View Full Version : SNIPER

10-15-2002, 02:21 AM
That goddamn sniper just struck again!

Dark Reign
10-15-2002, 02:25 AM
what happened ?

10-15-2002, 02:40 AM
Shot a lady in a Home Depot parking lot.

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-15-2002, 02:41 AM
damn bastards.

10-15-2002, 02:44 AM
Is there anybody on gamesmecca in that area that could recomend one of our games to that prick. :mad:

Dark Reign
10-15-2002, 02:48 AM
This ****in dumbass needs to get caugt. what is this world coming to.

10-15-2002, 03:15 AM
I thought I did something wrong! That guy is just craving for more and more, he's eventually gunnu get caught and sentence to Death by DC kicking him in the nuts :mad: :mad:

10-15-2002, 04:31 AM
If everyone carried rocket launchers then it would be: POP! from the white van and then BOOOOM! the white van + sniper disappears forever as 20-30 rockets hit it simultaneously. :D

Seriously though, I can't believe this is happening. How can that ****er keep slipping away like that? A sniper rifle isn't exactly easily concealed. SOMEONE is gonna end up seeing this dude poking that rifle out of the window of that van. He is either EXTREMELY lucky or he is an ex-special ops guys that has snapped.

Heh, if he's special ops then I wouldn't want to be one of the cops that has to try and close in on him if they find him. Who knows what this freak has up his sleeve. :(

If they corner him I say forget the SOP and just hit the van or house or where ever he is with a bazooka. The last thing we need is to lose any of our men in blue to this guy.

Okay, I'm done now. Been playing AVP2 all night. So negotiations are out of the question. Sniper = gibs. :D

10-15-2002, 04:39 AM
[quote:32986d65e9="Snip3r"]I thought I did something wrong! That guy is just craving for more and more, he's eventually gunnu get caught and sentence to Death by DC kicking him in the nuts :mad: :mad:[/quote:32986d65e9]

LOL! Sorry Snip3r. We're talking about the other one. :wink:

And damn, you guys are ALL to gentle! Have you no morbid imaginations at all? On the other hand, just blowing him up would be too quick and painless. What could we do to this guy to make him suffer tremendous prolonged pain without killing him or causing him to lose conciousness?

Sounds like this is one for the ladies. They're good at that. :D

JUST KIDDING! :shock: :D

10-15-2002, 06:25 AM
cut his fingers off
1 each hour
then pull his teeth out, 1 each our
then poke one of his eyes out, 1 hour later cut one of his ears of, after that cut his dick off and let him eat it, after that give him the choise
the eye or the ear, whatever he choses cut it out, an hour later the other one
the cut his tongue off
he's probably hungry by then, so trow his eyes, ears, tongue, fingers and teeth in one bowl and make him eat it.
the start stabbing him in different places, whatever hurt the most.
make sure he doesnt die!!! give him some blood if you have to
just stab him agian, give him blood and STAB

after a year you can schoot him, try shooting him as often as you can, till he dies

10-15-2002, 09:18 AM
I say when you're sentenced to die... then you should die. In reality... you have close to a decade worth of appeals to go through. The best thing would be for not the law to catch him/her, but for a vigilante to bust a cap in his/her head... but in reality, this could take a while. I'm sure he/she shoots for distance, and pick and chooses where less likely to be seen. It could be a long winter.

:( ~NF~

10-15-2002, 10:06 AM
i dont think they will ever get him
he's a smart guy, i hope they get him, but i think he will get away with all this :x :shock:

Mr Clean
10-15-2002, 05:51 PM
I hear they may have got part or all of the license plate number on the van.....

I agree about a slow death....capital punishment is too good for this guy (or gal).....

10-15-2002, 10:28 PM
[quote:2ac418a9c2="Terminathare"]11 victims...9 deaths = 9/11...coincidence?[/quote:2ac418a9c2]
Lets just hope and pray it stops there. Somehow I don't see that happing. :(

10-15-2002, 11:08 PM
I think it's an ex-Green Buret or Special Unit Marksman who snapped

10-15-2002, 11:22 PM
I think this guy is military not because of how well he shoots rather how well he hides! Second, this is not a guy with average IQ! This guy has a list and he has already got a pattern on his targets. He is not doing it random nor is it for religion. You will find, (if he ever gets caught) it is revenge. From what I can gather he is not a loner like the media wants you to think. He is not swayed by the media nor is he provoked by the same. He is not using a M-16 either. He is using a bolt action deer rifle because a bolt action rifle servers two purposes for a sniper, one you get all of the power and velocity out the muzzle rather than using some of it for shell ejection and second, auto's kick the shell out and on a bolt action the shell remains. Snipers prefer bolt action weapons period! If I understand the first calling card left by this guy, he had the Waco date on it. If this is the case and with the last hit being a FBI person then you may find that all of his targets are either directly or indirectly related to someone that had something to do with Waco! This cat is in his late 30's to early 40's, he is trained and he is very smart. I hope they catch him but as stealth as he has been and as much as he has controlled the situation from the beginning, I am afraid that they will find him after he has killed his self. IMO

Dark Reign
10-16-2002, 12:53 AM
I bet he is military too.

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-16-2002, 01:01 AM
Had not heard about the Waco date. Interesting.

10-16-2002, 01:21 AM
i think they said that he was using an ar15 and thats no deer rifle. iys like a budget m16. i was looking for one of those at a gun show but did not want to hear old lady biatching. anyway i do not think he is military. he is just some wuss who likes to shoot innocent people. i am dead on with my ak and that does not make you appear special. anyone can use a scope which will make you dead accurate. they need to catch and than hang in front of america.

10-16-2002, 02:57 AM
They said they "THINK" it is an AR15 however, since he still has the gun how do they know? We will see. Second, I said I think he is Military NOT because he was a good shot but rather his ability to NOT be seen.

BTW I have a AK as well and I shoot expert with it but this has nothing to do with the reason I thought he was military trained.

If you believe everything you see in the "left wing, liberal media" then you are in for a lot of surprises for the remainder of your life.
Seems to me like they want to blame everything on military style weapons and I think that is just another step towards them taking our guns, including my and YOUR AK! They have a ban on High capacity clips too and that has not done one single thing to save the 9 that have died, has it?
Don't believe everything you see and hear in the media!

10-16-2002, 09:31 AM
you know my friend was telling me after they do catch this guy, the media is going to go crazy about assault weapons. i do not believe the media and is why i goto certain sites to read whats really going on. when you all say military, do you mean miltary training because thats easily possible. i have a few weapons which i will be willing to die if they takem away. if someone wants to kill people its very easy using anything. i do not want to give this killer that much credit because he moves around smoothly. he has a good plan on doing it the way he does but sooner or later that will end. the caliber was of an ar15 so wouldnt think someone would be shooting deer with the same right? i am so curious to find out what his motive is. could he be from a militia or alqueda or just someone who wants to kill people. maybe someone who wants our weapons taken away and you know thats what they are going want to do.

does anyone believe in the constitution anymore???

10-17-2002, 01:39 AM
[quote:7d2a332203="BIGGD01"] the caliber was of an ar15 so wouldnt think someone would be shooting deer with the same right? [/quote:7d2a332203]

The AR15, M16 and several THOUSAND deer rifles shoot the 223 caliber shell. Do you know your AK47 will shoot the 223 cal.? You can not tell what weapon a person is using by knowing the caliber of shell. The 223 is also a snipers choice in cal because of the distance (range) and a bolt action weapon retains the shell. If you are sniping and you are in a hurry to get out of dodge after you fire, are you going to be in a position to hunt down your shell after an automatic has ejected it to god knows where?
Don't think so. This guy is using a bolt action rifle of the 223 caliber and I would bet you a Franklin on it! Besides the AR is considered a carbine of sorts because of the short barrel what is also a bad choice because if you want to reach out and touch someone you do not want the handicap of a short barrel. More than likely the motive is revenge for some reason or another. This guy has been planning this for a while and these are not random. If it is random (as the media would have you believe) then why don't he take out a couple more at the same spot where there has been plenty of people around every time he has struck? These are planed and so are the people he is shooting. You will see.

10-17-2002, 01:50 AM
damn sniper

10-17-2002, 02:48 AM
I as well am a expert shot I grew up firing weapons,weapons that include full auto and 50 cal. I hunted with open sights and at 100 yds. could take a persons head off easy. Hunting squirrels with a 22 cal. and my point is military personnel aren't the only people that can take a rifle fire one shot and dissappear,I can and know several people that can. For example in woods I can walk up on you and then let you know I was there and leave without you knowing I was there.Done it and am very good at it. This sick f*** could be a country boy just as I am.My training came from hunting as a little boy.Now I hunt people with a paintball gun cause wildlife is too easy.But not to exclude military training by no means.One thing that makes this sicko harder to find is his motive is not clear,another is his next target is unpredictable because of no pattern of target discription.

Gun Element
10-17-2002, 02:50 AM
Ok from what I know. Its a 223. Or something. Its pretty quiet as far as I know.

And it can be rumors that its a kid that belives that killing people gives you points. Such as to Hitman (the game)

Or that hes being paid to kill people. Who knows.


10-17-2002, 03:55 AM
i seriously think its the terroists

10-17-2002, 04:15 AM
If it was terrorist then why don't they kill more when they are in a parking lot with hundreds of people there? Terrorist prefer numbers! They like to play with explosives and they usually take theirself out with the gig!

If it is terrorist then they have changed thier mo for sure.

Mr Clean
10-17-2002, 01:55 PM
It ain't terrorists. The clown doing this isn't trying to make a political statement through shock value, which is what a terrorist wants. No, this dude is calculating and cool as the other side of the pillow.

10-17-2002, 02:10 PM

10-17-2002, 09:56 PM
[quote:9c6050a407="Outlaws K-PAX"]

If it is terrorist then they have changed thier mo for sure.[/quote:9c6050a407]

Terrorist, twisted country lad, military, militia, or psycho... those people in those areas are certainly terrorized! Wouldn't it suck to be afraid to go grab the mail from your own mailbox?


10-17-2002, 10:38 PM
i thought he was using a AK-74

10-17-2002, 10:50 PM
Who knows what he is using. All they know is the caliber, not the gun style. Scared to go to mailbox? I shoot back. I carry a Glock 21, 45 cal with one in chamber and 15 in clip (yes, it is preban) and sometimes I keep AK 47 in the trunk of car and it has 2, 40 round clips and armor piercing shells in them. My wife carries a 40 cal Glock. He better not miss me brother and if he don't, my wife knows how to rock. Let's just say we will go down on full rock and roll!
Having a gun here is a way of life....I have excepted the possibilities of a show down or shoot out, depending on what part of the country you are from.

"Let the bodies hit the floor"
"I have a gun on me 6 day's a week, your guess is what 6 day's!"

:rolf: :rolf: :rolf:

10-17-2002, 10:54 PM
bah. guns suck.

10-17-2002, 10:58 PM
Until you need one to protect your family with!

Mr Clean
10-18-2002, 03:27 PM
[quote:0e9e1b130a]Wouldn't it suck to be afraid to go grab the mail from your own mailbox? [/quote:0e9e1b130a]

I wonder if you could use that as an excuse not to pay your bills.....

10-19-2002, 05:11 AM
[quote:1ecadab85e="Mr Clean"][quote:1ecadab85e]Wouldn't it suck to be afraid to go grab the mail from your own mailbox? [/quote:1ecadab85e]

I wonder if you could use that as an excuse not to pay your bills.....[/quote:1ecadab85e]

Now there's an idea! Bills suck a lot worse than guns do. Especially when the propose "bills" to limit (ie. take away) your rights as a gun owner.