View Full Version : Ever try to teach your Dad how to play SS?

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-12-2002, 04:30 AM
I just spent 45 minutes on the phone with my Dad, trying to teach him how to play SS. I'm in Washington, he's in Colorado. We joined a Co-Op game, (so he would not get killed every 2 seconds). It was allot of fun, he had no control of the mouse at all (at first), it looked pretty funny.

10-12-2002, 04:49 AM
My Dad just started playing about 2 wks. ago. The man is 69 yrs. old and he loves it. He's in FL and I'm in NY so we correspond through email. He is currently making his way through single player. He's on dial-up so I don't want to get him discouraged with the crummy net-code.
He's an old Doom and Duke fan. Maybe we should have a seniors tourny.

10-12-2002, 05:38 AM
My bud tried to get his dad into it! Here is how it went:

FATHER sees a MONSTER up ahead and a little to the left.

MONSTER is shooting at him.

FATHER looks down at his keyboard and seeks out the "turn left" key.


FATHER finds the "Turn Left" key and presses it.


FATHER looks back up at the screen to check out the result of his "move".

MONSTER IS... well, you know.

FATHER sees he has lined up his "prey" beautifully.


FATHER looks back down to find the "fire" button.

MONSTER kills the hapless parental unit.

FATHER looks up in surprise.


FATHER gets pissed off and proclaims the game as "stupid".

ROOM fills with sounds of barely contained mirth.

SON is banned from playing SAM. EVERYONE ELSE is told to leave and never return.

10-12-2002, 05:54 AM
LOL! That was funny as hell! :rofl:

I can't even get my dad to sit down in front of a computer. :roll:

10-12-2002, 05:56 AM
well....you are never too old to start fragging....

I never started until this year and I'm 32.. 8)

10-12-2002, 05:59 AM
[quote:f42b438f83="FASTway"]well....you are never too old to start fragging....

I never started until this year and I'm 32.. 8)[/quote:f42b438f83]

Then you started 10 years before I did. :wink: :D

10-12-2002, 06:00 AM
My first game online was SS when it came out. Back then I was a young 42.5 years old.

10-12-2002, 06:01 AM
So how long have you been fragging for now oldtimer...I mean Sirc??? :lol:

10-12-2002, 06:04 AM
[quote:0ee4edb6fd="FASTway"]well....you are never too old to start fragging....

I never started until this year and I'm 32.. 8)[/quote:0ee4edb6fd]

Damn Fast for some reason I thought you were in your teens like some of the other Mercs.

10-12-2002, 06:10 AM

Damn Fast for some reason I thought you were in your teens like some of the other Mercs.[/quote:344385315d]

Damn....Thats funny.
well i'm just an old working stiff....who discovered SAM by accident.

10-12-2002, 06:11 AM
[quote:6475a309fc="FASTway"]So how long have you been fragging for now oldtimer...I mean Sirc??? :lol:[/quote:6475a309fc]

Since February. I started out hiding in the shadows of Red Station with a sniper rifle and cheering if I actually managed to kill someone. Well, all that has changed! Now I can't stand Red Station. But I still cheer if I actually manage to kill someone. :D

Dangerous Dan
10-12-2002, 06:12 AM
i hate red station as well, no guns, and WIDE open areas! ug! its a useless map, but some ppl like it.

10-12-2002, 06:15 AM
[quote:daf9f09ce3="Sirc"][quote:daf9f09ce3="FASTway"]So how long have you been fragging for now oldtimer...I mean Sirc??? :lol:[/quote:daf9f09ce3]

Since February. I started out hiding in the shadows of Red Station with a sniper rifle and cheering if I actually managed to kill someone. Well, all that has changed! Now I can't stand Red Station. But I still cheer if I actually manage to kill someone. :D[/quote:daf9f09ce3]

Yeh I started in the shadows too...I would cheer if I could finish a game without having a negative score...LOL

10-12-2002, 06:33 AM
Red Station is OK...

Its like 5 maps in one with all the different options...

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-12-2002, 06:45 AM
[quote:9b9e8c20ee="Dan2"]My Dad just started playing about 2 wks. ago. The man is 69 yrs. old and he loves it. He's in FL and I'm in NY so we correspond through email. He is currently making his way through single player. He's on dial-up so I don't want to get him discouraged with the crummy net-code.
He's an old Doom and Duke fan. Maybe we should have a seniors tourny.[/quote:9b9e8c20ee]

My Dad is 70 something, I stopped keeping track. I'll be 43 in November.
I've enjoyed trying to teach my Dad to play, it's gives us an opportunity to converse. It seems the older we get, the less we have to talk about.
So a word to the wise...for you younger folks.....enjoy your Dad's company..get to know him.....trust me...you're allot like him.

10-12-2002, 06:47 AM
im so touched :lilangel:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-12-2002, 06:47 AM
[quote:f7fc7edd24="Pathos DOA"]My bud tried to get his dad into it! Here is how it went:

FATHER sees a MONSTER up ahead and a little to the left.

MONSTER is shooting at him.

FATHER looks down at his keyboard and seeks out the "turn left" key.


FATHER finds the "Turn Left" key and presses it.


FATHER looks back up at the screen to check out the result of his "move".

MONSTER IS... well, you know.

FATHER sees he has lined up his "prey" beautifully.


FATHER looks back down to find the "fire" button.

MONSTER kills the hapless parental unit.

FATHER looks up in surprise.


FATHER gets pissed off and proclaims the game as "stupid".

ROOM fills with sounds of barely contained mirth.

SON is banned from playing SAM. EVERYONE ELSE is told to leave and never return.[/quote:f7fc7edd24]

Pathos! ....As usual....you are as funny as all heck! Thank you!!

