View Full Version : Hey check out my new skin!

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10-13-2002, 08:47 PM
:D Tell me what you think and respond if you would like to see the skin! If you want e-mail me at gameboypdc@aol.com Thanks!

10-13-2002, 09:28 PM
It didn't work. I can't see it.

10-13-2002, 10:25 PM
Ill have to e-mail the pic to you. Please reply soon!

P.S. how do you post a screen shot in a forum?

10-13-2002, 11:02 PM
Click on the "Add an Attachment" button at the bottom of the edit screen when you post. It will then allow you to browse for the attachment. The attachments must be less than 50k in size.

10-13-2002, 11:20 PM
Ok Thanks!

10-13-2002, 11:21 PM
nice i like the biohazard sign on it :)

btw do u have shots in other angles of the skin?

10-13-2002, 11:26 PM
Yeah i have lots and I also have more skins! here is another skin. I will add more shots of BIOHAZARD if you want.

Yes she is Topless!

10-13-2002, 11:29 PM
Sweet! Are you designing and making these skins yourself? If so, be prepared to be hit by requests from the other members here at GameMecca. :wink: :D

10-13-2002, 11:29 PM
Sweet! Are you designing and making these skins yourself? If so, be prepared to be hit by requests from the other members here at GameMecca. :wink: :D

10-13-2002, 11:32 PM
just post some more pls :)

10-13-2002, 11:37 PM
Here is another shot of BIOHAZARD enjoy! These skins are made by me. The girl was done by my dad but i have more skins and ther rest are done by me. Thanks alot!

P.S. I offered at the other Forums I told them i would make custom skins for people if they didnt mind how long it took!

10-13-2002, 11:43 PM
Here is are screen shot of another character i call BIOHAZARD2 he is my first robot check this one out!

P.S. Im finially being able to show these characters all the other forums wouldent let me post and no one would let me send them pictures by e-mail :(

10-13-2002, 11:52 PM
I for some reason cannot post another pic oh well ill keeo trying anyways the characters name is Nemesis hes dead on the ground in the pic that im trying to post ! Ill try to take more shots of him and BIOHAZARD2 possibially togeather. If you guys want i can e-mail you the skins they wont replace any other skin it will create a new character and if you have any requests on a custom skin I will see what i can do ok! Thanks enjoy!

P.S. Nemesis and BIOHAZARD2 are not done compleatly yet so i hope to finish soon and post new shots!

10-13-2002, 11:59 PM
Ok i got it ! The file was just alittle too larger thats all here is another pic of BIOHAZARD. Tell me what you think of all these skins!

10-14-2002, 12:09 AM
Your skins look cool and welcome to Gamemecca. :D

What's with the two glowing balls in some of the pics around some of the heads? Is that something you added?

10-14-2002, 12:10 AM
:D Thanks alot
Oh yeah the glowing balls are there when you play Team DM.

P.S. If anyone has any ideas for skins I would love to bring them to life just e-mail me at gameboypdc@aol.com

10-14-2002, 12:12 AM
nice skins

10-14-2002, 12:24 AM
Hey anyone want to play UT2003 with me on my dedicated server the dedicated server is running a g-force 2 TI videocard and a AMD Duron Prosessor I would apreciate the company I will download any map that i dont have that would be a good one to play. Thanks everyone!

The name is UT BIOHAZARD server

Oh yeah and here is another pic enjoy!

10-14-2002, 12:43 AM
I don't have the full version yet. Maybe in a week or two.

10-14-2002, 02:19 AM
hey you should make a skin for the game mecca! that reminds me i havent modeled anything for a while now...

10-14-2002, 02:21 AM
hey thouse look cool, that reminds me, i havent modeled anthing in a while hrm...

10-14-2002, 02:24 AM
hey thouse look cool, that reminds me, i havent modeled anthing in a while hrm...

10-14-2002, 02:27 AM
Yeah u should do one with the GM tag on it or something like that

would be cool in TDMs :)

10-14-2002, 03:47 AM
Thanks here is another pic of BIOHAZARD enjoy!

P.S. Great Idea ill start on a new skin for GM. Im thinking of a robot perhaps? Hey anyone who has any ideas using the GM idea please post them for me . I will try to post some sketch ideas with a GM theme tell me what you think and ill design ok Thanks!

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-14-2002, 03:54 PM
Nice skins man!

10-14-2002, 05:01 PM
Make Master Chief from Halo .. that would RULE!! :P

10-14-2002, 05:03 PM
Dude ur skins rock! Try to make a all chrome robot! That would 0wNxz0r! BTW why is everything posting twice?

10-14-2002, 05:06 PM
Here is my GameMecca beta skin its not quite finished and yes it does have crome check out the detail ill keep posing more pic soon enjoy!

10-14-2002, 05:07 PM
And here is where alot of detail went into check this out!

Remember this is just a beta so its not complete!

P.S. this is the pic to make up for the mistake.

10-14-2002, 05:08 PM
Yeah that about looks like the size of mine! :P

10-14-2002, 05:08 PM
Yeah that about looks like the size of mine! :P

10-14-2002, 05:17 PM
Hey BIOHAZARD, Your skins are :jammin: neighbor. Where in Texas do you live?

10-14-2002, 05:18 PM
:D Here is another shot i want you guys to see the GM lettering on the chest . Thanks enjoy!

I live in San Antonio

Hey that is a good question why is there 2 or 3 of the same posts!

P.S. Hey sean i like the animated girl you have bouncing herself up and down I would like one so i can edit it for myself!

10-14-2002, 06:22 PM
Um by the way, it is Gamemecca.net ;)

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-14-2002, 06:29 PM
BIOHAZARD - Those robot skins with GM on them rule man. Can I use one?

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-14-2002, 06:30 PM
LOL after you change it to .net. LOL

10-14-2002, 06:51 PM
Yes I love that GM Skin! PLease supply us with it!

10-14-2002, 06:52 PM
Yes i would love to send you one I just changed it and ill will post another pic instead of the . com . I just fixed it so thanks for the help I wouldent have noticed that enjoy!

Just give me your e-mail and ill send the zip file with instructions on how to install ok Thanks!

P.S. Hey if anyone has a favorite logo send it as a jpeg file to gameboypdc@aol.com and I can add it to your copy of the GM skin that i will send!

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-14-2002, 07:03 PM
You have PM. :wink:

10-14-2002, 07:08 PM
vze348yw@verizon.net send their please, u r dey man!

10-14-2002, 07:11 PM
Hey thanks everyone ill be sending the files soon enjoy. Well while you wait here is some more pictures to replace the one i took away because of the mistake ok Thanks!

10-14-2002, 11:12 PM
Hey for those who i sent the skins please respond and tell me what you think Thanks!

10-14-2002, 11:13 PM
Oh yeah I almost forgot ! I will be posting my server usially all day long but forgot today sorry everyone. Ill have it up now ok. Oh yeah here is another pic enjoy!

10-15-2002, 10:00 AM
nice skin!

10-15-2002, 05:11 PM
Thanks! Hey if anyone has some tutorials on creating your own map in Unreal editor for UT2003 it would be a great help to send me some. Im thinking of making my own maps i have ideas and i know how to make maps im just having trouble making sky boxes and for some odd reason every map that i made in the new Unreal editor the player starts always kill me its really weird it loads and starts. As soon as it does that countdown and once it hits the last number the swirrl effect happens where i spawn but my character just dies. If someone can help I would apreciate it thanks! Oh yeah here is another pic of my skins enjoy!

10-15-2002, 07:26 PM
Hey everyone Im sorry i forgot to introduce my self my name is Paul and my nickname is BIOHAZARD here is a pic of me check it out!

10-16-2002, 04:28 AM
Hey check out my new skin I was going for the sketch look so tell me what you think. Thanks enjoy!

10-16-2002, 04:28 AM
Here is another pic enjoy!

10-17-2002, 04:07 PM
Hey it seems that no one has respondend in awhile. If anyone would like to respond about my new skin please do! I need all the tips i can get on my skins. I hope everyone posts more soon I look forward to all comments Thanks!

10-17-2002, 04:08 PM
Hey here is another pic enjoy!

10-17-2002, 05:43 PM
Interessting Skin

Can u do a Skin with a big GM logo on the front armor?? :)

10-17-2002, 05:53 PM
BIOHAZARD your skins look great! What are the chances you could do a Ninja or Shogun Warrior for me. Pleeeeeeease. :D

10-17-2002, 06:47 PM
Wow Biohazard. I must say I am amazed at your work. How big are the skin files? If they aren't too big we can host them here and let people download instead of you having to email everyone. BTW, I would like all of those skins. My email is salvation@gamemecca.net.

How about making a Serious Sam skin for UT? That would be pretty kick ass. Let me know if you need examples of what he looks like.

10-17-2002, 08:22 PM
:D Yes I would love to make a Ninja or Shogun warrior for you and yes I would like to make a skin with a large GM logo on it ! I just created a custom skin for Dixie Chick and ide like to post some pics so tell me what you think!

P.S. It would be an honor to have my skins on the net for easy downloading I can email you all the details on the sizes. Thanks for the compliments!

10-17-2002, 08:28 PM
Here is another shot of the Dixie Chick skin.

10-17-2002, 08:30 PM
You are amazing Biohazard! And Wow! That skin for Dixie sure, um, shows a lot of skin! :D

Nice work!

Ya know you don't have to stay here in this thread. Why don't you join in on some of the other conversations around here. That way we'll get to know you better and you'll get to know us better. :D

10-17-2002, 09:30 PM
:D Hey thanks everyone soon I should be done with a package with all my skins Im working on two older ones that were never finished so before I make the package final I will make sure to post pics of two new skins the names of the skins are Nemesis and Mr.Bones. I hope I will be finished with them soon so you all can see. I plan after I finish my skin package I want to create a whole new package with new ideas and hopefully work on a new GM skin and a Shogun skin too and any new ideas would be great! Well here is another pic of Dixie Chick!

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-17-2002, 10:09 PM
Great looking skins but it does not really do much good if other people still view you as the default guy. The can not see it if it is not loaded on their PC. That really sux. I wonder why it does not auto download like new levels you join?

10-17-2002, 10:33 PM
Doesn't it have to have a place to autodownload from? Maybe they have to be on the server.

10-17-2002, 10:38 PM
Yeah i understand the only way is to have a server that has the skin you want the play as so when you get on the server the admin can see you and if you get a good group of people then they can see you too but in order to do that you must have everyone download the skin !

P.S. That is why I made my dedicated server I have all the skins I made and all you have to do is recieve the ones you want to play as, join my server, and everyone who downloaded the skins can see the skins and the bigger the group gets more people join and more people might download the skins ! I hope I can figure out a way so it will have an auto download on my server so then there is no prob!

10-17-2002, 11:42 PM
Hey BIOHAZARD, You be :jammin: bro! :D

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-18-2002, 12:32 AM
BIOHAZARD - are you using the server only or the game to run your server?

10-18-2002, 02:00 AM
I have multiple computers and I bought 3 copies of UT2003 so I can run a dedicated server and another computer so I can play and have another computer for my friend to play on my network! So I will be able to play on my server and have my friend play too and also run a dedicated server.

10-18-2002, 02:02 AM
Oh yeah here is another pic !

P.S. Hey OUTLAWS The Machine I think you will like my newest skin im working on to finish the package Im using a Terminator style on the face of Nemesis so keep you eyes open for shots this skin is gonna be kool! :D

10-18-2002, 02:05 AM
I want to thank everyone for all their support I hope to see you all join my server. The name is "UTBIOHAZARDserver" I will have it running dedicated most of the day and almost all night on weekends I hope you all enjoy my skins I hope to put the finishing touches on the 2 skins I want to finish the skins before I finish the package. I plan after to work on maps and more skins too and I will always keep up to date on new maps for the server to make my server as fun as any other I hope to see you all in my server Thanks!

P.S. Today i just went to the nearest Walmart and bought a copy of Serious Sam and I hope to make skins for that game too!

10-18-2002, 02:12 AM

Send him whatever he needs.
Those skins rock man.
Welcome to gamemecca

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-18-2002, 02:51 AM

P.S. Today i just went to the nearest Walmart and bought a copy of Serious Sam and I hope to make skins for that game too![/quote:71dc4c6c1b]

Hope you got Serious Sam2.

10-18-2002, 02:59 AM
Yeah thats what i got Serious Sam The second encounter!

10-18-2002, 03:02 AM
Skins for SS2 that would rock.

10-18-2002, 03:23 AM
I just played Serious Sam for the first time and its great I look forward to the day when I make skins for it! Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I will be running my server once i complete the skin package so look for my server soon Thanks!

10-18-2002, 03:34 AM
We should have warned you, SS is veeeeeeery addictive. :wink:

10-18-2002, 03:37 AM
Oh yeah, Here's a link to the latest patch v1.07.
You will need it to play on the best servers.

10-18-2002, 03:42 AM
For crying out loud make Biohazard his own Skinning forum here. The dude is a wizard! :D

You belong to us now Biohazard, got that? You must stay here and make this your home! :D :D :D

You rock dude! :jammin:

10-18-2002, 01:57 PM
Hey here is a picture of Nemesis check it out! I got one more skin to make and the package will be complete!

10-18-2002, 02:21 PM
We can install the skins on the GameMecca servers. Just email them to me at salvation@gamemecca.net and I will make sure they get in.

10-18-2002, 02:33 PM
Ok kool Im almost done with the package and Ill send it to you. Thanks!

P.S. I am going to e-mail you each skin seperate because I could not send them all in one package it would be too large!

10-18-2002, 03:14 PM
I just sent all of the skins so I hope everything goes well! I will be hosting my server once the skins are for download. I hope everyone likes my skins. Thanks everyone!

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-18-2002, 05:25 PM
So if the skins are loaded on the server will people see the new skin If I am using one of them?

10-18-2002, 05:46 PM
Well the people must have the skin unless some how the server makes the skins an autodownload and that would fix everything. Otherwise if the majority of GM users who play UT2003 download the skins then we should all see each other only within the people who have the skins. So once the skins are online for easy downloading the majority will download them and we should see each other. I hope more people from other groups who dont know about my skins join and download my skins so more and more people can play using my skins!

P.S. For now I dont know if my skins are for download yet but for those who cant wait! I can e-mail them the skins and for right now a small amount of people have my skins but if we can get a good group that has all my skins loaded on their computers then the group can join my server and everyone in the group can see each others skins. My plan is to drench the market with my group of skins enough to where more servers support and more people have my skins. Hey everyone I am starting my server so anyone who has any skins that I made join or if you dont and cant wait then I will personally e-mail the skins to you so check it out! "UT2003BIOHAZARDserver"

10-18-2002, 06:00 PM
I will have them up tonight. Are there any special instructions fo rinstalling these?

Magnus of Mars
10-18-2002, 06:26 PM
Great skins, Biohazard! I had so many skins for the old UT, my friends would hate me when I asked them to upload megs of skins so they could see all the bots correctly.

Do the old UT skins work with UT2K3? Probably not, but I thought I'd ask.

Is there a site I can download these skins from or do you need to e-mail them to me?

Keep up the great work!

BTW: I followed your link from NWN site.

10-18-2002, 06:36 PM
LOL. On a side note I think I just fixed the problem with double posts. :D

10-18-2002, 07:05 PM
Well all instructions come with each skin in the zip file but if there is any further info just e-mail me or pm me Thanks! Oh well the old skins for UT will not work in UT2003 because UT2003 is using a new type of file for skins. I wish I could use old skins Im thinking of making UT remakes. Oh yeah for those who have my skins join my server im runnning it right now im using bots cause no one has joined yet so I hope to see you all soon!

P.S.Download them when GameMecca posts them for download which will be sometime tonight or tomorrow just keep checking! Well Im always gonna add more skins to my server so I dont mind downloading or using alot of megs so people can play as their favorite skin expecially if its one I made :D

10-18-2002, 07:10 PM
Hey SALvation did you recieve all 7 of the skins I think I sent all 7 but im not sure you recieved them please reply soon Thanks!

P.S. Im curious where are the skins going to be posted I havent seen a downloads section?

10-18-2002, 07:20 PM
Hey OUTLAWS Shogun keep your eyes out on this topic im going to be working on a new shogun skin. I think you will like this skin!

10-18-2002, 07:31 PM
[quote:304d7b4dc4="BIOHAZARD"]Hey OUTLAWS Shogun keep your eyes out on this topic im going to be working on a new shogun skin. I think you will like this skin![/quote:304d7b4dc4]

Big Thanks, Hey I keep my eyes out for all of your post. If it's anything like your previous work, It will be great! :D

10-18-2002, 08:38 PM
I received 4 skins.


Also, in the readme it says to open Upaint. Where the hell is UPaint? Is it something I have to install extra from the UT2003 disk?

10-18-2002, 09:16 PM
Upaint is a program that is on the third disk of UT2003. Its required to load the skins into UT2003!

P.S. I will send you the other 3 skins!

10-18-2002, 10:23 PM
Dude! where did you learn to skin! im a modeler myself. i use gmax and havent figured out how to skin yet so...

10-18-2002, 10:48 PM
It will take me a day to build a download page so for now you guys can download them with a direct URL. Here they are:


10-18-2002, 11:22 PM
Wow my skins are already up for download Thanks! Hey well I dont know how to model yet im working on it but soon I will be, maby we can give each other tips along the way?

P.S. Hey thanks for fixing that weird duplicating thing that was happening in the forums!

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-19-2002, 01:53 AM
Hey. Where is my GM robot dude?

10-19-2002, 02:36 AM
The only GM robot is the one that is posted right now for download im working on another called GM-Machine! Hey dont forget if you got time and you want to check out the skins join my server.

P.S. I will post some ideas for the new series of skins ill make so I can get some opinions. I know im working on a new GM skin and a shogun skin and im going to finish Mr.Bones plus much more!

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-19-2002, 03:17 AM
You da man BIO!

10-19-2002, 05:26 PM
I'm having problems installing your characters. The first step says to place the .upp.and .upt files into the character folder in UPaint. I just installed UPaint and there is no character folder. Should I be looking somewhere else?

10-19-2002, 05:50 PM
Ok find where Upaint was installed here is an example "C:Program Files" you need to find the folder named Right Hemisphere then open that folder you should see another folder named Upaint open it and you should see multiple files and folders and there should be a folder named Characters open it and place the .upp and .upt files in there. I hope that helped any more questions just ask me Thanks!

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-19-2002, 06:31 PM
After you do that, in Upaint select open then the chatacter you want. Then select add character to UT.

10-19-2002, 07:24 PM
OUTLAWS The Machine said "After you do that, in Upaint select open then the chatacter you want. Then select add character to UT".

Thanks OUTLAWS The Machine I owe you one I must have forgot to write that!

10-20-2002, 05:39 PM
Check out the homepage, www.gamemecca.net. Now everyone can grab them. :D

10-20-2002, 05:45 PM
Check out the homepage, www.gamemecca.net. Now everyone can grab them. :D

10-20-2002, 06:03 PM
:D Hey thanks I checked it out its great! I have already seen some of my skins online so they must be downloading like crazy. Thanks everyone!

P.S. Im still working on the new skins I should be done soon.

10-20-2002, 07:09 PM
I don't get where to up those files. I look for character folder and I couldn't find it. If you could tell me where, I'd apperciate it. I am dumb when it comes to stuff like this,

Kewl skins by the way!

10-20-2002, 11:48 PM
Ok well first things first you must find out or if you remember where you installed Upaint once you remember or find out where that was installed you must find a folder named Right Hemisphere open that folder and you should see a folder named Upaint open that folder and you should see files and folders open a folder named Characters and place the .upp and .upt files in. Then run the Upaint program and open the character you want added into UT2003 and after its loaded click File in the menu bar and click add character to unreal. I hope this helps any more questions just ask me Thanks!

10-21-2002, 12:59 AM
For me the folder wasn't there when I installed UPaint. I had to manually copy the files from the CD in the /skins folder I think to the root of the UPaint folder. The readme tells you where to copy the folders to. Then just unzip the ZIPs into the characters folder.

10-21-2002, 03:28 AM
hmm, I will have to look into that! I think I just did a full install. So I don't know where it would be at!

10-21-2002, 04:59 AM
Hey everyone I just finished a new skin check it out I call this one Mr Bones!

P.S. Next im working on a new GM skin called GM-Machine and after that im working on a Shogun skin. I have ideas for them both so soon I should be working on them.

10-21-2002, 05:07 AM
Here is another picture!

10-21-2002, 05:12 AM
kewl, I wish I had the time and knowledge to skin

10-21-2002, 05:14 AM
honestly you pump those out like nothing else! they are cool.

i like em alot!

10-21-2002, 05:17 AM
Hey isnt he freaky when I first really observed the finished character I got weird sensation it felt like I just created a creature from a nightmare! I must be tired cause im seeing things Im gonna go to bed I hope to post more pics and work on my new skins! Hey check out the freaky skin wrapped around his hat and pants it actually has faces, like he skined peoples faces and sewed them to his hat!

P.S. Yeah this one didnt seem that long for me to make but Ive been working on him all day long since I made Nemesis. Oh well im going to sleep goodnight everyone!

10-21-2002, 03:00 PM
Can you email him to me so I can put him on the downloads page?

10-21-2002, 03:03 PM
Yeah sure no prob!

10-21-2002, 09:36 PM
When I open him in UPaint, a blank body comes up with no face or other graphics. Is that right?

10-21-2002, 09:50 PM
Ok did you place the .upp and .upt files in the character folder ? Im sure you did but i must ask just to be sure. It could be a file problem that I may have messed up so I am going to check it out myself not only agian on the computer I created him on I will also check my other computers too! I should respond soon so keep checking.

10-21-2002, 09:55 PM
Ok Im sure this is the problem check the .upt and .upp files in the character folder make sure there are no spaces or periods in the name. If so rename the file with out the space or period. If there are anymore questions just ask me Thanks!

P.S. I just need you to check if there is a space if so remove the space I found a space on the one I sent you so Im positive that the space is the problem. Upaint files must have no spaces or periods in the name any where in the name except for the .upp or .upt at the end. I am going to send you a fixed one with out the space in the file for posting in the download section Thanks!

10-22-2002, 12:10 AM
There was a space in the name and that was the problem. I'll have your new skin up for download tonight. Thanks :D

10-22-2002, 12:28 AM
Thanks alot! :D

10-22-2002, 12:53 AM
Mr. Bones is now available. Have fun!

10-22-2002, 02:33 AM
Hey SAL is there anyway I can find out how many times people have downloaded my skins?

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-22-2002, 02:40 AM
I got them all.

10-22-2002, 02:54 AM
Thats cool! I hope to make more soon so keep checking.

10-22-2002, 03:37 AM
so tell me when I download all of them where do I put them and what is upaint or whatever its called. Is that something that UT has or something you have to download?
Hey I got a good idea, why don't you or Sal put them in a Zip file to where they are supposed to go. :wink:

10-22-2002, 02:30 PM
Ok Upaint is a program on the 3rd cd for UT2003 you must have that installed. Then you must open a folder called "Right Hemisphere"then you should see another folder called Upaint open that folder then you should see some files and folders find and open the folder "Characters" and place the .upp and .upt files in the "Characters" folder. Start Upaint and open the character you wish to add to the game. Then once everything is loaded select file in the menu bar and select export character to unreal. Then run UT2003 and enjoy! If there are any further questions just ask me Thanks!

10-22-2002, 03:34 PM
Can Upaint be installed any other way?
For some strange reason it will not let me install it.

10-22-2002, 03:51 PM
Hey what type of error are you getting when you try to install Upaint?

10-22-2002, 07:53 PM
Hey everyone I am creating a map for UT2003 GM clan If anyone has any ideas please post im always open for ideas Thanks!

10-22-2002, 08:34 PM
hey Biohazard what do u think of a warsheep skin :)

10-22-2002, 08:46 PM
Warsheep! Im wondering what is that? Is that something like the Nali war cow from the first Unreal Tournament?

10-22-2002, 09:30 PM
just a sheep which walks on two feet and maybe wearing a little bit of armor and a helmet

10-22-2002, 09:32 PM
[quote:eb617fc781="BIOHAZARD"]Hey what type of error are you getting when you try to install Upaint?[/quote:eb617fc781]

I Will post it for you when I get home from work.
It may have something to do with my CD drive.
But doughtful.
They work fine with anything else I try to install.

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-22-2002, 09:42 PM
[quote:b0be98facb="Sauron"]just a sheep which walks on two feet and maybe wearing a little bit of armor and a helmet[/quote:b0be98facb]

Or the Chick-fil-a cow. LOL

10-22-2002, 10:41 PM
Here is the error mesage I am getting:


A device attached to the system is not functioning.

Does anyone have any Ideas?
My cd rom is working without a glitch.

10-22-2002, 11:32 PM
Hey that seems like a Upaint system file error I wouldent try to fix that! I will send you a copy of Upaint that is on my cd by e-mail so you can install that because I know my copy works.

10-22-2002, 11:32 PM
can you do that for me please.

10-22-2002, 11:33 PM
Hey what is your e-mail?

10-22-2002, 11:34 PM

10-23-2002, 02:02 PM
Shogun's skin should look like the new Shinobi on PS2 :D That model rox!

10-23-2002, 02:51 PM
Or maybe a model that looks like the guy from Devil May Cry? Just giving some ideas

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-23-2002, 04:59 PM
[quote:1c183c5921="SALvation"]Shogun's skin should look like the new Shinobi on PS2 :D That model rox![/quote:1c183c5921]

that would be cool!

10-23-2002, 06:16 PM
This is just a test. For Forum SQL execution time.

10-23-2002, 06:24 PM
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.

10-23-2002, 07:56 PM
Hey I am working on a shogun skin and possibly editing the model. Im not sure how yet. I am in the process of learning while working on the skin If I am able to edit the model I will start with somethng simple to edit. Hopefully eventually I will be able to create a complete model and skin for the character. I feel that time is all I need and I got plenty. I would like to create a war sheep or cow but it wouldent look so great if I used a previous model. I hope to be able to create a character like that but for now its on the back burner! Thanks everyone I will keep you posted on the new skin.

10-23-2002, 08:23 PM
Excellent :D

10-23-2002, 09:22 PM
Sounds good.

10-29-2002, 09:03 PM
:D Hey everyone!

Im sorry I havent responded in awhile. I have been real busy on this new skin. I hope to be done soon. I look forward to chatting agian!

11-02-2002, 10:50 PM
:D Hey whats up everyone!

I just learned the basic's of modeling and I should be done with my first model which is a Shogun. I am in the process of tweaking the model for some last details. I will also be testing the model soon too so hopefully I can release it and make things much easier for the installation process. I will keep you all up to date on the release of this model. I hope to chat agian soon Thanks everyone!

11-02-2002, 10:57 PM
Excellent! :D

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-02-2002, 11:01 PM

11-03-2002, 03:23 AM
And one of these days upaint will install for me.

11-04-2002, 03:08 PM
I sent you the copy of upaint did it work?

11-13-2002, 06:14 PM
Hey everyone check out my first modeling work. I call this character Shogun. I should be done soon with the last file tweaking otherwise this is what he looks like. I will be posting more pics soon so keep an eye out . Thanks everyone!

Here is the pic enjoy!

11-13-2002, 06:15 PM
looks great Biohazard

11-13-2002, 06:40 PM

Hey I got a good idea if you ever get bored...how a bout a nice evil priest named...Salvation :D ;)

11-13-2002, 07:15 PM
Here is another pic!

11-13-2002, 07:18 PM
This is another pic tell me what you think.

11-13-2002, 07:29 PM
Wow! That looks great! Nice work. :)

11-13-2002, 07:37 PM
WOW!!! http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/happy/thumb.gif

That looks awesome, Thanks Biohazard!

11-13-2002, 08:31 PM
That looks super sweet! Maybe after that you could do a Ninja one just for me :D

11-13-2002, 10:53 PM
Looks Great Bio.
Shogun is that your face? :D

Upaint still did not work for me.

11-13-2002, 11:59 PM
Hey has anyone tried any of the GM stuff at the store? I just might buy myself a GM thong j/k. Anyways when did the store open I must have missed alot since I last posted back on the old GameMecca. Well I should be done totially with the model soon so keep an eye out . Thanks everyone!

11-14-2002, 12:10 AM
I think the store just opened a day or two ago.

11-14-2002, 10:55 PM
:huh: That is awesome? HAHAHA lmao!

12-25-2002, 01:22 AM
Hey everyone Im back!

12-25-2002, 01:22 AM
Welcome back man.

12-25-2002, 01:28 AM
I couldent leave you guys! Gamemecca is the best and Im always going to stay. Cheers to GAMEMECCA! :drink:

12-25-2002, 01:35 AM
Hey dude! Welcome back! :D

What have ya been up to?

12-25-2002, 01:38 AM
Ive been making skins doing work mainly skins. Ive wanted to chat so badly but Ive been so busy my brain is just going to explode!!! :woot:

12-25-2002, 01:45 AM
welcome back. i forget if ive asked you but can you draw? how about model (no dl i mean graphic desigh :D j/k)

12-25-2002, 01:50 AM
B) I definitially can draw ive been drawing for years. Im learning how to model at the moment and progressing very well. If you have anymore questions just ask me Im more than happy to respond.

12-25-2002, 01:52 AM
i can sorta draw ive drawn anime but im leaning torwards portrat drawing. i can model weapons but not people. are you on any messenger services

12-25-2002, 01:53 AM
I bet everyone here would love to see some of your drawings. :)

Are you able to post them?

12-25-2002, 01:55 AM
I use aim and ICQ but thats mainly buesness. If you want to talk just i/m me my sn is gameboypdc and my e-mail is gameboypdc@aol.com :thumbs:

P.S. Ill look at some that I have done and possibly post them. Im not sure If I can post pictures that I have done of nakid women.

12-25-2002, 02:03 AM
Are they all of naked girls? :lol:

It would probably be best not to post the nudes. Just email them to me. LOL! :D

12-25-2002, 02:06 AM
Not all of them are nudes. Ill post some of my other art. Ill talk to you later about e-mailing the nude art that I feel should not be posted in the forums. :rofl:

12-25-2002, 02:06 AM
ok your added to my aol lisy :thumbs:

12-25-2002, 02:30 AM
Hey BIOHAZARD do you have a link to the Shogun skin you did?

Oh and Merry Christmas to ya! :santa:

12-25-2002, 02:31 AM
is it in the download section

12-25-2002, 02:34 AM
Its not yet in the downloads section. I hope to have someone post it in the downloads section but till then I can e-mail it to anyone who wants it and gives me their e-mail adress so I can e-mail it to them.

P.S. :santa: Merry Christmas to you too!

12-25-2002, 02:42 AM
I sent you a PM with mine. Thanks!!! ;)

12-25-2002, 02:59 AM
Ok I sent it. Tell me what you think of it once you got it running. Thanks alot! :D

12-25-2002, 03:23 AM
The screenshots you posted looked great and i'm sure this will too! ;)
Thanks again!

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-25-2002, 03:51 AM
Damn BIOHAZARD. We missed you bro. Don't leave us hangin like that again. B)

12-25-2002, 02:11 PM
Hey dont worry I wont! :thumbs:

01-01-2003, 08:15 PM
can someone gie me a link to the directions to install the skins
edit: oh i guess i should read the readme :) were can i find upaint

01-12-2003, 01:37 AM
Hey everyone I decided to post a pic of a skin I made today when I had alittle spare time its a modification of a previous skin of mine called BIOHAZARD except I call this one Diablo! Tell me what you think of this skin.

Thanks alot!

OUTLAWS The Machine
01-12-2003, 02:25 AM
Looks really cool man! :thumbs:

01-12-2003, 02:40 AM
really nice!!

01-12-2003, 03:37 AM

01-12-2003, 03:40 AM

01-12-2003, 04:15 AM
Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the comments. Hey does anyone know how to post a yes or no poll kinda to ask who likes this or who doesent like that? Some kind of yes or no questionare thing. I would greatly appreciate the help.

Thanks alot !

01-12-2003, 05:28 AM
Just click on the "New Poll" button and enter the information as in the picture.

01-12-2003, 06:32 AM
good job. :thumbs:

01-25-2003, 03:32 AM
Hey everyone here is another pic of a new skin I call Cyanide I made the skin recently after a sudden idea of transparency then I realized later that it had some similar traits to green gary from SeriousSam. I hope you all like it tell me what you think.

Thanks everyone

01-25-2003, 03:37 AM
Looks cool. Hehe make serious sam for unreal tournament 2003

01-25-2003, 06:20 AM
Hey everyone I decided to post a pic of my first skin using my Shogun model. I call the character Kabuki here is the pic tell me what you think!

Thanks everyone!

01-25-2003, 06:24 AM
I love it!!! :thumbs:
Do you remember the wrestler named Kabuki?
He had the white face also and spit this green stuff in his opponents faces. :rofl:

01-25-2003, 06:26 AM
Outstanding! Excellent work Bio! :wootrock:

OUTLAWS The Machine
01-25-2003, 06:27 AM
Great job dude! :thumbs:

01-25-2003, 06:33 AM
Here is another pic that consists of the characters protrait and a good shot of the character.

Thanks alot!

P.S. The japanese characters on the portrait mean Shogun just in case you were wondering. Oh yeah and I figured out a way for everyone to use my skins with out using Upaint! The reason I used Upaint is for everyone who downloads my skins they can edit them too in Upaint but ive seen many people having trouble with Upaint sadly so but I luckly have a easy way to get around the problem for anyone who doesent care about editing the skins later on. Spike says"Do you remember the wrestler named Kabuki?" Yeah I do remember that really brings back old times! ;)

01-25-2003, 06:39 AM
cool pic!!! :thumbs:

01-28-2003, 12:05 AM
Hey SALvation!

I think I just found an awesome animated gif that is perfect for you. I noticed it when I was searching for a new avatar and I saw the wizard from final fantasy and decided to show you. Tell me what you think of the animated gif.

Thanks alot!

01-28-2003, 05:24 PM
Haha. That's awesome. Vivi rox!

01-29-2003, 03:17 AM
Hey everyone!

I dont know how much Unreal Championship for Xbox costs where you all may be but... I got my copy today for just $17.00 dollars at a local Ebgames and even their online store sells it for around $25.00 dollars. I have to say that is a awesome deal! :jammin:

01-29-2003, 03:39 PM
I hated that game on X-Box, it litterally lagged and stopped mid game for me lol

01-29-2003, 08:43 PM

01-29-2003, 09:00 PM
i haven't got it so i can't say much :WTF:

02-01-2003, 04:46 AM
Hey everyone I just finished my newest skin! The reason Im posting the pic this early is because I seem to have ran out of ideas for a name for this character. The character is a totially cell shaded verson of WidowMaker of UT2003. I would greatly appreciate if everyone who can come up with a name for this cell shaded robot. Please post soon!

Thanks alot!

02-01-2003, 04:54 AM
I think you should call it demon cell y, or simply dcy. There are many possible names for this creation. I wish you luck in finding a good name. :thumbs:

02-01-2003, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by BIOHAZARD@Jan 31 2003, 11:46 PM
Hey everyone I just finished my newest skin! The reason Im posting the pic this early is because I seem to have ran out of ideas for a name for this character. The character is a totially cell shaded verson of WidowMaker of UT2003. I would greatly appreciate if everyone who can come up with a name for this cell shaded robot. Please post soon!

Thanks alot!
I can't think of anything,but that's one awesome skin! :jammin: :wootrock: :jammin:

02-02-2003, 04:58 AM
Hey everyone!
I have decided a name for the previous cell shaded skin. The name is CS-Widowmaker mainly because I have future plans for this skin and It is a cell shaded verson of Widowmaker! I thank everyone who have contributed to the name of this character and I look forward to hear more comments.

Thanks alot!

02-02-2003, 04:59 AM
Hey everyone!
I would like to show you a pic of my newest skin it is a total cell shaded remake of Romulus! I decided one day that I hope to create a cell shaded version of every character that comes with UT2003. Here is the pic so tell me what you think.

Thanks alot!

Oh yeah! I must say this to everyone who looks forward to my cell shaded skins the skins work great the refresh rate and your ping may go down so things wont lag so much using these characters mainly cause these skins dont have layers and layers of detail like my others may have. I find these new cell shaded skins great to play with mainly cause they dont lag or bring down my resources or gameplay and they look really awesome!

02-02-2003, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by BIOHAZARD@Jan 31 2003, 11:46 PM
Hey everyone I just finished my newest skin! The reason Im posting the pic this early is because I seem to have ran out of ideas for a name for this character. The character is a totially cell shaded verson of WidowMaker of UT2003. I would greatly appreciate if everyone who can come up with a name for this cell shaded robot. Please post soon!

Thanks alot!
That's sweet! I'm thinkin! I don't play UT (yet) so I'm not sure what the other names are. But I'll come up with something for you. Even though it will probably be stupid. :rolleyes:

02-02-2003, 05:02 AM
Originally posted by BIOHAZARD@Feb 1 2003, 11:59 PM
Hey everyone!
I would like to show you a pic of my newest skin it is a total cell shaded remake of Romulus! I decided one day that I hope to create a cell shaded version of every character that comes with UT2003. Here is the pic so tell me what you think.

Thanks alot!
That looks awesome! Nice job! :wootrock:

What exactly does cell shaded mean? :blink:

02-02-2003, 05:12 AM
Ok well cell shaded is basicially a term used to explain the professional process that everyday cartoons on everyday TV go through. The process starts with a artist that has a idea and a character then the artist must complete the character then the animation. Once that is done the artist must print these characters on a clear plasic sheet like a school transparency or plastic paper which is called a cell. Once that is done you have a cartoon and basicially I made these skins using the techniques of a cartoonist.

02-02-2003, 05:17 AM
Originally posted by BIOHAZARD@Feb 2 2003, 12:12 AM
Ok well cell shaded is basicially a term used to explain the professional process that everyday cartoons on everyday TV go through. The process starts with a artist that has a idea and a character then the artist must complete the character then the animation. Once that is done the artist must print these characters on a clear plasic sheet like a school transparency or plastic paper which is called a cell. Once that is done you have a cartoon and basicially I made these skins using the techniques of a cartoonist.
Wow. I actually understood that. Nice explaination! I am always impressed by your work Bio. Keep it up! :wootrock:

My son Sifi bought UT2k3 about 2 weeks ago, so I will probably be installing it soon. I will definitely try out some of your skins. You rock dude! :thumbs: :wootrock: :wootrock:

02-02-2003, 05:19 AM
BTW I want to say that any idea that anyone has for a new skin for UT2003 I would love to bring it to life so just post some ideas when they come to you. I would really appreciate all the ideas.

