Burn the Witch
06-27-2003, 12:22 AM
Ok people, if everyone can commit to 1-2 nights a week, we can get the ball rolling. I have 1 friend who is going to buy the game, and another who might be interested. That gives us 6, for a full squad (if Grafix wants to that is).

I dont own Throne of Bhaal, but it will take us long enough to finish the base game if we want to do all the quests (and trust me you will be fuggered if you havent done alot of sidequests by the end).

So patch the game :)

I would like a list here:

1 = Character you intend to play (or a couple you are thinking about)
2 = Times/Days you are available, eventually the team should consist of 2 UK players, 2 US players, 1 German Player and 1 Swedish Player I THINK, so quite a bit of variation there.

I'm going away on July 11th for 2 weeks, and I will not be able to play then, but I would like to maybe test it out before then to see if we could do it, then continue when I get back, or you guys can play on without me and I will tag along :)

06-27-2003, 07:21 AM
I have time in general: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1 pm est to 6 pm est but I think I can also play one or two days maybe till 8 pm est (would be 2 am my time).

For characters I think I need some help there because this is my first real rpg I play :unsure:

Mr Clean
06-27-2003, 08:20 PM
I'm afraid I can't do it. I am still working during the time Bain mentions, and Wednesday and Thursday nights are bad for me anyway. Good luck with it and keep us all informed on how it goes. Thanks anyway!

Burn the Witch
06-28-2003, 12:26 PM
So far, its:

a friend of mine who lives in Sweden,
and still waiting to hear from The Machine.