02:59 AM
It was worse during the 1929 when the market went down and before the World War II started it was hell for most US people.
WHen the war broke out it is when we was making the money.

Things change and right now especially in New York it is hard but nothing like it was between 1929 to 1933.

We are very lucky now but expect more hard times to come.

It will change but in a way different by adjusting to a new form and economically.


06-18-2003, 03:02 AM
I personally break it down to the weakness of people these days. Comes down to one word. Accountability. These days, whether it's government, parents, children, just about anyone. They have a tendancy to point fingers at what is wrong, always looking to blame instead of starting by looking in the mirror. Lawyers and shrinks, and government have aided in this. Everyone wants to blame others for what is wrong in their life instead of looking back at why they ended up in that position in the first place. I'm not saying it is everyone and every circumstance, just a general attitude that has been developing.

As far as the media goes, it's horse crap! It is no longer about news or accuracy, it's about ratings and $$$. They don't give a rats ass as far as right and wrong, just about selling adds and keeping a story going until another big one breaks. It's a damn shame!

As far as the economy goes, the war with Iraq sure gave is a shot in the arm :wacko: Unemployment is over 6% again and I know way too many people who are out of work, myself included ( only a temp lay-off) I personally wish our government would pull it's head out of it's ass and take care of the homeland for a while and let some nations fend for themselves!

06-18-2003, 03:03 AM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01@Jun 17 2003, 10:48 PM
a government for the people by the people :thumbs:

i would like americans to vote on every issue instead of congress screwing us. wouldnt it be great if everyone would have there say and the majoriity wins. this would make every american aware of every thing that gets passed.

can you imagine?
ever notice that you hear nothing about enron? why? how many officials were responsible? how many americans got screwed? this is because the whole system is crooked.
bring back the popular vote!
I agree with you here on this totally!

(thank God Mr. Clean is on vacation!)

06-18-2003, 03:04 AM
yea, and also, minimum wage should be $10 per hour :wootrock:

06-18-2003, 03:16 AM
The world will one day become one nation and It may not happen 100 or 200 years from now but it will happen.

News can be like sh1t and can be helpful.

Government and all over around us there is corruption that will have to change in order to pursue the next stage of our country or world.
Again it will take time because we are not perfect but compare to what it use to be 200 or 300 or more years. There is a major differents and better and well educated people on this planet. Yet we are along way to go to improve but it is happening gradually and slow.

We are here and must make best of what we have and provide our next generation the help for the next level.


06-18-2003, 04:00 AM
funny you say that sas. almost like you knew what my last part was about.

here it is.....

The other day, I was doing my bills and did a calculation of what I owed in debts and the increase of everything. I have mentioned to my father in-law about the property tax increases and mentioned how much taxes have gone up. He which I couldn’t understand his emotion but blurted out you are paying for the war. He said it in Italian and looked at him when he said it but he looked pissed when he said it to me. I guess all those dinner conversations we had gave him this opportunity to gloat and point at me “the bush supporter”. My father in-law hates G.Bush. Hell he hates republican’s period. In away he was right and instead of usually countering his comments I just shut up and thought about it for awhile. I thought about all the things I said in the past regarding the war. I thought about everything that has changed in America since 9/11. I thought about the way America in itself. I got myself extremely mad when I thought that I may have been supporting a total BS cause. Think about the new laws that were developed. One law that has been bugging me is the patriot law. What exactly does this law mean and what does it do? Again I thought about 9/11 which was the beginning of this era. Do you know now that I am totally against the U.S. Gov’t, I am considered a terrorist? Don’t you find it strange that there are many Muslims here that can be terrorists? Yet we have had no attacks when they can be easily done here? Do you think the security is that good to prevent a person from strapping an explosive to them and take out a few people? I do remember all the warnings we got and the dumb color codes they have going orange red purple or what ever. This got me thinking on what I feel is actually happening or at least a conspiracy theory. I do not know for sure and can only throw it out to those who read this but I am starting to question this whole 9/11 ordeal. I really hate to say it but I feel that America is responsible for those towers coming down. Yes this could never be proven and neither you nor I would ever know but it is possible and from the aftermath of this destruction gave the Gov’t the right to take our civil liberties away which was basically what made America so great. I look at the fear that has been pushed all over the media which naturally only made Americans more mad and hate an enemy that we can’t even see. Sure maybe Bin Laden had something to do with it but I will say it now my belief is that “those towers were to come down for big brother”. This may make me sound like a freak but I am not. I am also not in any militia or some clan. I just do believe it has something to do with New World Order. Am I nuts? Maybe, but I just do not think anything is impossible these days. I will be doing more research on this theory as I am sure there are others that question the event.