10-12-2002, 06:47 AM
[quote:943ca62e4e="OUTLAWS high ping camper"][quote:943ca62e4e="Dan2"]My Dad just started playing about 2 wks. ago. The man is 69 yrs. old and he loves it. He's in FL and I'm in NY so we correspond through email. He is currently making his way through single player. He's on dial-up so I don't want to get him discouraged with the crummy net-code.
He's an old Doom and Duke fan. Maybe we should have a seniors tourny.[/quote:943ca62e4e]

My Dad is 80 something, I stopped keeping track. I'll be 43 in November.
I've enjoyed trying to teach my Dad to play, it's gives us an opportunity to converse. It seems the older we get, the less we have to talk about.
So a word to the wise...for you younger folks.....enjoy your Dad's company..get to know him.....trust me...you're allot like him.[/quote:943ca62e4e]

you are wise HPC.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-12-2002, 06:48 AM
[quote:dc85f56e68="Norcon"]im so touched :lilangel:[/quote:dc85f56e68]

Well.......you better go wash your hands!

10-12-2002, 06:51 AM
lol :D

Drunken Warrior
10-12-2002, 11:41 AM
[quote:7ce0eed715="OUTLAWS Tip"]My first game online was SS when it came out. Back then I was a young 42.5 years old.

My first online foray was SS:SE too and I am 41 yrs young. Right now I'm teaching my son to play and we're both having lots of fun, in a couple days he'll probably be kicking my butt.

10-12-2002, 12:44 PM
[quote:4b3018a80e="Dangerous Dan"]i hate red station as well, no guns, and WIDE open areas! ug! its a useless map, but some ppl like it.[/quote:4b3018a80e]

I hate it too. Someone was crying wanting me to put it back in the rotation so I did (just temporarily), and Cheap and I had fun sniping the crap out of people yesterday. Except Tip kept sniffing me out and back stabbing me!!

10-12-2002, 02:18 PM
i'm 16 and my dad 40
he cant play at all!!!!

i think his last game was doom1 or something, maybe one of the duke nukem games

he cant play with mouse and keybord
he played jackass and my dad sucked
it was really funny, but a waste of time
cause he will never get good

Drunken Warrior
10-12-2002, 06:02 PM
[quote:380adad37e="TheUltimateWarrior"]i'm 16 and my dad 40
he cant play at all!!!!

i think his last game was doom1 or something, maybe one of the duke nukem games

he cant play with mouse and keybord
he player jackass and my dad sucked
it was really funny, but a waste of time
cause he will never get good[/quote:380adad37e]

Give your dad a chance, I played with the joystick for years until recently, even though I still feel like I have ten thumbs once-in-a-while, I feel I am making progress( I am 40 ). So don't give up on him, old dogs can still learn new tricks :)

10-12-2002, 06:05 PM
my dad cant learn new tricks
he's lucky if he can use word without my help :lol:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-12-2002, 08:46 PM
[quote:6afdf1332e="TheUltimateWarrior"]my dad cant learn new tricks
he's lucky if he can use word without my help :lol:[/quote:6afdf1332e]

If it's important to you, that he learn, tell him so.
You should get him on a Co-Op game, or single player. Co-Op is good because he can just follow other players, (in order to learn the game).
My Dad is retired, so he has time to learn. Your Dad might be too busy with his job, and "life" in general. :wink:

10-12-2002, 08:56 PM
My dad is the one who actually bought the Serious Sam Demo CD. Then he played it and liked crapped himself when he played, he loved it but he cheated like a cheater:P So then he went and bought both SS:FE,SS:SE since he wanted something other than Doom to satisfy his Shooting needs.But after he beat it he went back to Star Trek Armada. I try to get him to play online but he plays games with the keyboard. He hates using the mouse. It was hilarious watching him play UT2003 the day he bought it..."WHY CAN'T I SHOOT HIM!?" ohh god...fffoonny foonny mooments :lol:

10-12-2002, 09:30 PM
My Dad thinks this is nonsense. So he would never play it. Or even try it for that matter. :P But, he respects my decision to play online games and doesn't give me any lip about it. ;)

Drunken Warrior
10-13-2002, 12:09 AM
[quote:0652cbbbc9="TheUltimateWarrior"]my dad cant learn new tricks
he's lucky if he can use word without my help :lol:[/quote:0652cbbbc9]

That's how I felt about my Dad too, go figure :lol: What would the world be without smart ass kids :?: :lol:

10-13-2002, 12:14 PM
if we smart kids weren't around

our parents probably would live in caves :lol:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-13-2002, 02:40 PM
LOL! Good one U W! :lol:

10-13-2002, 03:08 PM
thnx HPC

Gun Element
10-13-2002, 03:31 PM
My dad tried it and he was named " cute furry little bunny" he said he sucked so much he didnt want to play again.

It was fun while it lasted.

10-13-2002, 07:27 PM
Pathos old buddy you have :rofl: with your post! :D

People all I can say is enjoy your parents to the max, they won't be around forever. The memories that you make now will live with you forever. :wink: Oh that was good, I think I'll write that down for later use. :D

10-13-2002, 07:37 PM
I think me dad would like to play computergames. He was 54 when he started playing Tomb Raider and he liked it much.
Well that was a beginning, but sadly he died one year later :( :cry:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-14-2002, 02:42 AM
I am sorry to hear of your loss, Bain. I'm certain you have some fond memories to reflect upon. Sincerely, HPC

10-14-2002, 06:45 AM
I don't think that I could ever teach my dad to play SS. He just got on the puter for the first time a few months ago. Think the only site he knows is ebay lol

10-14-2002, 08:39 AM
my dad plays one game...GrandPrix3,its old but he rocks...no chance for me to beat him :(