View Full Version : Time to find another server..

Death Engineer
07-25-2003, 07:08 PM
Well, I think this server just became a bit unbalanced. :P

07-30-2003, 05:48 AM
lol things here change fast. I just logged damz off today and notice albs had albion, and hibernian strength relic
poor mids :blink:

07-30-2003, 05:58 AM
Sheesh, you people may as well be talking Latin. I understood none of that. :blink: :P

Death Engineer
08-04-2003, 05:43 AM
Mhuuhuuhhwhhaaaaa. Our plan has succeeded. :devil:

Death Engineer
08-04-2003, 02:22 PM
Sweet. Now I can sleep peacefully. :P

Mr Clean
08-05-2003, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Sirc@Jul 29 2003, 11:58 PM
Sheesh, you people may as well be talking Latin. I understood none of that. :blink: :P
Et tu, Brute? :P

08-16-2003, 11:33 AM
Hey guys just logged on to the Herald to see what's been going on in Igraine and am happy to see that Albs have all 3 strength relics :w00t: ... Almost calling me to log on Damz again :P to see if it makes a real diffence or not :hmmm: