View Full Version : Battle of Britan

07-12-2003, 05:25 AM
Anyone tried the new map? I'm loving it, the air sirens are priceless.... Destroying that factory seems impossible, doesn't even seem like you can damage it, not to mention if you've got even one GOOD anti-aircraft gunner, the area is so wide open around the target anyone coming near it is toast. I did have fun sniping the anti-aircraft gunners though, los of nice concealed sniping spots.

Boy.. people get pissed when you headshot them as they spawn, haha.

By the way, did anyone besides me buy the Road to Rome expansion? Those maps are great! I don't understand why more people don't play them.

Mr Clean
07-12-2003, 07:03 AM
Sounds cool! :thumbs:

{ATF} DaMutha
07-12-2003, 09:05 PM
I have Road to Rome--haven't had a chance to really learn the maps yet. I'll check out that other map you mentioned.

My playing time has been drastically reduced because of the dude in my avatar!

07-14-2003, 02:24 PM
I'm poor atm so I haven't bought the expansion pack, I did just download the new map today. will have to find some servers using it. I've been spending a lot of time on 21pzr server lots less team killings there, they admin it pretty well, they just don't let you be germans unless you're part of thier clan.

07-15-2003, 04:11 PM
:hmmm: The map is pretty good, but unless the allies are organized, they lose every stinkin time. damutha and I played for a couple of hours last night, team killing was rampant, nobody would repair the base radar, and very few would man the brownings to help take out the planes attacking the radar.

That factory is easy to blow for me, 2 full bombers emptying all thier load can take it out. just go between the pylons on the large bridge to the south and pull up dropping all your bombs on target. swing back down through the river to avoid aa and come back the same way, all you have to really worry about is spitfires. This map definatly lets you know who has joysticks, I'm pretty good with a keyboard, but you just can't do very well with a keyboard....on that note anybody got a spare sidewinder they'd let go of cheap?

07-15-2003, 09:22 PM
I'm kinda waiting for secret weapons to be released. Hopefully they'll do a Road to Rome/Secret Weapons combo pack.

But some of the mods now are so damn good I'm not having trouble finding new gameplay without buying the expansions.

07-16-2003, 08:25 AM
yeah, now that i've played it a few times, it's pretty routine, if the germans are organized at all they have an advantage, blow the factory, then go for the radars in a certain order. 9/10 times, the germans win. defending that factory is very difficult, especially with me picking off their aa guys over and over, haha.