View Full Version : Hey Gummibears!!! Your server is up

10-14-2002, 09:00 PM

Is the current name of the server.

Lemme know if you want the name change, we might come to an agreement, but It's gotta be GameMecca.net something ok?

Lemme know who your admin will be, and I will PM him/her with the admin password to the server.

Remember, we give you a dedicated server of your own, you give us publicity. I think that's a fair trade :)

10-14-2002, 09:22 PM
word hammer!!!

Thats tite. I know we didn't need you guys to host our website and forum, but this is totally cool of you.. and yes, I will definetly make sure that we publicize your UT2K3 Server. It may take a little while, but I will let the two major lanparties aware of it and tell them they need to come play there.

The two parties run about 700 people combined so Im sure that some of them will want to come play.

If at some point you want to change the name back then cool, its your server.

Basically we don't want to make it exlcusive or anything. Keep it the same way it is right now. Public server. Just make it rotate all of the BR maps only. Maybe make a 15 minute game or 40 points. That way it cycles through, even if no one is on it, and also changes maps if a team just owns a map.

Also.. what are your rules about kicking and banning? We definelty don't want to abuse the server, or give it a bad name, but we also want to make sure that it is a place peopel want to come play. We don't want to kick someone for being lame and have them tell you and us get in trouble so I want to be clear up front with what is expected.

As far as starters... go ahead and get me the admin stuff. I will let Zero[GummiBear] know what it is. He is the staff member responsible for running the UT server at LanWar and is familair with how they run. If other Gummis want access, I can pass them by you to make sure you know and are cool with it.

As far as the name. We wouldn't dare suggest not having GameMecca.net in the name. So maybe go with"

GameMecca.net [GummiBears] BR

Nicew and simple.

You can email me the info at sconyer@hotmail.com

*raises his glass* Here's hoping that this server becomes a huge hit.

Thanks guys. This is REAL cool of you.

10-14-2002, 09:39 PM
first of all I wanna say hello.. I've talked to a couple of you on the GummiBear forum but I didn't get a chance to join this forum til I got back form lanwar (which by the way was awesome). Upon talking to Smooth, and seeing this post I gotta say thank you so much guys. You have no idea how much it's appreciated and you can totally trust the Gummis to plug your name and bring in lots more fans and followers. I'm a member of a couple ut2k3 forums and I'm gonna throw a post up there advertising the server and your homepage and see if we can't get some sweet games going and further build this community. now I gotta go spend some QT with the woman after being away at lanwar for the weekend but I'll check back with ya'll again soon. Thanks again guys!

10-14-2002, 09:50 PM
We have an IRC room that isnt that full usually, but a lot of people stop in and out at times. That being the case I have added you guys to the topic that everyone views when they enter the room. That way they see your website and the srver *once I get the info*.

You all are more than welcome to come hang out there. There are usually a Gummi or two in there at night.

irc.gamesnet.com the room is #gummibears

I will also be promoting it at the AsylumLAN and LanWar forums as these two lan parties combined have 700 people in attendece at their quarterly events. There is a user base of over 1000 tho that see the forums.

Zero is on staff for LanWar and I am on staff for AsylumLAN. We will make sure that people there know about the servers as well.

10-14-2002, 10:00 PM
Word! Thanks for the hookup. We've always got people asking us for good servers to play on, and we'll definately get people into this one.

I've been working with a couple people on getting some vinyl banners made for us, and if you guys have some official graphics we can use, we'll add you guys to the banner and get you guys some exposure. Sound good?

Thanks again, and hope to see you around for some BR goodness!


10-14-2002, 10:32 PM
wow, all i can say is thanks a ton fellas, all of the gummis definitely appreciate this a lot, i will definitely be making very good use of the server as much as i can, it will be nice to have a good server to play on with some good players backing it..stop by our irc channel or messageboard anytime you want and hang out

10-14-2002, 10:33 PM
Hi guys!

10-14-2002, 10:42 PM
hi sifi, nice to meet ya, sweet avatar

10-14-2002, 10:55 PM
thank ya red :wink:

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-14-2002, 11:10 PM
One more condition Gummies. You guys have to let us score at least once each game. LOL

10-15-2002, 01:22 AM
hahaha /me thinks about it for a little bit..... well ok :D

10-15-2002, 04:37 AM
Yea, and when I join, you have to hold still when I shot at ya. Make it easier on me and so I don't get arhritis when I get older.