Thanks alot!

02-05-2003, 11:42 PM
Hello everyone!
I would like to say that Ive have discovered a new technique in skinning. I can now make animated skins and with this new skill I can create moving fire and facial expressions and moving logos and decals and much much more... The whole skinning process has been open to a whole new enviroment and I hope to finish my first animated soon so keep and eye out!

Thanks alot!

02-06-2003, 01:00 AM
:wootrock: :wootrock: :wootrock:

02-06-2003, 04:40 AM
how bout a spawn skin :P :wootrock:

02-06-2003, 04:44 AM
Perhaps that is possible but I would need a spawn model because at the moment I dont have enough time to make one from scratch but if you can find a good spawn model I will be more than happy to skin it!

Thanks alot!

02-06-2003, 04:45 AM
dont know if i could find one but i will look. :WTF:

02-06-2003, 04:47 AM
I think the best i could do for you is find a pic :WTF:

02-06-2003, 04:51 AM
I will keep my eyes out looking for a spawn model once someone has something that can be used than I will skin it!

02-06-2003, 04:53 AM
I will too ok going to bed now cya :wootrock:

02-06-2003, 04:56 AM
Hey everyone!
I have just finished my first animated skin that I call Neptune. I should be posting pictures soon mainly to show the skin and explain what type of skin animation I used on this character.

02-06-2003, 04:57 AM
cool :wootrock:

02-06-2003, 10:00 PM
Hey everyone!
Here is a animated gif of Neptune check out the animated skin. Remember this is not just a animated gif of the character it is actually how he looks in game his body really does change color and his water like hair really does move. I would greatly appreciate all comments.

Thanks alot!

02-06-2003, 10:07 PM
Looks nice :jammin:

02-06-2003, 10:08 PM
Could u do some effects like animated water or fire on a skin! Would be nice to have water and fire elementals or something like this :)

02-06-2003, 10:17 PM
I made animated water on Neptune and on Diablo I have animated fire!

02-06-2003, 10:22 PM
i meant on the whole skin so that it looks like the skin consists only of water/fire

02-06-2003, 10:25 PM
Great idea! :drink:
I will definitially look into that, thanks alot for the idea.

02-06-2003, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by BIOHAZARD@Feb 6 2003, 11:25 PM
Great idea! :drink:
I will definitially look into that, thanks alot for the idea.

It was a little selfish cause i always wanted such a skin :shifty:

03-13-2003, 05:35 AM
I have a feeling that this topic has been forgotten so Im going to try to get it going agian. I should be finishing up with my cell shaded series of skins so keep an eye out!

03-13-2003, 05:44 AM
I was making a 2 meg level that was just a huge planet in the Universe, but it corrupted cause a stupid virus, I called it Klail, an ashy somewhat not ashy, but Volcanic World.

03-13-2003, 07:30 AM
Oh yeah I have made loads of Maps for:


Unreal 2 the awakening

Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament 2003

Unreal Championship

...just ask me for any and ill send you 'em!!

03-13-2003, 10:08 AM
No, I meant for SS.

03-14-2003, 01:07 AM
What do you got Ill take some UT2003 maps please!

03-14-2003, 02:26 AM
wait i didnt get this what do i do to see them?? and for wat game r these

The Matrix
03-14-2003, 03:47 AM
Good luck on makin the skin! :thumbs:

03-14-2003, 04:14 AM
Originally posted by BIOHAZARD@Oct 13 2002, 06:24 PM
Hey anyone want to play UT2003 with me on my dedicated server the dedicated server is running a g-force 2 TI videocard and a AMD Duron Prosessor I would apreciate the company I will download any map that i dont have that would be a good one to play. Thanks everyone!

The name is UT BIOHAZARD server

Oh yeah and here is another pic enjoy!
I'd love to! I'll look for it, but just in case, got an IP and port number?

03-14-2003, 03:27 PM
Yeah sure Ill have to get it for you soon the server has had some problems but soon things will be fixed and ready to go. btw I did an upgrade on the computer so its benchmarks should be much better then what it was earler.

Thanks alot!

04-20-2003, 05:47 AM
Hey could some one Pin this cause I will be updating it soon with some new stuff and It seems to become neglected mainly cause for every one of my post someone creates 15 topics in this section which then pushes this out of the list to where I have to search for it to bring it up agian. I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks alot!

04-20-2003, 08:35 PM
loaded all your skins

04-21-2003, 02:44 AM
Kool man! :wootrock: Grim Reapers Forever! :jammin:

04-21-2003, 03:46 AM
Hey Machine Im finially done with my new skin that I asked Sal to beta test for me mainly cause its a gift for someone and that someone is Machine! If you would like the skin that I promissed that I would make for you just e-mail me. I have a good feeling that your really going to like this new skin alot. I look forward to your responce.

Thanks alot!

04-21-2003, 04:11 AM
Got a screenie of it?

04-21-2003, 02:17 PM
darn it i dont have UT

04-21-2003, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Sirc@Apr 21 2003, 04:11 AM
Got a screenie of it?
Hey well I do but if I give it away it wouldent be a surprize. Once Machine has it Ill will release it with plenty of pics for everyone to download.

04-22-2003, 02:39 AM
Wow Bio. I honestly don't know how you are not working with a game company yet. This newest skin is absolutely amazing. I don't remember a skin from any game being as cool as this newest one you had me test.