View Full Version : PR - GALLEON - Website update 08/07/03

07-08-2003, 05:16 PM


Galleon follows the adventures of Captain Rhama Sabrier. Rhama is a hero of
almost mythical proportions who willingly becomes embroiled in whatever
escapades he stumbles across.

He is tougher, faster and more agile than any normal human could ever hope to
be. Having been summoned to the island of Akbah by a world famous healer,
Rhama embarks on a quest to discover the origins of a mysterious ship that
could hold the key to incredible powers and thereby, untold wealth

Galleon is a fantasy 3rd person action adventure game, with a very
strong story line. It can be described in terms of the films that have
influenced it.

This week -
We have a feature on Jabez. He is Areliano's understudy and manservent. Not much is
known about this mysterious man, Find out more about this ambitious man in a shot
history of Jabez

Plus take a look at a selection of screenshots (http://www.confounding-factor.com/features/characters-jabez.htm) featuring the man.

Last week we featured an article on Areliano and some screenshots of him. In the
coming weeks we plan to feature more characters and common foes you will find in the
upcoming game!

07-08-2003, 05:48 PM
TY SAL, that guy looks scary though [shudders].......
3rd person action is cool though, so i will be sure to check it out! :thumbs: