View Full Version : Blaming FPS Games for the Sniper

10-12-2002, 03:12 AM
:evil: This is pissing me off, everytime I turn on the TV all I see is the Gay news people bashing First Person Shooters for the snipers rampage.Most likely this is a disgruntled kid who got picked on too much and got pissed off and snapped.Jesus, while I was typing this sentence the homo on NBC news just said "Can Video games be blamed for these recent sniper attacks? Experts beleive they are, We'll explain later of how the game Silent Scope teaches you how to kill" I can blame my shit for the sniper attacks...Yes our sewage is nasty and it is stinking him out into the woods. I mean Jesus...I hate the press...GOD do I hate the press...Well share all the stories you have heard about what is to blame for the snipers shootings...Oh yeah...they magically dont seem to notice the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF web sites that give you tips on how to snipe,I mean Americas Army teaches you perfectly how to snipe...www.Sniper.com teaches you how to snipe..I mean GOD! :evil:


10-12-2002, 03:36 AM
Thanks for bringing that up man. ;) I think that this person is more professional then they would like to admit. ;) Come on, they have nothing? They had something right away when 9/11 happend. I smell sh*t!!!!!

Dark Reign
10-12-2002, 05:28 AM
Some politicans decide that playing games that contain violence will make you violent. Why do they do this? Because they have ntohing else to do.
It pisses the hell outta me too. Free Speech Rulez!

10-12-2002, 05:32 AM
According to them I guess we will all become killers. :roll:

10-12-2002, 06:07 AM
well I play Sam not because I enjoy killing ...

I just enjoy good competition and a challenge and the comrardrie that goes along with it.

Its a game just as chess is a game and football is a game.

Leave it to a politician and the mediato say something dumb....
They both need the hype for their ratings>>>

Drunken Warrior
10-12-2002, 12:37 PM
This is stupid!! I never heard of a serial killer or anyone else for that matter who said they did it because they played too many violent video games!! Why can't these people just accept the fact that a screwed up person is just that, a screwed up person, and stop finding external blame
for their problems :?

10-12-2002, 06:26 PM
neither the son of sam nor the zodiac killer played shooter games, and their MO's were almost exactly the same as this guy. It's just another sociopathic serial killer. He'll either get bored of his game and quit or he'll just keep pushing it farther to see how much he can get away and end up getting caught. Frankly, if not for all the news coverage (and especially that stupid DC cop crying), I think he would have stopped after 2 or 3. But now he's a star. He sees the feeding frenzy of the nation-wide news coverage and it adds to his thrills. He is the center of attention and will remain so until he is caught or killed probably. And that is now part of his game.

That's why I refuse to even watch the news if they're talking about that POS. I don't care him or his game and neither should anyone else.

Mr Clean
10-13-2002, 04:11 AM
The problem is that all it takes is ONE asshole who's a gamer to kill some people and suddenly you blame it on the game...

The BIGGER problem here is that no one wants to take responsibility for these things. I think those two idiots in Columbine, Colorado played video games. Their parents probably should've been paying more attention to what they were doing. If your kid can't seperate fanstasy from reality, don't let them play the damn games!

This sniper OBVIOUSLY has professional military or military-type training. You don't just buy a high powered rifle and hit your target every time in the chest from hundreds of yards away. I think the FBI or ARMY or every SWAT team in America is going through their records trying to figure out which one of them trained this nutcase....