So where does this leave us Americans? Are we to consider this country the greatest? If so why? I myself do not consider it to be the greatest but know it’s not the worst. Are there others that feel the same way as me? What will they do to speak out like I am doing? I hope after reading this you will respond with your perspectives on this.

06-18-2003, 04:13 AM

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-18-2003, 11:33 PM
What country would you rather live in?

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-18-2003, 11:34 PM
And one more thing. If everyone would make a concious effort to buy only American products (if possible) the economy would be a LOT better.

06-18-2003, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Jun 18 2003, 07:34 PM
And one more thing. If everyone would make a concious effort to buy only American products (if possible) the economy would be a LOT better.
How about products made in America? Take cars, most American cars are made in Mexico or Canada. But some Toyota's and Honda's are assembled in the USA. I prefere to keep Americans working, not just American corporations.

06-18-2003, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Jun 18 2003, 07:34 PM
And one more thing. If everyone would make a concious effort to buy only American products (if possible) the economy would be a LOT better.
Easier said then done. Most products now a days have imported parts in them and are just assembled in America. Show me a car now a day that every part in it was manufactured and produced in this country using our own natural resources. We would be better off having a product produced here and sold for export. Americans are the largest consumers and play a huge role in the global economy.

06-19-2003, 03:21 AM
as for the country i would like to live in it's america. i wouldlike america to stand together for the right reason and fix our sysstem the way it wa meant to be. as far a manufactoring america doesnt do that anymore hardly. the labor is to expensive and is why everything is imported. the major problems are that the corporations are running this country instead of you and i. look at all the stock scandals. they get away with murder yet so many people all set to retire got there life savings stolen from them and now will have to continue to work. we need to stop sending american tax dollars over sea's to hep the country's that do not reall use it for there people. we should only offer trade and support. when's the last time any country has helped us? if we got to vote on where out tax money goes there would be major changes. goto any gov't agency and see how much they pay for a simple hammer. our tax money is being spent with out our consent and most americans ignore or just do not care. look how much a bottle of water costs in a store today. one day we may have to pay for air. my point of my posts was to just put out what is happening and maybe if atleast 1 person out of a hundred takes a look to see that something isnt right, it is possible for change. how many times have you heard we live in scary times? why do you think thats said so many times? what can we do to fix the issues. i am afraid they can not be fixed because people wont fight for themself nor would they go through the trouble to look into where there tax money is going. it's easier for us to just go on our daily lives. one day someone will say how did it ever come to this.

06-19-2003, 03:31 AM
Biggd as much as I agree with much of your post here, I want to punch that damn avatar because it is annoying. :lol:

06-19-2003, 03:43 AM
LOL :lol:

06-19-2003, 03:45 AM

06-19-2003, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01@Jun 18 2003, 11:45 PM
:thumbs: Old but good!

06-19-2003, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by Strider@Jun 17 2003, 10:04 PM
yea, and also, minimum wage should be $10 per hour :wootrock:
That's absurd. So, in lew of what BIGG is saying, what little jobs are left or entry level if you will, will be making $10 bones an hour, thus taking away from Americans, and really putting the pinch on the economy, or forcing everyone to try and get an education. Or, the requirements to make minimum wage will get tougher...let's say, you have to have an A.A. to make minimum wage. Minimum wage is an insult, that is why it is there. It says "you're not smart enough, or you don't have enough experience to make any more than this, take it or leave it". Then, you can either look elsewhere, or gut it out with the company and try to get an increase.

The company that I work for likes to promote from within...no problem, right? The pisser is, I know of a Departmental Manager here, that is in that position based on the fact that he started as a damn cashier! Sure, he may know the process, but is truly qualified to make decisions that are steering the company just because he has been around? I doubt it.

Did that make any sense, or did I just ramble?

06-19-2003, 03:16 PM
I read the first part of BIGG's insight but there is no way that im reading the rest...sorry BIGG!

This is what i think, our country will eventually die out and will no longer be the most powerful nation in the world. But look on the bright side, unless we have a nuclear war by the time that America begins to crumble we will all be dead!! And our kids will be too, so lighten up and post about happy things like how u just beat xtremegamer in a game of Sam! :thumbs:

06-19-2003, 09:21 PM
minimum wage? how about considering it being differnent in all parts of the country. how it's the same in big city's always made me wonder. it cost a hell of alot to live here in ny than it does in alabama yet the wage is the same. another fact is the tolls to get to the city from long island will cost you more than your hourly wage incase you do make minimum wage. although i do not know anyone who makes minimum wage, i feel sorry if you do and live in ny. god bless anyone who has it that bad.